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Guests Continue To Behave Badly At Walt Disney World

It is always disappointing to have to report on bad news from what should be “The Happiest Place on Earth” but there has been a further incident of fighting between guests at the Magic Kingdom.

What is being described as a “brawl” was eventually dealt with and broken up by security guards and deputies at the Magic Kingdom on July 20. 

Magic Kingdom castle, Disney
Image: Disney

From reports online, it appears that this fight broke out due to a queue jumping incident when a guest left the line to get her phone and was then confronted with a family who refused to let her go past and rejoin her group.

It has been confirmed by the Orange County Sheriff’s Office that one person was taken to hospital for face lacerations and three people were arrested for misdemeanor battery.

News of fights at the Walt Disney World theme parks seem to have increased in recent months. We are guessing that the continued high crowds and temperatures are further fueling these frustrations.

Magic Kingdom castle, Disney
Image: Disney

We did a poll at the start of the year to ask you whether you had seen a change in Disney Cast Member attitudes with 48% saying they had noticed it on some occasions and 45% had seen a definite change in Cast Memeber attitude. We concluded that this was down to a number of reasons including implementing COVID-19 rules, low wages and also guest behaviors. Unfortunately a minority of guests behaviors are having a large impact on guests and Cast Members at Walt Disney World.

Have you seen incidents of guests behaving badly at Walt Disney World? Let us know your experiences by leaving us a comment below or on our Facebook page.