Home » Universal “Evaluating” Changing Parts of Seuss Landing in Wake of Controversy

    Universal “Evaluating” Changing Parts of Seuss Landing in Wake of Controversy

    Earlier this week Dr. Seuss Enterprises announced that it was halting publication of six of its books due to racist and insensitive imagery, including  “And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street,” “If I Ran the Zoo,” “McElligot’s Pool,” “On Beyond Zebra!,” “Scrambled Eggs Super!” and “The Cat’s Quizzer.”

    Though most of these are fairly obscure, if those first two titles sound familiar, you may remember them from the I Ran the Zoo garden area and the Mulberry Street Store in Seuss Landing at Islands of Adventure. And now Universal has released a statement confirming that they are aware of the issues with the source material around these parts of Seuss Landing, and may be evaluating their continued presence in the Islands of Adventure park. You can read the full statement below:  

    “Seuss Landing continues to be very popular with our guests and we value our relationship with Seuss Enterprises. We’ve removed the books from our shelves as they have asked and we’ll be evaluating our in-park experience too. But our guests can plan on continuing to be able to enjoy their favorite experiences at Seuss Landing.” 

    It doesn’t sound like Universal is ready to take much in the way of immediate action when it comes to references to these books, but we wouldn’t be surprised if some refurbishments take place in the near future that update the theming in this area to reference Dr. Seuss properties.