Home ยป Lawsuit Has Been Filed Against Walt Disney World Because Of Parks Reservation System

Lawsuit Has Been Filed Against Walt Disney World Because Of Parks Reservation System

This probably won’t come as a surprise to many Disney fans but last week two Annual Passholders have filed a lawsuit against Walt Disney Parks And Resorts U.S., Inc. due to the continuing Parks Reservation System and park hopping restrictions.

It has been reported by Fox 35 that the two Walt Disney World Annual Passholders who have filed the lawsuit have held their Premium passes for several years. It is important to note that with a Premium pass there are no block out dates, with passholders able to visit on any day of their choice without restriction.

Now, when Walt Disney World reopened in July 2020 after the theme park closures which began in March 2020 due to COVID-19, Disney implemented the Parks Reservation system to manage crowds which was mirrored by majority of theme parks in order to comply with capacity limitations to ensure the safety of Cast Members and guests. This was accepted but was only thought to be temporary until the threat lessened and a certain normality could return.

The problem lies in the fact that other theme parks have now stepped away from their similar Parks Reservation systems, but Disney is continuing to use it and has currently said that it will remain in place through 2023. What is the reason now for this system? Why has it not changed back to normal giving those with Premium passes the ability to visit on any day that they chose?

Well, we think we know the answer, so Disney can manage staffing and the spread of guests across all four parks, and we can see that this benefits Disney but not so much the Premium Annual Passholders.

The lawsuit also deals with the continued restriction on Park hopping which can still only be done from 2PM instead of at any time as it used to be prior to COVID-19 shutdowns. This lawsuit certainly asks questions of Disney, and we hope that it will bring answers that Disney Annual Passholders and fans will want to hear.

We will update this article with further details as they are announced. Should Disney get rid of the Parks Reservation System? If you need any help, check out our featured article, Is Disney’s Controversial Reservation System Actually Such a Bad Thing? Let us know your thoughts by voting in our poll below or leaving us a comment.

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