Home » Reimagining A Legend: What’s To Come Of This Top Thrilling Coaster Icon?

    Reimagining A Legend: What’s To Come Of This Top Thrilling Coaster Icon?

    Top Thrill Dragster, Cedar Point

    It is not uncommon for theme parks to decide that they want to reimagine or modify an existing coaster. Cedar Point is no stranger to this concept as they currently have what many people consider to be the best roller coaster in the world on their roster with Steel Vengeance, the recreation that came from Mean Streak.

    In early 2022, Cedar Point announced it would be reimagining another coaster, but this one isn’t a despised wooden coaster, instead, it is one of their most iconic steel behemoths, Top Thrill Dragster.

    Top Thrill Dragster, Cedar Point
    Image: Cedar Fair

    With many possibilities speculated, many fans are wondering what will come of Top Thrill Dragster and we are here to break down a number of theories from Blue Sky dreams to more practical changes. Here is what we hope to see with the reimaging of Top Thrill Dragster.  

    Race for the BLUE Sky

    Blue Sky ideas are what the theme park industry calls ideas that have no limit, no budget, and no physical constraints. Are these ideas always very likely to come to fruition? Not as much. But they are fun to imagine for coasters like Top Thrill Dragster. There have been so many rumors flying around about what Top Thrill Dragster could be reimagined into. With much of its track removed as of October 2022, there are definitely big changes coming to this coaster.

    1. Increase the height of the top hat

    Top Thrill Dragster
    Image: Cedar Point

    One Blue Sky idea would be for Cedar Point to increase the height of the top hat element of the coaster (the hill) and break the 500 ft mark. While this would be cool, it is unlikely that they will attempt to build onto the top hat. The structure is huge, and the weight distribution and support elements are complex. Increasing the height and adding more track could be much more costly and complicated than it seems. Additionally, there would probably need to be more track in the launch to build enough speed to get the trains over such a tall top hat, and there simply isn’t a ton of space in that area of the park to extend that.

    2. A new swing launch?

    Image: Busch Gardens

    Another Blue Sky idea that has been circulating is that the launch will be changed to a swing launch. A swing launch is what coasters like Busch Gardens’ Pantheon have. The trains are first launched up a tower backward and then forwards until they can gain enough speed and momentum to complete the climb. For Top Thrill Dragster, this element would include a 500 ft tall backward tower that would be used to break the record and propel the trains over the 420 ft tall top hat element. This again seems unlikely due to space constraints and cost, and it would make the ride longer but decrease ride capacity.

    While it is always fun to consider blue sky ideas, let’s take a look at some more practical possibilities for the reimagining of Top Thrill Dragster…

    Baby, We’re Ready to Go….Practical

    While Blue Sky ideas are fun to speculate about for the future of this coaster, the reality is that Cedar Point is likely wanting to address two main concerns with this reimagining.

    The first is obviously to eliminate any safety concerns following incidents that the coaster has had, and the second is to make these changes in a cost-effective way. Here are a few ideas that seem much more likely to happen with the reimaging of Top Thrill Dragster.

    1. New LSM launch system

    Red Force
    Image: PortAventura World

    The first change that is looking the most likely is a new launching system. Much of the launch and brake areas of the track have been removed, leading us to believe that this is the section of the coaster that will receive the most work. So, what might change? Well, Top Thrill Dragster had a hydraulic launching system, and while these systems offer a smoother acceleration, they also are much less reliable since they literally have more moving parts.

    Hydraulic launching systems have many components, and they can easily be affected by wind, temperature, and moisture. It is possible that Top Thrill Dragster will be modified to have a linear synchronous motor launching system or LMS. This is an electromagnetic launching system we have seen in a coaster similar to Top Thrill Dragster called Red Force at Ferrari Land. This launch type is a bit more reliable than the hydraulic and would eliminate some of those literal moving parts which incidentally were the cause of the August 2021 accident where a guest was injured by a flying part.

    2. Modified queue line

    Next, it is possible we will see a modified queue. The queue could be moved from its current location between the tracks or perhaps placed inside a (hopefully airconditioned) enclosure. Both ideas are strong possibilities as Cedar Point will want guests waiting to ride the new attraction to feel safe. Another way to do this would also be to enclose the launch. This would be very cool as a tunneled launch could really change the feel of the coaster.

    3. Include lighting and music?

    Jolly Rancher Remix
    Image: Hersheypark

    They could also include lighting and music. We have seen something like this done at Hersheypark when they reimagined Sidewinder into Jolly Rancher Remix and added a tunnel with lights and music. This would also be a great way to add additional elements to a very short ride.

    4. Change the name and/or theming?

    Top Thrill Dragster
    Image: Intamin

    Finally, although we would hate to see it go, the name Top Thrill Dragster and the theming are likely reaching their checkered flag. It is possible that the reimaging will utilize the same name and theming, but to distance the ride from its past and market it as a new ride experience, Cedar Point may choose to change the name and retheme the entire experience. It simply is not very common for reimagined attraction to retain all their old theming and name.

    A new queue, launch system, and theme seem likely for Top Thrill Dragster. Only time will tell exactly what will become of this problematic coaster icon. The reimagined Top Thrill Dragster is slated to reopen at Cedar Point in 2024. What do you hope to see come of this steel giant? Let us know in the comments or on our Facebook page!