Home » Hyperia Will Have 14.8 Seconds Of Airtime At Thorpe Park, Opening May 24th!

Hyperia Will Have 14.8 Seconds Of Airtime At Thorpe Park, Opening May 24th!

UPDATE April 23 – With all UK theme park fans eyes watching Hyperia at Thorpe Park as it continues to test ahead of its official opening on Friday 24th May, there has been some interesting news revealed by the park this week.

According to a YouTube short posted by Digital Dan, Hyperia will have a total of 14.8 seconds of airtime, when guests will be lifted out of their seats, which is a huge amount of time considering the total ride itself is only going to be approximately 50 seconds long.

April 19 – There is more exciting news from Thorpe Park this week as the second train for Hyperia has now arrived on site and is located in the maintenance building.

In a new video posted to YouTube by UK Theme Parks we get to see further testing being done on the first Hyperia train which arrived onsite earlier this week and we see footage of the second train arriving and being put in the maintenance building.

With only just over a month now remaining, Thorpe Park have quite a long way to go to ensure necessary landscaping is finished onsite as well as the completion of the retail location before the official opening day which is Friday 24th May. 

April 18 – Unsurprisingly, YouTube is now full of first test run videos forHyperia, the UK’s new tallest and fastest roller coaster which is set to officially open at Thorpe Park on Friday 24th May.

In a new video posted to YouTube by Theme Park Worldwide we get to see footage of the second day of Hyperia testing from a range of angles, giving us a really clear look at this new highly anticipated rollercoaster.

We are getting extremely excited for the opening day and would love to know what you are most looking forward to about Hyperia. Let us know your thoughts by leaving us a comment below or on our Facebook page.

April 17 – It was the sight UK theme park fans had been waiting a long time for. Yesterday (April 16), Hyperia at Thorpe Park made its first complete test.

In the video posted to YouTube by Jack Silkstone who has followed the construction of Hyperia in its entirety from the beginning we can see the train crest the top of the 236ft lift hill and complete its first test run.

When Hyperia opens at Thorpe Park on Friday May 24th it will take the crown from The Big One at Blackpool Pleasure Beach as the UK’s tallest roller coaster. It will also clinch the record from neighbour roller coaster, Stealth at Thorpe Park as the fastest roller coaster in UK.

For anyone who wants to get the complete feeling of being at the park when Hyperia did its first complete test run, Theme Park Worldwide did a live stream and this is embedded below. As can be seen in the video, it was a very slow first ascent up the lift hill.

We are very excited to see further testing over the coming weeks and landscaping and preparations being completed ahead of Hyperia’s official opening on Friday 24th May.

April 16 – There has been further excitement in the last few days as Hyperia’s train has been moved from the Maintenance building to the station.

This has been captured in a new video posted to YouTube by Jack Silkstone which is embedded below. At timestamp 4:34, we get to see and hear that preparations for testing are fully underway including extensive safety parameters including the further installation of ride fencing which currently have temporary signage which will be replaced before opening with permanent signage.

Now that the Hyperia train is on the track, the engineers can complete preparations for ride testing which is expected to begin imminently. As can be seen in the video, the water dummies have already been positioned on the train ready for testing. These water dummies will allow MACK rides and Thorpe Park to simulate bodies to ensure all testing is completed and everything is ready for Hyperia’s grand opening on Friday May 24th.  

April 13 – The Hyperia trains have now been revealed at Thorpe Park. In the new video posted to YouTube by Jack Silkstone we get to see the complete journey of the Hyperia trains from their arrival at Thorpe Park to the grand reveal in the maintenance building on the Hyperia site.

So, it was Tuesday March 26th that the trains arrived at the engineering workshop located behind the Swarm.

At timestamp 2:07 we see the trains being unloaded from the lorry at the park all covered in white protective cellophane.

On April 10th the train begun to arrive on the Hyperia site in the maintenance building. The grand reveal video was released by Thorpe Park yesterday (April 12th) and shows the 5 cars of the first Hyperia train. Each car holds four riders giving a total of 20 riders per train.

At timestamp 11:30 we get to see the Hyperia train very close up as Silkstone films underneath the trains showing the wheel configurations, magnets and anti-roll back.

The Hyperia cars have the traditional clam-shell MACK Rides restraints with a lap bar rather than over shoulder harness giving riders a feeling of freedom when they ride. These are the same as ICON at Blackpool Pleasure Beach.

