Home » Cast Members Can Make Or Break Your Disney Vacation, Have COVID-19 Measures And Recent Changes Taken Their Toll On Them?

    Cast Members Can Make Or Break Your Disney Vacation, Have COVID-19 Measures And Recent Changes Taken Their Toll On Them?

    Disney Cast Members are renown across the globe as always adding sparkle, always giving the best customer service and always putting the guest first.

    My experience of Disney cast members at Disneyland, Walt Disney World and Disneyland Paris has only ever been the best and their interactions have always enhanced our days in the park. We have left from each vacation with a smile on our faces and warmth in our hearts thanks to them.

    Since the COVID-19 pandemic hit in March 2020 numerous measures had to be put in place in order to keep cast members and guests safe whilst in the parks. Masks has been the biggie for many guests and it has often been Cast Members who have received the brunt of some guests annoyance of having to wear them.

    Cast Member smiles have often had to be replaced with frowns as they nag people to put on masks over and over again. And let’s be honest, there are no smiles with face masks although anyone looking on the positive side would say you can always see a smile in your eyes. Don’t forget also that up until only recently Cast Members had to wear masks all day every day too which must have been extremely draining for them.

    Cast members, Disney
    Image: Disney

    It has not only been the COVID-19 restrictions but guests are now using Genie+ and with many other added frustrations in the parks in contrast with two years ago, we ask the question, Cast Members Can Make Or Break Your Disney Vacation, Have COVID-19 Measures And Recent Changes Taken Their Toll On Them?


    Disneyland Main Street, Disney
    Image: Disney

    We understand that some guests may have unfortunately had a bad experience with a Disney Cast Member and we know for sure thousands would be able to report amazing and positive interactions with them. The question we are asking you is, over the last two years do you think that the measures they have had to enforce due to COVID-19 and recent changes with Fastpass have taken their toll on Disney Cast Members. Here are your options:

    • No – Cast Members Are as Sparkly As They Ever Were
    • At Times – Noticed this on some ocassions
    • Yes – definite change in Cast Member attitude

    CLICK HERE to vote now and don’t forget to share this with friends and family. We always love to hear your comments and as always will include a selection of these in our results article. We are proud to have a wide age of readership so please refrain from any inappropriate language in your comments as they will be deleted. We look forward to hearing your thoughts.