Will The Addition of a Star Wars Land Change Disneyland Forever?

Editorial: As you may have heard, a brand-new, 14-acre expansion is on the way to Disney Parks, bringing the world of Star Wars to gripping, immersive, detailed life. While the theory is grand and celebrated, the reality has left some fans wondering… Will a Star Wars land change Disneyland forever? How does a land dedicated to a single intellectual property fit among Disneyland’s storied literary lands? How much gridlock can one park endure? Come 2019, we’ll find out…

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Disney’s California Misadventure: The Inside Story Behind Disney’s $2 Billion Mistake

DECLASSIFIED DISASTER: Disney’s California Adventure – Part I: California Adventure. Just a decade ago, the very words would strike fear into the hearts of Disney Parks fans. In this special in-depth feature, we’ll explore what many recognize as Disney’s first outright theme park failure as we step back into the park as it once was: a creatively starved and cheaply-built spoof of the Golden State. How did it happen? How was it fixed? Let’s find out.

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