The wings are on the front car along with the Thorpe Park name. The orange and black colours are striking contrasted with the white bars on the sides of the restraints.

Let us know your thoughts regarding the reveal of the new Hyperia trains by leaving us a comment below or on our Facebook page. 

April 9 – At the end of March, Thorpe Park announced the official opening date for Hyperia which is fast approaching on Friday May 24. 

In a new video posted to YouTube by Jack Silkstone we see that preparations have begun for ride testing. The ground work for the ride area fencing is now taking place. The fence posts are going into place for the queue line and the queue area as you enter the station has been caged as a safety feature. Netting is also being added as the queue line is directly under the roller coaster.  A new sign has been added to the station building which reads “Welcome Fearless”.

We eagerly await news of the first test run on Hyperia which is expected very soon and look forward to bringing you footage of this exciting milestone.

April 4 – In the new video construction update posted to YouTube by Jack Silkstone we get to see the chain for the chain lift being installed. The queue line and exit path is being marked out and infrastructure is being added to the Hyperia gift shop.

We are expecting to see the queue line being put into place in the coming weeks as well as further landscaping. We all eagerly await the arrival of the train and for testing to begin. We will continue to keep you updated.

March 27 – Thorpe Park has just announced that Hyperia will officially open on Friday 24th May just in time for the half term holiday in the UK. 

This is extremely exciting news and we can’t wait to take a ride on the UK’s new tallest and fastest roller coaster. Thorpe Park released the following video this afternoon.

March 7 – It is now official, Hyperia at Thorpe Park has been topped off meaning that all the track is installed and complete.

In a new video posted to YouTube by Theme Park Worldwide, we get to see footage of the moment when the last piece of Hyperia track, the crest of the hill, was lifted into place.

After months of construction, Hyperia is complete! We now await news of the arrival of the ride vehicles and for testing to begin. With the track now complete, the speculation of an end of April opening may seem more plausible, however there is still extensive testing to be done as well as a lot of work to finish on the station, landscaping and the plaza before we can expect news of an opening date. We will be sure to keep you posted as further developments are announced.


March 6 – We are now reaching a climax at Thorpe Park in the construction of Hyperia which will take the crown as the UK’s tallest and fastest roller coaster.

In the new video update posted to YouTube by Jack Silkstone we get to see that the last piece of track which is the crest of the hill to complete Hyperia is now ready to be installed. Depending on weather we expect this to go into place at some point this week and are very excited to bring you news of the completion of Hyperia’s track as soon as that happens

As soon as the track is complete we expect to see the imminent delivery of the ride vehicles to site in preparation for testing to begin!

March 3 – With all eyes on Thorpe Park, we eagerly await news of the opening date for the highly anticipated new tallest and fastest roller coaster in the UK. 

There has been a lot of speculation online recently due to the announcement from Thorpe Park of an early bird ticket offer where fans can purchase tickets at the cheaper price of from £29 rather than the usual from £39. This ticket offer finishes on Thursday 25th April meaning speculation has begun that Hyperia could open Saturday 27th April?

Now, just to be absolutely clear, there has been no confirmation at all so far from Thorpe Park as to when we will see Hyperia open. Although it would be very exciting to see an opening at the end of April, we currently think that this is unlikely as we are still waiting for the lift hill to be completed. 

In the latest construction update filmed on Tuesday 27th February and Wednesday 28th February and posted to YouTube by Jack Silkstone on March 1, we get to see clearer footage of the huge new crane which stands at just under 300ft and extensive footage on the first drop which is now in place.

Further planting of small trees has taken place on site and the once large service road has now been reduced to a small path currently separating the lake. We eagerly await further confirmation of the installation of the lift hill and the opening date for Hyperia. Weather will certainly come into play as the large crane will not be able to operate in high winds.

Will Hyperia be ready to open at the end of April as some are speculating? We are certainly skeptical and expect a late May opening in preparation for the busy summer season. 

March 1 – In very exciting news yesterday, we got to hear that when Hyperia opens this spring at Thorpe Park that the height restriction on this MACK record breaking roller coaster will have a height restriction of just 1.3m compared to the 1.4m height restriction of the other roller coasters at Thorpe Park making it accessible to more thrill seekers.

Thorpe Park officially released their 2024 theme park map where this height restriction was confirmed as can be seen in the Twitter post released yesterday.

