Home ยป Disney Fans Can’t Wait To Get Back To Walt Disney World Now Masks Are Gone

Disney Fans Can’t Wait To Get Back To Walt Disney World Now Masks Are Gone

In our last Big Debate we asked, Gone Are The Face Masks and Back Are The Fireworks at Walt Disney World – When Are You Going? The results were overwhelmingly positive showing:

  • Now, now, now – 23%
  • When I am fully vaccinated – 0%
  • When the parades come back – 2%
  • Waiting for 1st July when fireworks return – 5%
  • Waiting for 50th Celebration in October – 17%
  • 2022!- 37%
  • 2023 or beyond – 12%
  • Never – too expensive – 5%

From the results above we can see that almost a quarter of people couldn’t wait a moment longer and were going to head back to the parks straight away if they hadn’t already done so. Interestingly the majority of readers, 37% are waiting for 2022 which is set to be a bumper year for theme parks as life hopefully will return to being as close as it can be to the life as we once knew it pre-COVID-19. The 50th Anniversary Celebrations will also be in full flow in 2022.

17% are planning to wait until October 2021 when the 50th Anniversary celebrations kick off. Only 2% specified when the parades come back with 5% focusing on Fireworks. 12% are planning to wait until 2023 or beyond and 5% unfortunately voted that Walt Disney World is no longer on their list of things to do because of it being too expensive. 

Your Thoughts And Comments

As always in our Results articles we include a selection of your comments aiming to sum up the two sides of the debate:

“We are local and have gone weekly since they reopened.”

“Just got back home today but it was planned months ago when masks were still required.”

“Probably never. I have been going for the last 20 years. Now they have ruined it. Jacked up all the prices and a screwed up what worked so great.”

“December 2021”

“Next month!”

In summary, the positivity of things returning to some sort of normality, with the mask mandate having been dropped at Walt Disney World in outdoor spaces and the news of the return of fireworks, is unfortunately now tinged with some concern due to the rise in COVID-19 cases in Florida. 

We heard last week that Mandatory Masks for All Guests Returning to Universal Studios Hollywood would be required for all guests regardless of vaccination status at all indoor locations.

Have your say in what appears to be the endless saga of Mask wearing in our latest Big Debate, If COVID-19 Cases Continue To Rise, Should Mandatory Mask Wearing Be Brought Back At Walt Disney World? which is coming very soon to Theme Park Tourist.