Home » LEGOLAND Windsor To Open 12th April With New Land ‘MYTHICA’ Opening In The Spring

LEGOLAND Windsor To Open 12th April With New Land ‘MYTHICA’ Opening In The Spring

After the official announcement on Monday from UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson regarding the official COVID “roadmap” for businesses to open, news is coming in from UK theme parks as to their plans for dates to begin their 2021 season.

We heard this morning that Alton Towers officially announced that the theme park will open on 12th April with the Waterpark opening on 17th May.

LEGOLAND Windsor have now officially announced that the theme park will open on 12th April but due to the official guidelines that hotels can only open on 17th May their resort hotel will remain closed. Pre-booking day trips continues to be essential. To book tickets and for full information regarding current health and safety measures that will be in place visit the official website.

LEGOLAND Windsor is set to open its new land ‘MYTHICA’ in Spring 2021. These are the words used to describe ‘Mythica’ on its official website:
“Every time a child takes care building a LEGO® creature – no matter how big or small – unbeknown to them, that creature comes to life in a parallel world. A portal to that world has just been discovered at the LEGOLAND® Windsor Resort…

Enter LEGO® MYTHICA, a parallel universe where mythical creatures come to life before your eyes…”

The official trailer for MYTHICA posted by LEGOLAND Windsor is embedded below:

Let us know what you think about ‘MYTHICA’ by leaving us a comment below or on our Facebook page. We will keep you up to date on the official opening date of this new attraction when it is announced.