Home » Walt Disney World Loosens Mask Restrictions

Walt Disney World Loosens Mask Restrictions

As the world begins to get back to normal in the wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic, it looks like restrictions are beginning to ease in certain areas, and Walt Disney World is no different, with the resort updating their website to say that beginning April 8 guests can now remove masks in outdoor areas to take photos. Of course, guests must be stationary and maintain appropriate physical distancing while the photo is being taken, but this is definitely a big first step towards the loosening of restrictions at the resort. 

As has been the case since reopening, face coverings will still be required in all other areas of the parks, including in queues, shops, and on attractions. Masks are also required in restaurants when not actively eating or drinking. 

As COVID-19 case numbers continue to go down in Florida and vaccination levels increase, we expect Disney to continue to revisit and roll back other components of the health and safety measures that were implemented last July as part of the resort’s reopening. And hopefully capacity levels will also be increased soon as guests continue to flock to the resort during the spring and summer travel seasons. 

Are you excited to see Disney begin to roll back one of its more restrictive mask requirements?