Although we eagerly await the next construction video to be posted by Jack Silkstone, yesterday evening a video was posted to YouTube by Jolucious where we get to see that the large awaited crane is now on site and the highly anticipated first drop has been installed.

As all the track pieces for the remainder of the 236ft lift hill are ready on site and the large crane tasked with putting them into place has now been constructed we expect the lift hill to be completed in the coming weeks and are very excited to see the completion of the track for Hyperia. We will continue to update you with further developments as soon as they happen.

February 26 – Construction progress on what will be the UK’s tallest and fastest rollercoaster when it opens at Thorpe Park is reaching its climax.

The tallest track pieces for Hyperia are now on site in preparation to be installed. This can be seen in the brand new construction update posted to YouTube by Jack Silkstone where we also see the latest progress on the theming on the station, the continued landscaping and expansion of the lake as well as the developments on the gift shop and photo unit.

We will be very excited to bring you news of the ride vehicles having arrived on site and we expect ride testing will then begin shortly after.

Continue reading for previous updates…


February 23 – All eyes are on Hyperia as Thorpe Park fans brace themselves for the opening of the new tallest and fastest roller coaster in the UK. In the new construction update posted to YouTube by Jack Silkstone we get to see that the 236ft lift hill continues to rise.

In a previous video a couple of days ago we saw that the gold track at the bottom of the lift hill had been installed and we saw white track waiting on the ground. Well, we now see in the video embedded below that this white track has also started to be installed and we expect to see further progress in the coming weeks as we head towards that record breaking 236ft.

February 21 – All eyes are on Hyperia as Thorpe Park fans brace themselves for the opening of the new tallest and fastest roller coaster in the UK. In the new construction update posted to YouTube by Jack Silkstone on February 20 we see that a number of developments have taken place including the all important news that the 236ft lift hill has gone vertical!

In the video embedded below we firstly see the station where the operators panel which is still covered in cellophane has been delivered to the operators booth. The lift has been installed as well as a staircase which includes a gold wing.

At the end of the video at timestamp 9:16 we see the addition of the word “FEARLESS” on the maintenance building. We expect the addition of “FIND YOUR” and for it to be finished in gold. The lake continues to be dug out to return it to its original size. During construction it was completely shrunk down in order for supports to be installed for the rollercoaster.

At timestamp 5:33 we finally get to see what we have all been waiting for, Hyperia’s 236ft lift hill has now gone vertical! So far, we can see that gold track has been installed but there is white track on the ground waiting so we expect this to be added in the coming days.   

We will continue to update you on the progress being made to Hyperia and the developments regarding the lift hill, theming and testing in the coming weeks and can’t wait to bring you news of the official opening date from Thorpe Park as soon as it is announced.  

February 16 – In the construction update posted to YouTube by Jack Silkstone on February 15 and embedded below, we get to see a number of developments on this record breaking roller coaster which is set to debut very soon at Thorpe Park.

Firstly, we get to see that the lift hill track has been delivered to the staff area which has been the storage location for all the track and supports for Hyperia before it is ready to be moved to the construction site. We are expecting to see the lift hill construction beginning very soon.

Moving to the construction site, we see walls continuing to go into place on the gift shop and photo unit, a drainage pit is now in place close to the station building in order to manage water in the area which is prone to flooding and the fence is being painted black with further trees having been planted to continue the landscaping for Hyperia.

The big news in this construction update is with regards to the dive loop. Pieces of track have been continuing to go into place for the dive loop this week and in the video beginning at timestamp 14:45 we get to see the final piece being lowered into place to complete the dive loop. With the completion of this dive loop, the only remaining pieces of track left to be installed for Hyperia is the first drop and the lift hill.

At the end of the video we get to see the first piece of lift hill track being delivered to the construction site which means we are very likely to see construction on the lift hill beginning next week. 

February 9 – In the new Hyperia construction video posted to YouTube by Jack Silkstone we get to see the latest developments which have been completed in the last few days.

Here are the recent updates:

  • Further digging of the lake has continued. 
  • The walls for the building for the photo booth and gift shop are now being put in place. 
  • Electrical work is happening on the transfer track straight out of the station.
  • Landscaping is continuing on site with further small trees having been planted.

The main news is the massive new support structure which is being constructed with new supports being put into place in preparation for the construction of the lift hill and the first drop of the ride.

In the next few weeks we expect the lift hill track to begin to go into place. We will continue to update you with progress over the coming weeks and we still await an announcement from Thorpe Park as to the official opening date for Hyperia which when it opens will take the crown from The Big One at Blackpool Pleasure Beach as the UK’s tallest and fastest roller coaster.

