Home » Cedar Point To Offer Single-Use Fast Lane Tickets For Top Roller Coasters, Is It A Good Idea?

    Cedar Point To Offer Single-Use Fast Lane Tickets For Top Roller Coasters, Is It A Good Idea?

    All theme park fans will have their views on Fast Track tickets. Long gone are the days when the ability to Fast Pass top attractions is available within the price of your entry ticket. Pretty much every theme park now has its own paid Fast Track system in place.

    Currently, Cedar Point has three options when it comes to skipping the lines:

    • Fast Lane: From $95 per person (excluding tax), includes unlimited rides on 22 attractions including Magnum XL-200 and Rougarou.
    • Fast Lane Plus: From $115 (excluding tax) includes unlimited rides on all Fast Lane attractions as well as Steel Vengeance, Maverick, and Millenium Force.
    • Fast Lane Plus Season From $950 (excluding tax) this can be added to your Gold Pass to skip the lines on all attractions every time you visit during the season.
    Cedar Point Fast Lane
    Image: Cedar Point

    Now, according to the Sandusky Register, guests have spotted Fast Lane kiosks outside the queue for both Millennium Force and Steel Vengeance. It looks like these kiosks will be used to sell single-use, Fast Lane passes for these two headlining attractions.

    Millennium Force, Cedar Point
    Image: Cedar Point

    So far, it doesn’t appear that they have been open but we assume on busy days during the summer months they will be. The price point is under question, some speculate we could see these single-use Fast Lane tickets being sold for $5-$10 per person. We however, expect the price point to be towards the higher mark $10-$15 per person.

    Cedar Point Fast Lane kiosk, Sandusky Register
    Image: Sandusky Register

    We will wait to hear confirmation from Cedar Point regarding when these kiosks will be open and also the cost guests can expect to pay.

    Paid Fast Lane is always a contentious issue and we expect Cedar Point fans will have a clear view on whether this is a good move or not by Cedar Point.

    Many theme parks choose to give guests the option to purchase single-use, single ride Fast Lane tickets for those who do not want to pay the considerably higher price of the bundled ticket so it does seem like a sensible move for Cedar Point. We do, however,  hope that they limit the number considerably to avoid the stand-by times sky rocketing.

    Steel Vengeance, Cedar Point
    Image: Cedar Point

    We expect Cedar Point will try this new system out on Millennium Force and Steel Vengeance to see how popular it is before Top Thrill Dragster reopens in 2024. Guests will surely want the option to skip the stand-by queue to get their ride on the reimagined Top Thrill Dragster.

    Let us know your thoughts on a single-use Fast Lane ticket system by voting in our poll or by leaving us a comment below or on our Facebook page.

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