Home » The Big Debate RESULTS – Why Do YOU Think Theme Park Attendance Is So Low?

The Big Debate RESULTS – Why Do YOU Think Theme Park Attendance Is So Low?

This debate may seem to many people as a silly one. We are still currently in the midst of a world pandemic and because of this attendance has had to be capped at every theme park that has reopened to ensure proper physical distancing can take place and health and safety can be managed effectively.

This fundamental reason goes without saying so we tried to dig a little deeper and broke it down into three possible headings as to why guests, even when fundamentally it is possible right now to buy a ticket, make a reservation and go that many are choosing not to.

So first things first, Florida continues to have very high numbers of reported COVID-19 cases. Would you want to risk going to a Florida theme park right now? We aren’t just talking about Florida with many Cedar Fair and six Flags parks also struggling to entice guests back to their parks across the US.

Secondly, merely mentioning the words “mandatory mask wearing” usually breaks majority of people out in a sweat. Currently this is the case for majority of theme parks, including Walt Disney World, Universal Orlando, SeaWorld, Six Flags, Cedar Point etc. 

Thirdly, there is no getting away from the fact that COVID-19 has has a massive impact on the economy and people’s finances. Even if you did feel comfortable that all necessary measures are in place to make theme parks as safe as they can be and could manage wearing a mask whilst in the park, can you actually afford it right now?

Those were our main choices and interestingly other very valid points have come to light during this debate which will be discussed later on. So what do you think?…

Results – Why Do YOU Think Theme Park Attendance Is So Low?

Mask wearing, Disney
Image: Disney

With any voluntary poll, you always expect that there may be a bias in that those that care deeply about the subject will vote but I guess there is no getting away from that. In this case, I think most readers have found this topic quite unbelievable. For those who don’t see the value in these polls, head to our News Page or Features Page to check out our other articles.

So, here are the results as they currently stand for what the reason is for low attendance at theme parks. We are discounting the obvious answer which is “because attendance is capped” There has been a good amount of interest and participation in this poll which is encouraging to see:

  • Mandatory Mask Wearing – 35%
  • Lack of money to spend on theme park trips – 10%
  • High number of reported COVID-19 cases – 55%

Over half of you have voted that the main reason is the high number of reported COVID-19 cases in Florida which understandably makes sense, although numerous comments say how safe some guests have felt when actually in the parks due to all the safety meaures that Disney have put into place and the lengths they are going to to enforce them. Unsurprisingly 35% voted that mask wearing was the main issue with 10% stating that it is the lack of money. 

Your comments and thoughts

Hagrid, Universal
Image: Universal

We always love to hear your comments and views on our polls so I thought it would be a good idea to pick out a few to share with you in these results articles, I will always aim to get the best balance I can to show both sides of the debate:

“I think in addition to what has been mentioned, Disney has greatly underestimated the desire for parents to keep their children safe. For many families it just isn’t worth the risk. I am a teacher and the vast majority of parents are opting for virtual learning because they do not want to risk their child getting sick.”

“I’ve watched intently the precautions Disney has taken and would feel very comfortable going to the parks however I’ve also watched how Florida has behaved. If I could go to Disney without setting foot in Florida I’d go in a heart beat. Florida’s response to Covid is what’s hurting theme parks.”

“I adore Disney. But even if I was willing to pay full price for an experience that is mediocre right now, I don’t want to wear a mask on a germ infested plane or in the Florida heat. Also with the way things change, there are no guarantees travel restrictions or quarantines wouldn’t change while I’m trying to enjoy my vacation, making it a hassle to get back home. Too many unknowns.”

Mask wearing, Disney
Image: Disney

“Because Florida’s numbers keep getting higher. Walking around with a mask in the heat sounds horrible. No characters. No fireworks or parades and so on. Half the experience for the same price is also a problem.”

“You are in a pandemic. Even with precautions, it’s still a risk that many don’t feel it’s worth taking. Until there’s a working vaccine and everyone is vaccinated; life will not return to normal. It’s that plain and simple. So, enjoying fun things like Disney; isn’t on the menu for most.”

“I think the reduced numbers would make for an awesome experience, but I refuse to wear a mask anymore than I have to and especially outdoors, so I won’t go right now…”

“Just got back home from Orlando. Considered doing a day at Disney, but after wearing masks for a few hours at a different venue, we couldn’t justify spending full price to experience a percentage of the normal park in such an uncomfortable manner. If masks weren’t required and the park had been open with parade and fireworks, we would have been there!”

“I looked into going to Disney this Fall. Low airfares, minimal crowds, and mask mandates was appealing. But when I looked at staying on property the lowest cost resort was Pop Century at $200/night. If Disney wants to draw people in then maybe they should consider discounting their hotels or offering some other type of discount like free dining.”

“My only reason for not going is the fact that it’s summer, which means it’s extremely hot and muggy, and on top of the heat, you want me to wear a mask all day. I was an annual pass holder for 14 years. Loved going, but not during July or August and definitely couldn’t have survived in a mask. Good luck and have fun to those that are braving it!”

“Two things, The Mask and The Cost. Get rid of the mask and lower the price a little bit and see what happens”

SeaWorld Orlando
Image: SeaWorld

Click on one of our top two articles from the pop up below or head to page 2 for more comments, a round up on this big debate, a link to our next debate as well as a list of all our most recent featured articles…

Your Comments and Thoughts Continued…

Mask wearing cast members, Disney
Image: Disney

“We canceled our trip because 1.) airport in a hotspot (Houston) 2.) wearing a mask in that heat, 3.) not getting the resort we reserved 4.) limited experience for same price.”