January 31 – In the latest construction video update posted to YouTube by Jack Silkstone we get to see all the latest developments on Hyperia at Thorpe Park.

In the video embedded below we get a very exciting update regarding the track at the beginning of the roller coaster. The track for the unique outer bank element located straight out of the station has now been installed. This unusual outer bank track will take riders from the station to the bottom of the 236ft lift hill which is promised to give a very unusual sensation.  

Track is continuing to be installed for the dive loop and we expect to see further developments in the coming week on this. Progress is also being made on Hyperia’s gift shop and photo unit which now has a roof installed.

In the video we get to see an exclusive first glimpse of the Hyperia station where we will board this record breaking roller coaster. We see where riders will enter and exit the station and the operator’s booth is in place.

We will continue to update you over the coming weeks and months on this very exciting roller coaster and look forward to bringing you news of the official opening date for Hyperia at Thorpe Park as soon as it is announced.

January 24 – All eyes continue to be on Thorpe Park as UK theme park fans are eager to keep up with all the latest construction updates on what will be the new tallest and fastest roller coaster when it opens this year.

In the new construction video posted to YouTube by Jack Silkstone, we get to see a major milestone for the record breaking roller coaster. The last piece of track for the non-inverting Immelmann which stands at over 150ft has now been put into place on Hyperia. The non-inverting  Immelmann is the first element riders will experience after the initial drop.

We also see that the support tower is being put into place for the dive loop which is yet to be completed. Dirt is now being removed from the lake which was originally put there back at the start of construction in order to be able to construct Hyperia successfully. The lake is now being restored to its former glory.

Plants and foliage have started to be delivered to site in preparation for landscaping to begin. We are expecting to see construction commence on the lift hill very soon and we will continue to keep you updated on all the latest developments on Hyperia over the coming weeks as progress continues on the new tallest and fastest roller coaster in the UK.

Are you excited to ride Hyperia? Which element are you looking forward to the most? Let us know your thoughts by leaving us a comment below or on our Facebook page.

January 22 –  We explore the question, Will Hyperia Open At The Start Of The 2024 Season In March? All eyes have been on the construction progress taking place on Hyperia at Thorpe Park in recent weeks with the burning question in everyone’s mind being, will it be ready for the opening day of the 2024 season on Sunday 24th March?

Well, although very good progress is being made as can be seen in the construction updates below, there still appears to be a long way to go before we will get the chance to ride the tallest and fastest roller coaster in the UK.

In recent developments, it is thought that 80% of the track and supports have now been installed and the top of the non-inverted Immelmann has been completed. Next we will see the exciting work being started on the lift hill.

Project Exodus officially begun at the end of December 2022 with the start of the demolishing of Old Town. If we go back to the original plan, the construction timeline was predicted to be 15 months. So, if this prediction was to hold true that would mean that an end of March opening should be possible.

However, we need to take into consideration the unsettled weather which has battered the UK in recent months which has likely caused some delays.

If you take on board current predictions, it looks like Hyperia is more likely to open in May or June of this year rather than at the start of the 2024 season on 24th March.

We will continue to inform you of construction updates on the highly anticipated Hyperia roller coaster at Thorpe Park and will let you know regarding an official opening date as soon as it is announced.

January 16, 2024 – In the new Hyperia construction update posted to YouTube on January 15 by Jack Silkstone, we get to see all the latest developments on this record breaking roller coaster which is opening at Thorpe Park this year.

We can now see that the track for the bottom of the first drop is in position. In the video, new track sections are being lifted into place for the central support structure.

In an interesting development, Jack talks about the unexpected trim brakes that have appeared just before the insane twist element. We had already seen trim brakes installed in the splash down section. Trim brakes are a safety precaution to slow the ride down if needed. Jack explains that the likely reason for the trim brakes at this point is so MACK can perfect the rider experience over this world’s first twist element where riders will experience airtime and hangtime.

Two more large support columns have also been put into place in this central section. We see that a concrete perimeter has been put into place on the splash down area to separate the water from the actual lake that will return to the area prior to the opening.

Gold panelling continues to be installed on the station building and the gift shop and photo booth building now has all the steel framework in place.

Construction on the lift hill is expected to commence in the coming weeks and we will update you as soon as there is confirmation on this. 

