Home » CDC Continues to Recommend Outdoor Mask-Wearing at Theme Parks

CDC Continues to Recommend Outdoor Mask-Wearing at Theme Parks

Today the CDC made a major announcement saying that that those who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 can participate in outdoor activities without a face mask, even when around small groups of vaccinated and unvaccinated people. 

However, as of right now, the CDC is also still recommending that fully vaccinated people should still wear masks in crowded public outdoor settings, which include theme parks. Due to this new guidance, we’d imagine major theme parks like Walt Disney World, Universal Orlando Resort, the Disneyland Resort, etc. will all continue requiring masks for the foreseeable future, even as some theme parks, like Cedar Point, are dropping the requirement. 

Guidance about spacing remains unchanged as well, but with some guidelines relaxing and vaccination levels continuing to rise across the country, many are wondering if theme parks that are still enforcing tight capacity caps could loosen these restrictions this summer, even as mask mandates continue. 

You can learn more about the CDC’s recent changes in guidance regarding mask wearing in different situations in this report from the AP