Home ยป Guests Have Seen Huge Change In Disney Cast Member Attitudes

Guests Have Seen Huge Change In Disney Cast Member Attitudes

Disney Cast Members are world renown for their brilliant attitudes and customer care and it is the Cast Members that will often add that extra sparkle to your vacation.

However, over the last two years Cast Members have often had to play the teacher role in the theme parks, asking people to put masks on and not to be doing this and not to be doing that. It is enough to tire anyone out. Not only have they had to ensure that measures are adhered to by the guests they have also had to deal with an increase in volatile and rude behavior from some guests. There doesn’t seem to be a few days go by without reading another story about a fight or issues with guests at a Disney park.

In our latest Big Debate we asked your thoughts on Cast Member attitudes over the last couple of years with COVID-19 measures in place and changing behaviors of guests. So, Have COVID-19 Measures And Recent Changes Taken Their Toll On Cast Members? Let’s take a look at the results…


Cast members, Disney
Image: Disney

This hasn’t been one of our most popular debates and therefore our sample is quite small but it still gives us an idea about whether there have been noticeable changes in the attitude of Cast Members:

  • No, Cast Members Are as Sparkly As They Ever Were – 7%
  • At Times, Noticed this on some ocassions – 48%
  • Yes, definite change in Cast Member attitude – 45%

It is great to see 7% of people voting that they have experienced Cast Members being as sparkly as ever but a huge majority, 93% in total said they have noticed a change in Cast Members attitudes on some occassions or have seen a definite change in the quality of Cast Member interactions which is really disappointing to hear. Guests have expressed their opinion that this is down to a number of reasons including low wages, COVID-19 measures and guest behavior.

Your Thoughts and Comments

As always we like to include a selection of your comments in our results article to show both sides of the debate:

“We’ve to WDW been twice since COVID started and have yet to experience anything other than kindness and appreciation from their cast members.”

“You get back what you put out in the universe. Take the time to stop and talk to the cast members. Ask them about their day. Show you care and you will get it back.”

“I blame the hideous and awful behavior of “guests” that come in with a sense of entitlement and don’t feel like they need to follow the rules.. My heart goes out to the cast members. You are very much appreciated by most.”

“I think that the way some people treat them, their attitudes are changing a bit…….But we never have any problem with any of them. They all seem to smile and are very friendly.”

“There was a major change the past 2 trips for me, sadly. But I do not blame them, they are over worked and underpaid, it just shows now.”

Chef Mickey, Disney
Image: Disney

“I don’t necessarily think it’s Disney that’s making it hard on the cast members I think it’s some of the “guests” that come on to the property that are rude, obnoxious, self entitled and downright mean.
I’ve been 3 times since it reopened and I have seen absolutely hideous behavior.”

“We had great cast members at every part of our trip. Every trip has a snag or 2 but the cast members were great. We had excellent service throughout the parks.”

“We just got home a few days ago and had nothing but wonderful interactions with cast members.”

“Exceptional Cast members have been less and less for a while, even before covid… sign of the times. That being said there are still great ones, just fewer than in the past.”

“Time, Covid, and loss of wages has all had it’s toll on Cast Members. But as others have mentioned, it’s mostly the treatment of guests that has had more of a negative impact. The changes, restrictions, and closures has been difficult for everyone. Guests behaving so rudely to Cast Members is completely uncalled for, and they should be removed from the park.”

Disney Cast Members, Disney
Image: Disney

“Cast Members have always been wonderful and continue to do their best regarding health regulations. Shout out to all of the CMs who keep the magic alive.”

“By going beyond what has been mandated by the government (in some cases), Disney has actively made things more difficult for Cast Members. We must all remember to be kind to these employees, but some of the blame must also fall upon their employer.”

“I seen so many articles about fights breaking out at Disney parks. I dont blame cast members for being burnt out.”

“They were horrible at Christmas and were the only bad part of our trip.”

“Early on in the 2020 re-opening, I did notice Cast Members being more aggressive with warnings to guests not complying with the rules, on our most recent trips in 2021, the Cast Members have all been great and I’ve not heard or seen a need for a Cast Member to be more aggressive to guests not complying with the rules.”

Star Wars Galaxy Edge, Disney
Image: Theme Park Tourist

We are hoping that as COVID-19 measures are relaxed further during 2022 that Cast Members and guests will be able to relax a little more and that the magic sparkle can return to Walt Disney World. Let us know your thoughts by leaving us a comment below or on our Facebook page.