December 28 – In the most recent construction update posted by Jack on Christmas Eve, we get to see a new support structure that is rising on the site down by the station for Hyperia that will join with the existing support tower. 

Jack gets to go up in a cherry picker to see the current progress on Hyperia and the view is amazing. Track is now nearly at the inversion and we get to clearly see the head chopper effect.

Over at the station, the panelling has begun to be put up. You can see the gold mesh details contrasting against the black which looks really striking.

Deconstruction has started on the current offices of the Merlin Magic team where the new retail and on ride photo unit will be. Steel has arrived for this new retail unit and we expect construction to begin along with the installation of further track for Hyperia when crews return after the Christmas break.

December 22 – In the latest construction update uploaded to YouTube by Jack Silkstone we get to see Jack having visited the B&E factory where all the fabricating has been done for the steel work for Hyperia which when it opens in Spring 2024 will be the UK’s tallest and fastest roller coaster, taking the title from The Big One at Blackpool Pleasure Beach which has held the record since it opened in 1994.

We get to see the new queue line fences being fabricated which will be erected for Hyperia on site in the coming weeks. We also get to see the large metal panels for the station and maintenance building being worked on.

Powder coating in the striking gold colour is taking place on the new parts in order to protect the structure from chipping, flaking and adverse weather. Once the powder coating has been applied the parts are put into a huge 8x4m oven and baked at 200 degrees before being packaged in readiness to be shipped to Thorpe Park for installation.

We will continue to bring you further construction updates from Thorpe Park over the coming weeks as construction on this highly anticipated roller coaster continues as we heard into 2024.

December 18 – The roller coaster construction crew working on Hyperia which will be the UK’s tallest and fastest roller coaster when it opens in 2024 continue to make huge progress at Thorpe Park. In the latest construction video update from Jack Silkstone we can see that the central support structure is rising and track is now being added to it.

Work is also continuing on the transfer track which will be able to allow trains to be moved into the maintenance building for necessary work to be done. It is very exciting to see Hyperia continuing to rise at Thorpe Park and we will follow the progress over the coming days and weeks.

December 8 – More supports and track are continually being brought to the Hyperia site. In the latest video posted to YouTube by Jack Silkstone you can see that the supports and track are going in for the slow outer bank element as soon as you leave the station before you get to the base of the 236ft lift hill.

Work is also happening on the transfer track which will enable trains to be moved from the Hyperia track over to the maintenance building for necessary work to be done. The colossal support structure for the central section of Hyperia is beginning to rise with further work expected on this in the coming days and weeks.


November 25 – To say that excitement is building surrounding Hyperia at Thorpe Park would certainly be an understatement. In the latest construction update posted to YouTube by Jack Silkstone we can see that having completed the never seen before twist element, the roller coaster construction crew are now focussing their attention on the central section where the support structure is rising for the splashdown section of the roller coaster. 

We get to see further white track being delivered to the site which we assume is to connect the existing structure with the splashdown element. The final brake run was completed last week and in this update there has been the addition of the cat walks. Work on the station building continues with walls now being erected. 

We expect further work to be done on the splashdown element and station over the coming weeks before work commences on the 236ft lift hill and we will continue to update you with the progress being made on Hyperia at Thorpe Park which when it opens will be the tallest and fastest roller coaster in the UK. 

November 20 –  In the previous video update posted to YouTube by Jack Silkstone on November 19, we get to see the recent progress that has been made over the last week on Hyperia at Thorpe Park.  

The track for the last air time hill is in place and the newest thing to update you on regarding the Hyperia construction progress is that the final brake run is now complete and connected to the station. It is expected that the cat walks for the brake run will be going into place in the coming days.

Work continues on the station where we can see that it now has a roof and the stairs are now in place which will ultimately take guests to their first ride on Hyperia.

In the video Jack confirms that the massive support structure in the middle section is going to be the next area the team will focus on. The current schedule will see the roller coaster construction team being on site until January at which point they will leave to make way for the extensive landscaping of the site and in order for the queue line to be put in and the ride’s plaza. We will continue to bring you updates over the coming weeks and months as we head closer to the official opening in spring 2024.

November 15 –  In the very exciting update, we get to see that the twist element which has never been done before on this scale is already now complete and there are stunning views of this in the video which is embedded below.

Work is continuing on the splash down element of Hyperia which will be 3m below lake level and will provide water effects as the train passes. A number of low supports are currently being put into place for this splash down element.

