Home » Iconic Ride Is Retired At Six Flags St. Louis

    Iconic Ride Is Retired At Six Flags St. Louis

    It is a sad but true fact that every theme park ride or rollercoaster has a shelf life and whether it is due to old age or diminished rideability a decision will have to be made at some point to retire an attraction. Well, according to Screamscape it looks like Six Flags has made the decision to retire the iconic Xcalibur attraction at Six Flags St. Louis.

    Xcalibur is no longer listed on the official website which will be disappointing for fans of this spinning flat ride which opened in 2003 at Six Flags St. Louis.

    Xcalibur, Six Flags St Louis
    Image:&nbsp;<a href="https://sixflags.fandom.com/wiki/User:MegaZeph">MegaZeph</a>

    Xcalibur began its life at Six Flags Great Adventure in 1999 and was called Evolution. It was manufactured by Ronald Bussink and was one of three that were built at the time. Xcalibur was the only permanent model located in the US with one of the other two models believed to be in storage in the Netherlands and the other operating at a carnival in China.

    When Xcalibur opened in 2003, it was given a medieval theme to fit into the Britannia section of the park. It then underwent an extensive refurbishment in 2018 seeing it closed for the entire of the 2018 and 2019 season before reopening at the start of the 2020 season.

    The attraction was renown for its slow loading with the operator having to check all 16 gondolas before dispatching the ride. Each gondola had four seats each with over the shoulder restraints. The ride started as a centrifuge with the seats tipping back 90 degrees so riders looked up at the sky whilst experiencing plenty of G-Force. To take a closer look at this huge spinning flat ride check out the review of Xcalibur below.

    Are you sad to hear Xcalibur has been retired at Six Flags St. Louis? Let us know your thoughts by voting in our poll below or by leaving us a comment on our Facebook page. 

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