Home » “Don’t Get Rid Of The Disposable Cup Starbucks!” Say Walt Disney World Guests

“Don’t Get Rid Of The Disposable Cup Starbucks!” Say Walt Disney World Guests

In our recent poll, Starbucks Disposable Cups To Be Eliminated At Walt Disney World, Is It A Good Idea?, we asked your opinion on the recent news that Starbucks is looking to get rid of their iconic white disposable cups at Walt Disney World by 2023. 

Although these disposable cups are indeed recyclable, a huge number still inevitably end up in landfill each year. Starbucks are looking into ways to eliminate the white disposable cup in favour of a number of options.

Image: Starbucks

One way is to allow customers to bring their own mug with them which can then be filled with the drink of their choice. This appears to be a good idea apart from the fact that this relies on forward planning, unless you are going to always have a mug in your bag, and for that matter have a bag, just in case you fancy a brew from Starbucks. 

If you are popping out with a friend then this might work but if you are walking around a theme park all day with a family, do you really want to lug a number of mugs around with you?

Another option is to use the borrow a mug scheme which is being trialled at certain locations where you currently pay $1 and use a mug from the store. To get your $1 back you need to return it to the store after use. This could work at Walt Disney World although it would be quite annoying having to walk around with the mug until you got to another Starbucks and again annoying having to then take time out of your day to return it, when there are rides to enjoy. 

Big Thunder Mountain, Disney
Image: Disney

There are also issues here with hygiene surely, how well are the mugs going to be cleaned? Also, how many mugs are not going to be returned for the sake of $1? Again we are sceptical for how well this will work at Walt Disney World.

Adding a disposable cup surcharge has also be tried although this doesn’t end up with them being eliminated just you having to pay more to have your drink in one. We asked you, Starbucks Disposable Cups To Be Eliminated At Walt Disney World, Is It A Good Idea? and here are the results…

The Results

Epcot Entrance, Disney
Image: Disney

Unsurprisingly, the results show:

  • No – 86%
  • Yes – 14%

So, it is a massive ‘NO’ to the eliminating of the iconic white disposable cup which I guess was to be expected because as we know, ease and convenience is what most people crave especially on a theme park visit to Walt Disney World.

The main issues that arose from readers comments were to do with hygiene, having to carry dirty mugs around and then how to get them clean again before ordering your next cup later in the day and the fact that the white disposable cups can be recycled anyway which is a good thing.

“I just wonder how they will handle peoples dirty cups when guests come in to get their coffee in a refillable mug. It seems like it might be a little germy to me. In reality is everybody going to wash their cup thouroghly every time they go in for a coffee? Its tough to balance the health and wellness of customers and protecting the environment. Looking forward to seeing what their solution is.”

“It’s ok to get rid of them , but have some that you can carry in a pouch on a back pack or bag…….like a hook on them.”

“I’m glad. Sick of people leaving their empty cups on store shelves and sidewalks instead of throwing them away.”

I think overall when it comes to a Walt Disney World visit, having your Starbucks wants to be easy and enjoyable. We have no doubt that most likely in the future the white cup will be eliminated but until that time comes, enjoy your favorite beverage and be sure to put your white disposable cup into the bin where it can then hopefully be recycled. 

Walt Disney World, Disney
Image: Disney

If you haven’t already had your say on this issue then be sure to let us know your thoughts by leaving us a comment below or on our Facebook page.