The concrete base is now in place for the lift hill and appears to be ready for the supports and track to be brought over and installed. 

Gold track has now been installed in the station and the plan is to get the ride hardware in over the next month including the ride operations booth. 

We will alight a number of steps before boarding Hyperia as the track is positioned on the first level and it is explained in the video that the ride hardware including the mechanics and electronics will sit a considerable height up from ground level to ensure it is never affected by flooding due to this site being prone to flooding.

Work is also progressing very well on the maintenance building which now has walls and the roof. You can see where trains will be stored and work will be done as and when needed. We expect to see work beginning on the huge lift hill in the coming weeks when we will finally be able to get a glimpse of the true height of what will be the tallest roller coaster in the UK when it opens in Spring 2024! 

October 26 – The current progress on Hyperia at Thorpe Park is amazing to see. We had already seen supports being put into place, gold track being added and the station building going vertical. Now, in the latest video construction update posted on October 25 by Jack Silkstone we see white track being installed.

Two huge support towers have gone up in the lower end of the site and deliveries of track are happening very frequently including the lift hill stairs. As work continues on the bottom section of Hyperia at lightning speed, we are hoping to see work on the lift hill commencing in the coming few weeks.

October 18 – Work on the upcoming tallest and fastest roller coaster in the UK is progressing fast. Last week we saw the supports starting to go into place as well as the first track sections being installed. Now, huge steel beams are being put into place for the station building.

As is shown in the plans, guests will alight steps to get to the loading platform meaning the station building is very tall as can be seen in the newest construction video posted to YouTube by Jack Silkstone which is embedded below.

As more supports are added, we begin to get an idea of the actual scale of Hyperia which will stand at 236ft tall when completed. With Saw The Ride nearby reaching 100ft and Colossus standing at 98ft, Hyperia will certainly tower over these iconic attractions and take the title of King of the Coasters at Thorpe Park when it opens in 2024.

We expect to see further track being installed as well as work on the station building developing over the coming weeks and we look forward to bringing you future updates on the construction progress for Hyperia.

October 13 – The excitement for Thorpe Park fans this week can barely be contained. Earlier this week, we saw Hyperia go vertical with the very first gold supports being put into place and now according to the newest video update, posted to YouTube by Jack Silkstone we get to see that the first sections of gold track have now been added to those supports.

It is really amazing to see how quickly supports and track are now being installed for Hyperia since it went vertical earlier this week. We will continue to update you on construction progress and be sure to see what Hyperia currently looks like by watching the video by Jack Silkstone which is embedded below.

October 11 – The beginning of this week has brought with it some extremely exciting news for Thorpe Park. Recently we found out the name and theme for Project Exodus which will be HYPERIA, after the fearless goddess. When HYPERIA opens in 2024, it will be the UK’s tallest and fastest roller coaster standing at 236ft above ground level and reaching speeds of 81mph.

After months of preparation and ground work we have all been waiting for the day that Project Exodus, now HYPERIA will go vertical and as you can see from the video posted to YouTube on October 9 (timestamp 8:45), below by Jack Silkstone, that day has finally arrived. A large crane was on site and the first gold supports have gone into place and we now expect work to ramp up on the installation of further supports in the coming weeks followed by the track.

We will inform you of further updates on HYPERIA as they take place, are you excited to see the first gold supports go into place? Let us know your thoughts by leaving us a comment below or on our Facebook page.


September 6 – Project Exodus is set to open as the tallest roller coaster in the UK in 2024. It was also recently announced by Thorpe Park on National Roller Coaster Day, August 16, that Project Exodus will also be the fastest roller coaster in the UK hitting 81mph, taking the title from Thorpe Park’s Stealth launch coaster which has a maximum speed of 80mph. 

In the latest update posted by Jack Silkstone to YouTube on September 5, we see a number of exciting developments.

More gold supports have arrived to Swarm island along with a number of white supports. They are being stored in this location before being transported to the Project Exodus site.

In the video we also get to see a model of Project Exodus at the Thorpe Park Megastore which will certainly delight guests visiting the park in the following months prior to the opening.

New branding has now appeared on the hoarding surrounding the construction site in Old Town which carries the colours of Project Exodus being black, white and gold which looks very impressive. 

There are images displayed of the upcoming attraction in gold which contrasts vividly against the black background. On one image you get to see the comparison between Colossus which stands at 98ft and Project Exodus which is set to hit 236ft.

Guests are now invited to “Take a glimpse” to view construction through the four circular windows which look directly onto the site.

