Home ยป Coronavirus Poll – Do You Think The Disney Reopening Plan is Going To Work? May 8, 2020 Poll 14

Coronavirus Poll – Do You Think The Disney Reopening Plan is Going To Work? May 8, 2020 Poll 14

I had already started writing poll 14 as a third in our mini series, around virtual queuing and social distancing in attraction queues and on rides. However, with news that Disney Releases Statement Outlining Reopening Plans in the US, I am focussing Poll 14 on Disney’s plans and aim to get your views on what they are proposing.

This week has seen positive news that Shanghai Disneyland is officially reopening May 11, now just a few days away. With Disney quietly pushing back “Best Case” reopening dates for their other theme parks around the world, surely Disney will be watching closely to see how Shanghai Disneyland’s reopening actually pans out. They will inevitably use the information gleaned from it to inform the more detailed plans for reopening Walt Disney World and Disneyland.

It has also come as positive news this week that SeaWorld is Taking New Meaures To Stay Afloat During Closure and has secured loans in order to survive to the end of 2020 if it needs to. People have been understandably getting inpatient to learn what is going to lie ahead for the reopening of all US theme parks but especially Walt Disney World, Universal Orlando and SeaWorld. These difficult decisions inevitably take time and can not be rushed. We now have the first glimpse and understandably when finalising these reopening plans the top priority remains to ensure the safety of everyone as COVID-19 continues to be present. 

In our recent mini series of polls we have been discussing how positive and worthwhile the new potential measures that could be put into place, and will be in the case of Shanghai Disneyland, when the parks indeed reopen their gates. 

With Disney confirming that they will use “enhanced screening procedures” at the front gates of their parks. Touchless temperature checks and masks are likely to be required but it has not yet been officially announced as to who will be required to wear them. The obvious would be cast members, but guests may or may not also be required to wear them. Knowing this from the Disney’s latest annoucement means that the results from Polls 12 and 13 are even more meaningful. So, here they are…

Castle, Disney's Magic Kingdom
Image: Theme Park Tourist

Poll 12 Results – Would You Be Happy To Wear A Mask If You Had To, When Visiting Walt Disney World, Universal Orlando and SeaWorld?

With this poll, the choices were a simple yes or no. Results currently show that 42% of those that have voted would be happy and 58% would not be. Many comments have flooded in regarding the temperature in Florida making mask wearing too uncomfortable, others have said that it would spoil the magic and some have stated that they would be unable to wear a mask for medical reasons.

This is inevitably a controversial subject and one that soon we hope to have firm answers on. People will then be in the position to make a fully informed decision as to whether you will chose to visit Walt Disney World, Universal Orlando and SeaWorld when the gates finally reopen.

Main Street, Disney's Magic Kingdom
Image: Theme Park Tourist

Poll 9, 10 and 11 results –  When The Parks Reopen Are You Planning On Going?

It would make sense at this point to bring you the final results on our mini series of polls which asked, When The Parks Reopen Are You Planning On Going? If you missed any of these polls just click on the links below to read them:

  • Walt Disney World – Yes 57%, Yes but depends on the measures 22%, No not until a vaccine 10%, No because I won’t be able to afford it 3%, Maybe I can’t make a decision right now 8%
  • Universal Orlando – Yes 57%, Yes but depends on the measures 23%, No not until a vaccine 11%, No because I won’t be able to afford it 4%, Maybe I can’t make a decision right now 5%
  • SeaWorld – Yes 57%, Yes but depends on the measures 16%, No not until a vaccine 10%, No because I won’t be able to afford it 5%, Maybe I can’t make a decision right now 13%
  • Six Flags – Yes 78%, Yes but depends on the measures 22%, No not until a vaccine 0%, No because I won’t be able to afford it 0%, Maybe I can’t make a decision right now 0%
Universal Entrance
Image: Theme Park Tourist

From these results it is clear that over half the people who have voted are just raring to get back to the parks which is a very positive sign for Walt Disney World, Universal Orlando and SeaWorld. Around 20% of voters want to go but are understandably vary of the measures that are going to be put in place. 

I will include the list to the polls one last time so if you haven’t voted yet you can still do, just click on CLICK HERE next to the name of the park which will take you straight to the poll. 

Don’t forget to share these with your family and friends.

Manta, SeaWorld
Image: Theme Park Tourist

Poll 13 results – Are Theme Park Temperature Tests a Good Idea? 

Another one of the likely measures that will be put into place is temperature testing at the gates. This again is a controversial issue which many of you find to be of little use due to the fact that a percentage of COVID-19 carriers can be asymptomatic and therefore won’t display a temperature. There are also people stating that you can be carrying the virus for 5 days before showing any symptoms. Will people choose to take Tylenol before entering to ensure they pass the test? Many also commented that due to the heat in Florida you could show a temperature anyway.

Here are the results so far…

43% of our readers have voted yes they think they are a good idea with the remaining 57% saying no. I think this again shows that there is a high proportion of people who want to get back to the parks and will put up with any measure they have to so as to be able to experience the Disney again. The theme parks have to be doing everything they can to ensure they keep guests as safe as possible while the COVID-19 pandemic continues.

If you haven’t voted yet, CLICK HERE and don’t forget to share it with your friends and family. 

Poll 14 – Do You Think The Disney Reopening Plan is Going To Work? 

So here it is, the outline of the latest Disney Reopening Plan for the US as it currently stands:

  • Disney Springs and Downtown Disney will open first as part of a phased reopening with news yesterday that Disney Springs Officially Begins Phased Reopening May 20.
  • Virtual queues will be used to maintain social distancing.
  • Disney has confirmed that they will be using “enhanced screening procedures” at the front of their parks, which likely means that touchless temperature checks will be used at the gates.
  • Some mandatory mask usage will be needed, although it is currently unknown if Cast Members, guests or both will be required to use this type of personal protective equipment. 
Park Entrance, Disney's magic Kingdom
Image: Theme Park Tourist

As you can see, a lot of the detail still needs to be finalized and we will bring you all the latest updates as soon as they are announced. Be sure to check out our news page daily! So here are your choices for the poll, Do You Think The Disney Reopening Plan is Going To Work?:

  • Yes, it seems to be a good balanced plan to deal with the current situation.
  • No, keep the parks shut.
  • Maybe, but the plan needs changes

To vote, CLICK HERE, don’t forget as always to share this with your friends and family. The results will be discussed in Poll 15 which is coming soon!

There are still questions that are yet to be answered including the one on everyone’s lips “When will Walt Disney World actually open?”, as well as whether Disney will be implementing physical distancing markers like they have in China or will be limiting dining to quick service or pickup only. 

Big Thunder Mountain, Disney's Magic Kingdom
Image: Disney

Constant coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic can get very depressing and many of our readers are saying they want something to read to escape and to make them smile. We are continuing to publish new features each month and if you fancy a chilled few minutes then be sure to check out one or more of our latest features below:

To see all of our latest features visit our Features Page.

Let me know if you have a great poll idea you would like to put to our readers. Like I said, I don’t know where our adventure will take us and what we will find out but come along for the ride by voting and sharing this post to keep theme park lovers all round the world smiling!