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Epic Universe Preview Center Coming Soon to CityWalk

Amidst all the excitement earlier this week following Universal Orlando Resort’s official unveiling of their full plan for Epic Universe, another development was quietly confirmed: a preview center with new details about the park will be opening soon! 

Tucked away inside their announcement press release Universal officially confirmed that a new Epic Universe preview center will be opening at CityWalk later in 2024. Though details on this attraction are still being finalized, here’s everything we know so far about this exciting development.

The preview center will have interactive exhibits


While theme park fans will have to wait until 2025 to enter the worlds of Epic Universe, they will be able to get a little taste of what is to come when the preview center opens sometime in the next few months. And while preview centers of the past have included plenty of maps, models, and concept art to look at, Universal is taking things a step further with the first theme park preview center of the 21st century. 

The resort has confirmed that in addition to the usual information, art, and displays there will also be interactive exhibits that guests can go hands-on with to learn more about the experiences that await them inside this much-anticipated new theme park. Though we don’t know exactly what kind of interactivity exactly will be available inside this location, it will definitely be unique and unlike any other preview center before.

Visitors to this location can be among the first to get official Epic Universe gear


Beyond interactive exhibits, the preview center aims to be a one-stop shop for early birds seeking to snag exclusive Epic Universe merchandise. Currently, Epic Universe’s merchandise offerings are limited to logo t-shirts available in men’s and women’s sizes on the official Universal Orlando Resort merchandise website. 

However, the preview center is poised to showcase a more extensive array of items, including limited-edition pre-opening merchandise like apparel, collectibles, and other pre-opening memorabilia that will likely be exclusive to this particular location, similar to the way specific items have been exclusive to Tribute Stores in the past. For those looking to be the first to sport Epic Universe gear, this preview center will definitely be a must-hit spot in CityWalk when it opens later this year. And speaking of opening…

The location for the preview center is still unannounced, but it will probably be inside the former Legacy Store


Universal has not confirmed where this new preview center will be located, but we have a good guess: The former site of the Universal Legacy Store. This retro-inspired shopping location closed in early January and immediately rumors swirled that the space was being modified to become an Epic Universe preview center. 

Universal did not confirm that this location would indeed house the preview center when it was officially announced earlier this week but considering the former storefront is now surrounded by high construction walls, it seems like something is being built here, and the most likely candidate is the Epic Universal Preview Center.

Though we don’t technically have a location or date for the opening of the Epic Universe preview center, we do know that it will be opening soon, and will likely be a very popular spot for guests to visit. Hopefully more information will be released soon as we continue to move closer to the 2025 opening of Epic Universe.