On site, it looks very busy with construction vehicles and building materials scattered everywhere. The very exciting thing to mention is that from recent developments it looks like we are very close to vertical construction which is expected to begin in a few weeks time.

The ride station footprint is now in place and this should be having its concrete poured in the next few days as well as work being done on the maintenance building.

We will keep you updated on further construction progress on Project Exodus at Thorpe Park and hope that the next update will indeed include the news that construction is going vertical!

Artist Image, Thorpe Park New Ride

August 17 – Project Exodus will take the crown from The Big One at Blackpool Pleasure Beach when it opens next year at Thorpe Park as the tallest roller coaster in the UK. In the latest video update posted to YouTube by Jack Silkstone we now see the arrival of the lower gold supports to the temporary location on Island A next to Swarm Island at Thorpe Park.

We know that the colour scheme for Project Exodus will be gold at the bottom and then fading to white at the top. With recent developments on site seen in the video posted August 16, including a number of completed footings it looks like it won’t be long until we see vertical construction commencing on this ambitious roller coaster project at Thorpe Park.

August 16 – In a recent construction update posted to YouTube by Jack Silkstone we get to see that new connecting supports have been delivered for Project Exodus and the lower golden supports are expected on site very soon. Footers are being dug all over the construction site including for the ride station. A number of the roller coaster footings are now fully in the ground and ready for the supports to be added.

From the video you also begin to get a sense of the location of the lift hill and brake run and how it will be positioned on the Project Exodus site. We hope to see vertical construction taking place in the near future and we will inform you of further construction updates as they occur at Thorpe Park.

July 18 –  In another construction update video posted to YouTube by Jack Silkstone, we get to see the first track supports being delivered to Thorpe Park. The newly delivered track supports have come all the way from the Mack Rides manufacturing plant in Germany.

The first track supports have arrived to the temporary location on Island A next to Swarm Island at Thorpe Park. In the video you can see footage of the large track supports being lifted off the truck by the crane. These are indeed the first of over 400 track supports which are needed for Project Exodus so we are expecting to see these continuing to be delivered to Thorpe Park over the coming weeks.

We are not exactly sure where these first track supports will be located on Project Exodus. As far as we know, the colour scheme for Project Exodus will be gold at the base then lightening gradually to white at the top. 

Jack predicts in the video that as these first supports are white that they will be for the top of Project Exodus. However, another enthusiast comments that they are for the “base/middle of the lift support structure”. The exact location of these first supports has not been confirmed as of yet.

This momentous step begins the large process of the delivery of all the hardware to Thorpe Park for Project Exodus. We will continue to update you on future deliveries of supports, track and the trains when they happen. Are you excited for Project Exodus? Let us know your thoughts by leaving us a comment below or on our Facebook page. 

Artist Image, Thorpe Park New Ride

July 13 – When Project Exodus opens at Thorpe Park it will take the title from The Big One at Blackpool Pleasure Beach, as the tallest roller coaster in the UK standing at 236ft. It is being manufactured by Mack Rides and construction work began in January 2023. With a proposed timeline of 15 months to complete, this should mean it is still on track to open in 2024 as was originally slated. Track is scheduled to arrive at the park at some point this summer.

Jack Silkstone has been reporting on all the latest construction updates for the upcoming new roller coaster at Thorpe Park, named “Project Exodus”. In the latest video update which is embedded below, we see that the ground pins which will make up the foundations for the supports of Project Exodus are being taken over to the site where this new roller coaster will sit and are being put into the ground. 

These ground pins were actually delivered to Thorpe Park a number of months ago and it has been since July 4 that those ground pins are now being added which is a big step forward in this mighty construction.

Ongoing ground work and foundations have continued on site for the last six months (since January). The 20m tall crane has been drilling steel rods into ground. Steel cages are now being constructed which will be filled with concrete and then dropped into the ground to form part of the foundations for this massive roller coaster.

New fencing has now appeared in the park to section off the construction area which we assume will have branding added to in the coming weeks. It is also exciting to see the Project Exodus coaster outline also at the entrance of the site on blue sheets and the slogan, “Taking Thrills To New Heights” has been added to the outside of the office building.

To prepare the site for Project Exodus unfortunately we saw the demolishing of a number of classic attractions in the former Old Town area of Thorpe Park including; Loggers Leap, Canada Creek Railway and the Rocky Express. 

