Home » Exclusive Holiday Candy Canes at Disneyland

    Exclusive Holiday Candy Canes at Disneyland

    There are lots of little exclusive treasures at Disneyland, with one of them being the seasonal candy cane! People practically lose their minds for these handmade sugar sticks and will do almost anything to get their hands on one.

    Disneyland prides itself on their handmade candy canes because, as they say, the making of them is a lost art. While most of today’s candy canes are made by machine, their candy canes are made by a small team of three people who slave over the molten sugar for hours upon hours to bring guests a taste of the past. I personally have never had one, but would absolutely love to! I bet they’re amazing!

    Here is where things become riddled with anxiety: these candies only come around during the holiday season; there are only 7 days where they are made; there are only 45 candy canes to a batch; only 3 batches are made in a given day. This means that there are a mere 945 candy canes available to the guests each year.

    So, how does one go about getting one of these highly sought after treats? The procedure seems to change from year to year as Disneyland has tested various rules, but the 2011 protocol calls for asking for a wristband at the park entrance. Yes, a wristband – just like a concert! Once you have your wristband, you report to the Candy Palace at a designated time to pick up your candy cane. Last year, the candy canes cost $9.95 each. I’m not sure if the price has increased since then but, seeing as how annual pass prices are on the rise, I wouldn’t be surprised to see a dollar or two increase here as well. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it), you will be limited to one candy cane whereas last year you were able to purchase two.

    I think it’s awesome that these treats are made in-house and guests are able to witness a touch of nostalgia. Then again, does it come as any surprise? Disneyland is magical and transports us to the very best of times; simple times.

    If you’ve ever been lucky enough to take one of these exclusive candy canes home, please tell us about it in a comment below!