Home ยป The New Color Scheme Of Top Thrill 2 Is Pleasing Fans, Do You Agree?

    The New Color Scheme Of Top Thrill 2 Is Pleasing Fans, Do You Agree?

    Although we have known for a while that the new color scheme for Top Thrill 2 was white track with dark gray supports, it was only very recently on August 1, when Cedar Point released the new video showing that along with the white and dark gray there would be stripes of red on the upper part of the top hat and new 420ft rear spike.

    Now, in our original poll which asked, Do you like the rumored white and dark gray color scheme?, 64% of voters said, “Yes, it will really pop!” with 36% saying, “No, could be better!” and in our new poll which asked, Do you like the white, dark gray and red color scheme of Top Thrill 2?, it clearly shows that fans are very happy with the red addition with 89% of voters saying, “Yes, looks great!”. 

    Top Thrill  2,, Cedar Point
    Image: Cedar Point

    Personally, I was very pleased to see the red stripes added which really enhances the racing theme and gives that vivid contrast to the white track. If you haven’t voted yet you still have time and let us know your thoughts by leaving us a comment below or on our Facebook page.


    Also, as the dust settled on the news that Zamperla is the chosen manufacturer for the highly anticipated Top Thrill Dragster at Cedar Point, we thought we would ask you, Has Cedar Point made the right decision to go with Zamperla?

    Apart from a few roller coaster enthusiasts who predicted Zamperla from the beginning when Cedar Point first announced that Top Thrill Dragster would be reimagined back on September 6 2022, it is safe to say that majority of fans were well and truly expecting Intamin to be put in charge of this huge reimagining.

    So, in the few weeks that have passed since the confirmation that Zamperla will be at the helm of the Top Thrill Dragster reimagining rather than the more expected and original manufacturer of Top Thrill Dragster Intamin, the number of people saying “Yes, let’s see what they can do” started at 35% then increased to 44% and now sits at 53%.  If you haven’t already, let us know your thoughts regarding Zamperla by voting in our poll below or by leaving us a comment.

    Top Thrill Dragster, Cedar Point
    Image: Cedar Fair

    Intamin or Zamperla had been the subject of numerous videos and articles until it was finally confirmed at the beginning of July that it was indeed Zamperla who has been chosen for the job.

    To say this news came as a shock is an understatement. Very few were expecting it and here we now are with Zamperla track having been delivered and with some actually already been added to the legendary Top Thrill Dragster.

    Top Thrill Dragster, Cedar Point
    Image: Cedar Point

    It was clear that opinions were divided straight away with many fans skeptical of Zamperla’s ability to pull off a roller coaster of Top Thrill Dragster’s magnitude and stature.  In our initial poll results where we asked, Has Cedar Point made the right decision to go with Zamperla? Only 35% of people voted “Yes, let’s see what they can do with the remaining 65% of voters saying, “No, what are they thinking!”

    Interesting as the weeks have passed and more information has been given those numbers have been balancing out and today, (July 20) the scales have actually shifted with 53% of voters now saying, “Yes, let’s see what they can do!” I guess some fans may argue that there is nothing else to do but to try and get behind Zamperla and hope for the best which is why we may have seen this shift, for others I think they genuinely have learnt the strength behind Zamperla and are willing them to do well.

    In a previous video posted (July 6) by Lake Erie Lifestyles we gained further insight into the reasons behind why Zamperla rather than Intamin has been chosen as the manufacturer for this high profile reimagining.

    It is speculated that the key to the decision to go with Zamperla is the Lightning train which Sales and Marketing Director, Adam Sandy quotes, “The Lightning Train is something the industry has never seen before, we can go from 0-45kph to 0-200kph, it’s all up to our client.”

    Zamperla Lightning Train, Zamperla
    Image: Zamperla

    It is clear from this statement that any concern that Zamperla hasn’t before completed a fast thrill ride should be silenced as the Lightning Train should give them to ability to do this which is exactly what Top Thrill Dragster fans wanted to hear.

    It explains in the video that due to the set up of the Lightning train, it eliminates the stress fracture points and required NDT weld testing meaning the structure is safer and saves time and money on annual testing. The design also makes it easier for technicians to work on the trains as each element appears to be able to be taken off and worked on separately such as the seats which can be taken out individually, worked on, replaced and certified without significant down time for the ride. This would certainly be something that Cedar Point would want for the newly reimagined Top Thrill Dragster which has been plagued with down time in the past.

    For anyone interested in learning more about the process of making the Lightning Train, check out the video posted to YouTube by Zamperla which is embedded below.

    As well as the Lightning Train, Antonio Zamperla who has been working for 20 years in the amusement industry alongside his father Alberto Zamperla, was appointed CEO in 2021. He made it clear from the outset that his aim was to put Zamperla on the map as one of the leading manufacturers in roller coasters not just amusement rides.

    Antonio Zamperla quickly hired Valerio Ferrari as Chief Sales Officer for the whole company. Ferrari is a mechanical engineer and worked for 10 years including as CO-CEO for Swiss competitor, Intamin.   

    So, with Antonio’s drive with new products, technology and focus on their capabilities as well as maintenance services and ride longevity coupled with Ferrari’s experience from Intamin, we are getting a clearer picture as to why Cedar Point went with Zamperla rather than Intamin.

    So, could Zamperla actually be a good thing all round? Let’s explore…

    In a recent video posted to YouTube by Theme Park Predictions, Brandon outlines his reasons why it is a good thing Zamperla rather than Intamin has been chosen for the Top Thrill Dragster reimagining. 

    It is suggested that if the Top Thrill Dragster project is cheaper with Zamperla rather than Intamin then this will give Cedar Fair a larger budget for more new roller coasters at both Cedar Point and other parks in the chain in the future.

    Another positive point to consider is that if Zamperla is indeed successful with the reimagining of Top Thrill Dragster then they will become a major player as a roller coaster manufacturer, competing with the likes of Intamin, Rocky Mountain Construction and B&M. Competition is always a good thing for roller coaster fans, it means boundaries have to be pushed and manufacturers have to bring their “A game” when it comes to pitching new ideas and technologies.

    With Zamperla at the wheel we are guaranteed a new experience with new trains and restraints. As already said, Zamperla’s new Lightning Trains should be comfortable and due to its new construction, maintenance should be easier and there should be less issues and downtime because of it. 

    Top Thrill Dragster, Escape Designs
    Image: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siZOJvA9R6o">Escape Designs</a>

    Although some Top Thrill Dragster fans will inevitably still have their doubts, what is safe to say is that Zamperla will give everything to this project and as many have said, it is make or break. If done well, this will be the reimagining which will put Zamperla firmly on the map once and for all.

    As we already said, it will be interesting to see if more and more Top Thrill Dragster fans get behind Zamperla as the project continues, more information is discovered and further plans are confirmed regarding the layout.
