Home » More Bang For Your Galleon: How Warner Bros. Studios In London Has Almost Doubled In Size Over the Last 10 Years!

    More Bang For Your Galleon: How Warner Bros. Studios In London Has Almost Doubled In Size Over the Last 10 Years!

    It’s hard to believe that it has been 12 years since the Harry Potter film franchise came to an explosive end with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 (2011). And so it’s just as hard to believe that it’s been almost as long since Warner Bros. Studio Tour London – The Making of Harry Potter first opened its great big wooden doors to the public, giving Harry Potter fans from all over the world the opportunity to marvel at sets, props, costumes, creatures and lots more from all eight Harry Potter films.

    And while the price of admission has increased only slightly over the past 12 years, you still get “more bang for your Galleon” these days, as the tour has expanded in some truly epic ways. So, in addition to areas like the Great Hall, the Creature Effects Workshop, the Room of Requirement, and the Ministry of Magic, what else is now on offer at Warner Bros. Studio Tour London – The Making of Harry Potter?

    Get your Marauder’s Maps at the ready…

    The Atrium


    If you’ve been a regular guest at Warner Bros. Studio Tour London – The Making of Harry Potter for some time, then you’ll have no doubt noticed the major transformation the main atrium underwent a few years back. It’s almost as if it was remodelled using magic itself, which might explain why the giant “Gringott’s Dragon” is suspended overhead, who’s surrounded by a large changing graphic of Hogwarts and its surrounding landscape, which shows everything from the Hogwarts Express to Dementors in motion.

    There’s also the new Chocolate Frog Café, and the Food Hall Restaurant, where you can marvel at “floating candles” as if you’re in the Great Hall itself. Now, you can also check out costumes from Warner Bros.’ The Dark Knight films in the main atrium — the Batman suit as worn by Christian Bale, and the Joker costume as worn by Heath Ledger, as well as Wonder Woman’s costume as worn by Gal Gadot in the film of the same name. Don’t worry – Harry Potter gets plenty of attention outside this wonderful display!

    The Forbidden Forest


    Another relatively new addition to Warner Bros. Studio Tour London – The Making of Harry Potter is the Forbidden Forest, which can be found just to the rear of the Ministry of Magic – which, with its Death Eaters and Dolores Umbridge’s office, is just as terrifying in its own right! The forest’s dark and foreboding appearance is hardly inviting, and the sounds you can hear from the safer side of the threshold only get louder and more terrifying the deeper you venture into these woods.

    The Forbidden Forest, known also as the Dark Forest, is home to countless magical creatures, some of them quite friendly, like Buckbeak the Hippogriff, others, not so much, like the Werewolves and Centaurs. Not particularly afraid of those hellish Acromantulas, even when they emerge with their many hungry eyes from dark tree hollows, or from the trees overhead on their spiderwebs? Well, we’re pretty sure you’ll be absolutely fine then. Or, as someone once said, “Goodbye, friends of Hagrid…”

    Continue with us as we explore Number Four Privet Drive, Herbology and Gringotts and The Vaults…

    Number Four, Privet Drive & Herbology


    The Dursely’s residence that is Number Four, Privet Drive in Little Whinging has always been a staple part of Warner Bros. Studio Tour London – The Making of Harry Potter, but now, you can actually go inside! And yes, it’s the exact same interior (and exterior) from the films. Inside, you’ll see countless props, which includes the dreadful Aunt Marge who’s already started to float in mid-air due to her sudden magical weight gain! You’ll also find Harry Potter’s room, where the young wizard is talking to Dobby the House Elf. 

    Just a Golden Snitch’s throw from number four, Privet Drive, you can now also find the Herbology Garden as seen in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (2001). Professor Sprout is nowhere in sight, though, but there are plenty of Warner Bros. Studio Tour London – The Making of Harry Potter staff members on hand if you have any questions, as well as, of course, Mandrakes that you can pull from their roots. Just make sure you’re wearing your earmuffs properly – those screams are unbearable…

    Gringotts & The Vaults


    Despite being the most lavish set in the entire studio, Gringotts Wizarding Bank might also be the most unsettling. Just like in the films – especially Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 – the Goblins here stationed at the desks that line the bank’s shimmering atrium, are the stuff of nightmares. Those piercing beetle eyes are enough to penetrate even an Invisibility Cloak! 

    Nevertheless, this epic addition to the tour will make you feel like you’ve stepped inside from the cold of Diagon Alley (which comes right after Gringotts on the tour). And then, of course, there are are the deep vaults beneath the bank, and let’s just say that “there are more than a few curious things in the vaults at Gringotts”. But like what? Well, piles of Gold, for starters. Oh, and that fire-breathing dragon who probably followed you inside from the atrium at the start of the tour…

    As well as all the above, there are many more extras on the tour, including a scaled-down model of the Weasley’s home, the Burrows, which can be found outside near the Knight Bus, on Privet Drive and Godric’s Hollow!


    For more information on Warner Bros. Studio Tour London – The Making of Harry Potter, be sure to check out the official website.