Home » Walt Disney World No Longer Seems To Be On The 2022 To-Do List Of Many Once Loyal Fans

    Walt Disney World No Longer Seems To Be On The 2022 To-Do List Of Many Once Loyal Fans

    Since Walt Disney World closed back in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, for many Disney has lost its magic and sparkle and hasn’t got it back yet. With numerous changes happening throughout the last couple of years and particularly with the loss of Fastpass+ and the introducton of the new paid for Genie+ we asked you at the end of 2021, Has Walt Disney World Been Crossed Off Your 2022 To Do List?

    We will always love Disney, it has so many happy memories for us and our family in years gone by and we were so looking forward to being able to take our two sons to Disneyland and Walt Disney World as they grow up. 

    Walt Disney World castle, Disney
    Image: Disney

    When my husband and I first went to Walt Disney World in 2009 on our Honeymoon we just couldn’t have had a more magical and amazing time. We loved getting to the parks at rope drop each morning and rushing round in the morning riding as many attractions as possible. We also loved the original Fastpass system, going and getting our Fastpass from the booth outside the attraction. It seemed so fair and so Disney. We also loved the freedom we had to make a decision on which park last minute based on our thoughts for the day.

    Those times are clearly long gone, with the Parks Reservation system still in place since parks reopened after initial park closures due to COVID-19 there is so much more planning that needs to be done with the spontaneity now lost. Okay, so I accept that it is in place now and is likely to remain at least in the near future but this coupled with Genie+ and Lightning Lane, part of that special Disney magic just seems to be slipping further and further away.

    I understand a paid FastPass system was naturally where FastPass was heading, the UK theme parks have all had one in place for years. Heading to Walt Disney World with my family this year was what I had been planning for a long time but based on all the changes and as a result of COVID-19 it has now been taken off our to-do list for 2022.


    Winnie the pooh, Disney Parks Blog
    Image: Disney

    We asked you in our latest Big Debate, Has Walt Disney World Been Crossed Off Your 2022 To Do List? Here are the results which you may find surprising but then again you may not…

    • Yes – 71% 
    • No – 29%

    This surely gives a pretty clear view that something is going wrong for Disney. Having said this, we fully expect the parks to be at capacity during 2022 because there will always be people who will go to Disney whatever is changed or added as an upcharge.

    We will of course visit Walt Disney World in the future and yes we will pay what we have to pay because the only other choice is not going but that would mean our two sons won’t see Walt Disney World which would be such a shame as it has been such a special place in our lives. It will definitely take a lot more saving and we will try to grab every piece of magic we can when we are there. Let’s see what you have said…

    Your Thoughts

    We always try to share a number of your comments in our results article as we value your views and think it is so important for people to be able to have their say:

    “They’ve been a colossal disappointment for the last few years. And I used to be a Disney but. If I didn’t have kids, I probably wouldn’t go back at all. We’re taking them to  Universal in 2022 and hopefully introducing a great alternative.”

    “I’ll go again when Tron and Guardians are open.”

    “Been going since 1974 n AP since they were introduced. Not renewing!!”

    “Nope…we have been there over 30 times since 1998, but will not be going back anytime soon. Last trip was 2017. The price gouging is too much. We now go to Silver Dollar City many times a year. A season pass to SDC costs less than a day at one disney park. Their Christmas lights are better than the Osborne lights ever were, 6.5 million lights. Free parking. Good bye Disney.”

    “Crossed it off our list . Too complicated and expensive.”

    “We just cancelled our March ‘22 trip. Increased pricing and decreased services are a big part of the reason.”

    “For us to get over from the UK for 14 days and a family of 8 is going to cost us nearly £20k for car, flight, tickets disney & universal thats like a deposit on 2 houses!! Going to take me years to save up to visit dinsey again ps should of gone in 2019 and been married in florida but covid stopped all that.”

    “I’m actually going twice in 2022. In February and again in December. I went twice this year and twice in 2020, so no reason not to go in 2022.”

    “We recently moved to the area and I’ve grown to love it more. I know things aren’t in a good way and wouldn’t come on vacation but being able to go and not worry about doing everything makes it much more enjoyable.”

    “We went in September and October 2021. Ask me in three years how we feel about it. We typically go every three years. A December trip is on my bucket list. I know it’s going to be expensive whenever we go again.”

    “Unfortunately yes…they have lost their magic. We have been there 5 times in the past 7 years and we just don’t know when we’ll go back. Not for a long while.”

    “We were there October 1, 1971 and a couple hundred times since then.
    I have now become a Disney hater and will never go again. I am sure Walt is turning over in his grave.”

    “In the old days we had lines (before fast pass) but that was the way it was and you knew it and it was no big deal. But on the positve you wanted to go you just jumped in your car headed down, went to the ticket window and bought a ticket and had an amazing time. Now everything is so scheduled and so expensive that something that is supposed to be fun has become stressful. All the fun and spontaneity has gone out of it. I love Disney but I am finding it harder and harder to go financially and am super dissapointed that we bought a pass and now can basically not use it. I have to plan way in advance and that doesn’t always work with schedules. I don’t want to have to guess what I am going to eat or what I want to ride months in advance. It’s sad.”

    “I miss Disney a lot. I’ve not been able to go since before Covid in October of 19’. I want to go back so bad.
    But we went to universal in October, and that may be back where we end up until character ops, dining plans (and crossing my fingers for fast passes) come back, it doesn’t hold the same appeal.”

    “We just cancelled our March 2022 trip yesterday. The cost is getting out of sight. No dinning plan, no complimentary transportation from the airport, rolling closures of restaurants and attractions, and honestly having to preplan every minute of your trip months in advance makes it very stressful. The Disney magic is gone. It used to be a relaxing and fun trip for the whole family. Now it’s just controlled chaos and it’s not much fun.”

    “Already cancelled. Have tickets from that trip and will rebook at Marriott when we go back. After those tickets are gone I’m done for awhile. I hate that my kids won’t grow up with the same magical place I grew up with.”

    “Walt’s vision for a park for everyone is gone. It had been fading away for several years but the new costs and lack of on property benefits put the nail in the coffin.”

    “We’re just glad we went in August, 2019 before C19 and had all the perks, bells, and whistles, including the free meal plan. After getting all the bennies, we won’t be back to pay more for less. Glad Cedar Point is only a 90 minute drive…”

    “We went EVERY YEAR From 1985- 2018, you can’t ride half of the attractions. They have done away with fast pass, you have to pay for that EXTRA NOW, And still not a guarantee your getting on the ride you want. Can’t get in any restaurant unless you book weeks or months ahead. Going to stay away until things settle down, if not, it will be Universal from now on!”

    “Just went and was not happy with the new genie plus. There really isn’t a lot of perks of staying on site. A lot of the resort hotels are outdated and in need of updates. Very few characters. It really has changed in just a year. Was disappointed. The food choices are terrible unless you are at Epcot.”

    “We’re grateful for our many trips that were absolutely magical. But it’s no longer on our radar. The pixie dust seems to have disappeared, so we’re choosing to keep the memories of the magic rather than returning and being disappointed.”

    The general consensus seems that Walt Disney World is off the to-do list for many this year. Universal Orlando Resort appears to be an alternative as well as Cedar Point and other smaller theme parks. We have considered doing Disneyland rather than Walt Disney World but for us being from the UK that is a big trip especially as first time both our sons would have flown. Walt Disney World will certainly always be on our to-do list but it’s just the question of which park and when.

    So, it definitely seems that for many, Walt Disney World will not feature in their 2022 plans but we are hoping 2022 will bring new attractions and the return of parades and more shows meaning Disney will regain some of its magic and sparkle…