The new roller coaster is described by Thorpe Park as being a place where, “Visitors will be transported from the station structure around a new track over water in an exhilarating experience. A maintenance building is proposed to the west of the station building and there will be associated facilities provided such as a food and beverage outlet and photo shop.”

For anyone who is interested in taking a look at a precreation video using No Limits 2 and based on drawings from the submitted plans and details of Project Exodus that have been released so far, check out the video below which was posted to YouTube by H3Lix. This is of the structure and track only, theming and scenery has not been added. Please be aware that this is one person’s perspective and is only an idea of what Project Exodus could look like.

We will continue to inform you of updates regarding the construction of Project Exodus and would love to know your thoughts on what will be the tallest roller coaster in the UK when it opens in 2024.

On November 2, 2022 there was fantastic news for UK theme park fans when it was confirmed that the new proposed roller coaster which when it opens will be the tallest roller coaster in the UK, standing at 236 ft, finally got the green light to proceed.  Further concept art for Project Exodus can be seen below as well as details of the planning process to get to the point of construction we are currently at…


The Plans for this new roller coaster which is is being called “Project Exodus” were first announced back in early December 2021. Here is the original timeline for the project that was initially outlined on the official proposal site:

  • Jan/Feb 2022 – Review consultation responses and final design development
  • Spring 2022 – Finalise and submit application to Council   
  • Late Spring/Summer 2022 – Planning decision issued by Council
  • Late 2022 – Start construction
  • TBC – New rollercoaster opens to public

In November when the application was approved by the local planning authority who were given permission by the Secretary of State to determine the project, Thorpe Park could proceed with this exciting new roller coaster. Further concept art can be seen below.

March 18, 2022 – Thorpe Park has been conducting a public consultation on this ambitious project since January 7, 2022. This consultation is now complete. It has recently been reported that Thorpe Park has now officially submitted the final application which includes further details for what is called “Project Exodus” which will be the tallest roller coaster in the UK and is set to open at Thorpe Park in 2024. For further details on this application you can check out Jack Silkstone’s tweet below:

December 11, 2021 – Thorpe Park, the popular Merlin Entertainment owned theme park in Surrey UK, has revealed plans this week for a new rollercoaster which ia set to be the tallest ride in the UK at 236ft and could be ready to open in 2024. It will beat the previous record holder, The Big One at Blackpool Pleasure Beach which has held the tallest rollercoaster record since 1994. The last major attraction which opened at Thorpe Park was The Swarm back in 2012 so the announcement that Thorpe Park is set to open a new rollercoaster is extremely welcome news.

Merlin aim to revitalise Thorpe Park in the aftermath of COVID-19 to ensure it continues to grow and thrive. In a statement, Thorpe Park said, “The COVID-19 pandemic has had, and continues to have, a significant impact on admission numbers to the Resort. Thorpe Park Resort aims to continue to invest in the Park’s attractions to encourage more people to return to the Resort now that the tourism industry has re-opened. This key investment and the introduction of new attractions is critical to the Resort’s recovery from the COVID-related impacts on the business.”

The image below shows the existing site plan which shows the former Loggers Leap and Rocky Express as well as the proposal boundary.

Existing site plan, Thorpe Park

The image below shows the proposed site plan including the new ride, maintenance building and plaza.

Proposed site plan, Thorpe Park Merlin

Thorpe Park commented on the new ride saying, “Visitors will be transported from the station structure around a new track over water in an exhilarating experience.”

Although the proposed manufacturer for this new ride has not been officially announced yet, Thorpe Park has released a number of artist impressions credited to SMYTHEMAN ARCHITECTURAL to show what fans could be in store for with the new rollercoaster. These can be seen below where the scale and height of the new rollercoaster which has been named Project Exodus, can clearly be seen.

Artist Image, Thorpe Park New Ride

Merlin are having to take special care in order to ensure the proposal site doesn’t impact on the green belt area, “The site is Previously Developed land within the Green Belt and planning policy allows redevelopment and infill development where there is no greater impact on the openness of the Green Belt than existing development.”,  “A detailed study will be submitted with the application to demonstrate that the proposals will not adversely affect views, or the openness of the Green Belt given the surrounding Theme Park development.”

There was a four-week public consultation on the rollercoaster plans which ran until January 7. There were also two virtual meetings for local residents on Monday, December 13 2021. Members of the public were able to make their views heard on this new proposal. The comments were considered by Merlin before submitting the planning application in early 2022.