Home » This Is How Universal Will Take The Battle Of The Themed Land To A Whole New Level With Epic Universe

    This Is How Universal Will Take The Battle Of The Themed Land To A Whole New Level With Epic Universe

    Hogwarts Castle

    Since its 1971 opening, Walt Disney World has reigned as Orlando’s most beloved vacation spot. Offering unparalleled, magical experiences for the entire family, Walt Disney World has paved the way for theme park innovation and has long been considered the undisputed champion of the theme park game for its next-level theming. 

    Undisputed, that was, until 2010. 

    Hogwarts Castle
    Image: Theme Park Tourist

    Enter Universal Studios, who, despite its own impressive line-up of world-class attractions, had struggled to escape Walt Disney World’s castle-shaped shadow since its 1990 opening. 

    2010, however, would see the movie-inspired theme park finally throw its hat in the ring and change the theme-park-theming game forever. 

    Yes, now thirteen years ago, guests were first given the opportunity to walk in the footsteps of a Hogwarts student, as Universal Orlando’s Wizarding World of Harry Potter was unveiled. 

    Hogsmeade, Universal, Touring Plans
    Image: <a href="https://touringplans.com/blog/4-hidden-gems-of-the-wizarding-world-of-harry-potter-hogsmeade/">Touring Plans&nbsp;</a>

    Unlike anything that had been seen before, the Wizarding World’s first phase brought Hogsmeade village to life, complete with a towering Hogwarts castle that was enough to bring a tear to any Potter fan’s eye. 

    And the magic was only just beginning, as four years later Diagon Alley would apparate over to the Universal Studios’ side, fully fitted with its very own fire-breathing dragon. 

    Diagon alley at Universal Studios Florida's Wizarding World of Harry Potter
    Image: Universal&nbsp;

    The Wizarding World’s opening shook the then-current state of Orlando’s theme park landscape, with Disney then offering their own response some seven years later with the grand unveiling of Pandora: The World of Avatar at Animal Kingdom and later Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge at Hollywood Studios in 2019. 

    Together, the opening of these two lands served as a retaliative blow in what has since become an interesting branch of the ongoing Universal vs Disney battle.

    At this stage, it must be noted that while Pandora, much like the Wizarding World, boasted a number of its own ‘never-before-seen’ elements, such as the floating mountains, it would be a complete falsification to say that this was the first time Disney had ever taken theming seriously. 

    Disney has long been the front-runner in creating immersive and awe-inspiring atmospheres that spread to every nook and cranny, and continue to demonstrate this even now. 

    However, Universal made the first tactical move to truly step it up, showcasing what could be done and how truly immersive a themed land could be. Now, they look ready to set an all-new standard with Epic Universe… 

    Officially, little is known about Epic Universe, Universal’s upcoming sister park, which is currently slated for a 2025 opening. 

    Through various public patents and aerial images, the heavily rumoured (and highly likely) lands that look set to feature within Epic Universe have been deciphered as the How To Train Your Dragon, Universal Monsters, and Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them franchises. 

    The one thing that we do know for certain is that guests can expect Orlando’s very own iteration of Super Nintendo World, which recently opened in Universal Hollywood (and previously in Universal Japan) and this is where our very first teases of just what lay ahead can be found.

    Super Nintendo World’s opening at Universal Hollywood blew fans away, as visitors of the Mushroom Kingdom wandered through a warp pipe to enter the colourful, whimsical world of Mario. 

    While undoubtedly mind-blowing, this level of immersion and attention to detail came as very little surprise to those who frequent the Universal parks and know their capabilities. 

    Super Nintendo World, Universal
    Image: Universal

    For those who hadn’t been paying attention, Super Nintendo World has now piqued these interests, serving as a preview of coming events when Epic Universe finally opens its gates. 

    With a bigger space to work with in Epic Universe, Orlando’s Super Nintendo World will likely heighten that which has already been seen in Japan and Hollywood which, as you can imagine, already has its theming dialled up to the max.

    Super Nintendo World at Universal Hollywood
    Image: Universal&nbsp;

    Although, when you consider that this level of detail in a land comes from needing to craft it according to a specific design, the excitement lies in the possibilities that come with crafting a land that doesn’t have a direct visual source material, such as Universal Monsters land.

    The theming is just the start…

    Not only has Universal excelled at theming over the past almost decade and a half, but they’ve also brought a whole new a-game with the standard of rollercoaster. 

    Both Hagrid’s Magical Creature Motorbike Adventure and VelociCoaster have showcased the calibre of Universal’s arsenal,  both offer an all-new kind of coaster experience for those seeking something thrilling. 

    VelociCoaster, Jett Vega
    Image: Christy Vega

    Perhaps most exciting when considering this, is that Universal has created these coasters within pre-existing spaces, filling a footprint. When given the unlimited potential of Epic Universe’s blank landscape, only time will tell if VelociCoaster’s innovative mastery will become old hat by comparison. 

    Universal has proved that its strength lies within coasters, and with mysterious structures having already begun rising out of the soils of Epic Universe’s construction site, it’s not a stretch to assume that this is where their focus will be in crafting these memorable, immersive experiences. 

    Epic Universe, Universal
    Image: Universal

    How can Universal do it…? 

    Universal has now had the luxury of hindsight when approaching this new monumental undertaking, with the ability to consider and reapply the strengths from within the Wizarding World. Universal will also have no doubt had an eye on Disney’s recent themed additions, and will now be able to draw inspiration from the elements within Disney’s lands that have been particularly favoured by guests. 

    With both Disney and Universal boasting themed lands that are tucked within their parks, Epic Universe will take this one step further with what will be a higher themed-land to regular park area ratio. 

    Epic Universe, Universal
    Image: Universal

    Walking through Epic Universe will see you journey through a number of fictional universes in potentially quick succession, and, having already demonstrated the level of theming that is to be expected, the park may have to come with a whiplash warning. 

    Based on what we know and what we’ve seen so far, Universal is certainly looking to put the ‘theme’ in theme park with the opening of Epic Universe. While there will always be space for Disney and Universal to operate harmoniously, complimenting each other, Universal are most certainly primed and ready to finally start turning some heads with Epic Universe’s grand opening.