Home » The Top 5 Things Disney Cast Members Are NOT Allowed To Do

    The Top 5 Things Disney Cast Members Are NOT Allowed To Do

    Cast Member positions at Disney theme parks are highly sought-after. However, once employed, Cast Members must stick to some pretty strict guidelines.

    For Disney, it’s all about maintaining a great “guest experience”. Since the early days of Disneyland, when Walt Disney himself walked the streets of the park, ensuring that the “show” at its parks is not harmed has been the company’s utmost priority. For Cast Members, that means sticking to a rigid code of conduct and following what some might consider to be some pretty old-fashioned rules. Here are 5 things that Disney’s staff are strictly NOT allowed to do.

    5. Point with one finger

    Disney Point

    Image: Allan, Flickr

    Ask a Cast Member for directions to the nearest restroom, and they’ll invariably point you in the right direction. What they won’t do, though, is point with one finger. Why not? Well, in some cultures pointing with one finger is seen as impolite. And pointing with two fingers or the full hand can be clearer, too.

    4. Wander into other areas

    Frontierland Cast Member

    Image: Loren Javier, Flickr

    Walt Disney is said to have been outraged by the sight of a Frontierland cowboy strolling through Tomorrowland. That’s one reason why the Magic Kingdom was designed with extensive underground tunnels to enable employees to get from one area to another without being seen “on stage”. There are exceptions (for parades, for example), but generally speaking anyone wearing a costume for a particular area should only be seen wearing it in that land.

    3. Say “I don’t know” to a guest

    If a guest asks a question that the Cast Member does not know the answer to, saying “I don’t know” is not an option. If possible, they should hop onto a phone and find out the answer. If they are unable to leave their post (e.g. outdoor vendors), they can direct the guest on how to get the information for themselves.

    2. Break the “Disney Look”

    While other companies have backed down on appearance standards, Disney still enforces the “Disney Look”. Among the rules that Cast Members must follow are avoiding eyeglasses that feature logos or bright colors, not dying their hair to colors that do not look “natural” and not wearing garish nail polish. Forget about visible tattoos and nose rings.

    1. Walk past trash without picking it up

    Disneyland trash can

    Image: Jeremy Thompson, Flickr

    No Cast Member should ever stroll past a dropped drink cup or napkin without picking it up. Nor, though, should they draw attention to themselves while scooping it up – they should try and so so gracefully and unnoticed by guests. We’re currently publishing a series of article on Theme Park Tourist in which we talk to Cast Members at Walt Disney World to understand their roles and the part that they play in “creating the magic” for guests. The interviews will offer an insight into Cast Members’ day-to-day roles, the training that they undergo and the aspects of their jobs that they find the most rewarding. We might even uncover a funny story or two. They are a prelude to a new book: Creating the Magic: Life as a Disney Cast Member – if you’re interested in being notified when this is released, sign up for our special e-mail newsletter.