“Went yesterday. Was fantastic. Masks are just fine. The lines are predominantly all indoors so it’s not that hot. No crowds. Rode everything in the park. Space Mtn 4 times. 7 dwarfs 3 times. Most of the other big ones twice at least.”

“Value right now. Too expensive for the limited value. I don’t have fears of corona yes it is real, yes people are getting sick but feel I am at similar risk at home.”

“I keep seeing people post “half the experience”. To me, it’s just a different experience. Twice the rides, half to a quarter of the crowds, those are all different experiences than normal and are worth a lot in my book. Some of us who got moved around also ended up with some pretty sweet room upgrades. I feel like I’m going to get my money’s worth.”

“I would be there if I could, even with the mask and half the magic but living in NY, requires a 2 week quarantine upon arrival and a 2 week upon return. Who the hell can do that?”

Universal Orlando entering
Image: Universal

“Cost vs. Value was the determining factor for us to cancel our 11 day trip. Cut park hours was the number 1 reason..MK closing at 7PM, cancelled dining reservations, menu changes. Not spending that much money to sit in a hotel after 7 PM. We dont go for shopping, we go for rides, shows, dining
I dont mind the masks or social restrictions.”

“Well, take a look at FL”s #”s for the last MONTH! Why would you go to Disney or any of the parks? Even with safety precautions, it could never be safe enough!!”

“To each their own. We have been twice a week since they reopened. Love not having people stand on top of me, love the easy relaxing time in the parks, people not running at full force so they can get to a reservation. We have seen all the meet and greet, parades, stage shows, fire works dozens of times so not seeing the is no big deal.”

“It’s too hot to wear a mask outside all day. That’s why I haven’t been back. Make it optional, or wear only on ride, in line, or in a shop. If I’m walking around outside and not close to people, I don’t wanna wear my mask.”

“Park attendance is low because us brits can’t get there. I will go as soon as we’re allowed because not getting the virus is down to the individual. Look after yourself and keep yourself clean and you’ll be fine!!”

“When you cut the quality of your experience but keep the same price? What do you expect. Also, some states are getting down right militant about people coming back from FL and being quarantined.”

“Because no one will pay that much money and have to walk around in a stupid mask in this oppressive Florida heat and also why would you pay that much money when half of the things are closed and your restaurant choices are limited. No thank you. We will wait until next year after the stupid mask nonsense goes away.”

“Pandemic and can’t afford it right now.”

Summary of the debate

disney masks on rides
Image: Disney

So, at this point I always summarise the main themes from the comments:

  • Florida’s COVID-19 numbers and comments regarding the fact we are in the middle of a world pandemic have inevitably been seen a lot on Facebook.
  • Value for money with the experience they are currently offering. Many readers are saying, lower the prices to compensate for no fireworks, parades etc. Others are saying it is not necessarily “half the experience” it is a different experience with less crowds and therefore twice the number of rides you can get on in a day.
  • A number of people are saying that they have done the meet and greets and fireworks before so they are not being missed, especially for annual passholders or those who have visited the parks often, the loss of these isn’t such a big deal.
  • The people who are going are definitely enjoying the seriously reduced wait times and there have been a lot of positive reports about how safe guests feel whilst in and around the parks. 
  • Florida residents would have mostly avoided July and August anyway due to heat and international travellers but as they are the ones that are most easily accessible to the parks and they are not choosing to go, attendance is bound to be lower.
  • Due to high numbers of COVID-19 cases in Florida, more and more states are enforcing quarantine periods for those that choose to travel there. People from around the US are saying that due to quarantines it is more or less impossible to go, even if you wanted to.
  • Walt Disney World depends on international travel especially in the summer months and this just isn’t happening right now.
  • Earlier closing times of the parks, many guests would enjoy wandering around the parks in the evening, especially in the summer with the slightly reduced heat. Less people are choosing to go because of the reduced hours.
  • Restaurant choices are limited too.
  • Unemployment levels currently high and people haven’t got the spare money to go to Walt Disney World.
  • Some people think the theme parks are intentionally keeping people away by not offering heavier discounts although others disagree saying that in the current financial situation that the parks are in, that it wouldn’t make business sense to have large discounts. To which some reply, if you offering half the experience at the same price, you are going to have emptier parks.

I just wanted to say that I personally love all theme parks, that’s why my husband and I started Theme Park Tourist over 10 years ago. If you feel there is any bias in any of my articles I can only apologize, as this is definitely never intended.

 You can read our latest Results and Discussion by clicking on these links:

Princess and Frog, Splash Mountain Disney
Image: Disney

There is still time to vote in our previous big debates if you haven’t already:

Frozen sing a long, Walt Disney World
Image: Disney

During a time when your favorite theme park isn’t quite reopen yet or at a time when you feel unable to visit for any number of reasons, if you fancy a chilled few minutes be sure to read one of our many new featured articles below:

Disney Junior show
Image: Disney

To see all of our latest features visit our Features Page. Don’t forget to leave us a comment below or on our Facebook Page. If you have any ideas for a poll just let me know on [email protected].