Home » Unexpected Emergency: What Happens When You Get Sick or Injured at a Disney Park

    Unexpected Emergency: What Happens When You Get Sick or Injured at a Disney Park


    Picture it, you are having the time of your life at Walt Disney World, and suddenly, out of the blue, your dream vacation begins to fall apart because without warning, you start seriously feeling under the weather. Now what?

    Nobody wants to see the magic of their Disney vacation dissolve before their eyes due to unforeseen illness. Take heart, Disney doesn’t leave its visitors high and dry; they are ready and prepared for almost every eventuality, and if they aren’t, they will make sure you get the care you require swiftly and with as little hassle as possible.

    Image: Kimberly Crawford

    Help Yourself, Avoid Getting Sick To Begin With

    Don’t get sick; obviously, easier said than done. However, there are things that you can do that will help you enjoy your visit and avoid the traditional pitfalls of those unaccustomed to touring such a large park in a semi-tropical location. 

    Stay Hydrated – It is essential that you keep drinking water or fluids all, especially during the hottest parts of the day, when you are endangered of becoming dehydrated. You can order a complimentary glass of water at any Disney counter service area.

    Wear Sunscreen and Protective Clothing – My mother always told me the sun is stronger in Florida, and just because you don’t feel it doesn’t mean you aren’t crisping up like bacon. Between the sun and hot pavement, heatstroke is a real thing. Generously apply sunscreen often, and be sure to wear a hat as well as clothing to protect you from the full intensity of the sun.

    Don’t Over Do It – The parks are enormous, and it always feels like there is not enough time to fit everything in. Pushing yourself beyond your ability is an excellent way to cut your trip short by ending up good and sick. Take frequent breaks from the sun, find places to rest, and recharge your battery. Better to miss a few rides than the whole park.

    Where to Receive First Aid at Each Park & Resorts

    Walt Disney World 50th, Disney
    Image: Disney

    Each park has a first aid station that can provide assistance for minor illnesses and injuries and dole out non-prescription, over-the-counter medication. Each station is manned by registered nurses. These stations will also store your medication for you and provide a place to dispose of hypodermic needles.


    • Magic Kingdom – Located on Main Street between Casey’s Corner and the Crystal Palace.
    • Epcot – Located in the Odyssey Center on a stretch of walkway that connects Future World and the World Showcase.
    • Disney’s Hollywood Studios – Located at the entrance area of Disney’s Hollywood Studios.
    • Disney’s Animal Kingdom – Located on Discovery Island just before the bridge leading to Africa.
    • Disney’s Typhoon Lagoon Waterpark – Located on the far side of the Leaning Palms building.

    Resort Hotels:

    Disney's All Star Sports Resort, Disney
    Image: Disney

    If you are staying at a Disney Resort, you have access to medical assistance 24 hours/day by reaching out to the front desk. Disney will also provide complimentary transportation to urgent care facilities.


    Virtual Medical Assistance from The My Disney Experience App

    health at Disney

    Recently, Disney has partnered with AdventHealth to provide more extensive health care to guests at Walt Disney World. Rather than hustle off to the urgent care for minor ailments, guests can video conference with doctors to diagnose minor illnesses and be prescribed medication virtually. Prescriptions can even be sent directly to your hotel room. The fee for a virtual appointment is $59 and is covered by most insurance companies. This service can be accessed from your My Disney Experience App.

    What Happens if your Illness is Serious?

    Goodness knows this is the last thing anyone wants to happen, but what if you or your loved one requires real medical attention? Disney’s partnership with AdventHealth will smooth the way towards getting guests real treatment. 24-hour urgent care is available for all guests, as well as complimentary transportation. In addition to excellent care, guests can rent specialized medical equipment for the duration of their stay, delivered directly to their Disney resort hotel room.

    If nothing else, guests at Walt Disney World should feel like they can relax and enjoy their vacation because their health is being looked after and treated with the utmost concern, and that is nothing short of magical.