Home » Big Debate RESULTS – Mickey Still Has His Magic! Our Poll Says Fans Will Return To Walt Disney World In 2021

Big Debate RESULTS – Mickey Still Has His Magic! Our Poll Says Fans Will Return To Walt Disney World In 2021

I don’t think anyone could have predicted what the world would have to go through in 2020. Unfortunately we are not out of the woods yet. It is still hard to comprehend the events we have experienced this year so far and in regards to theme parks it is incomprehensible. Theme park closures across the globe for three months is completely unprecedented and for many including Disneyland reopenings are still not on the horizon anytime soon.

Florida theme parks slowly began to reopen their gates starting with Universal Orlando Resort, SeaWorld Orlando and Busch Gardens back in June. Walt Disney World reopened July 11 at a time when reported COVID-19 cases were at an all time high and continuing to increase day on day. 

Opinion was split, as some thought Walt Disney World should remain closed due to the pandemic and others thought get the economy started and get it reopened. Since its opening, even considering the limiting of capacity, attendance has been lower than expected with Disney seemingly focussing on out of town guests rather than their loyal annual passholders which has led to many cancelling their annual passes for the coming year.  

A recent report shows that Universal is recovering faster than Disney from COVID-19 attendance woes. Their strategy seems to have been to focus on their annual passholder base and locals, offering heavy discounts to entice guests back including buy a day, get the rest of the year free ticket deal.

Things have inevitably been very difficult for Walt Disney World with the necessary introduction of mandatory mask wearing and having to make the difficult decision to cancel fireworks, parades and character meet and greets. These changes as well as the reduced travel due to quarantines across the US and internationally is having a massive effect on Walt Disney World’s current attendance.

Hand washing station, Walt Disney World
Image: Disney

We understand that due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in Florida which still seems to be a hot spot for the virus that attendance for the rest of 2020 is going to be tough for Walt Disney World. We all need some positivity and hope, so our most recent poll was, will you visit Walt Disney World in 2021? Let’s take a look at the results…

Results –  Will You Visit Walt Disney World in 2021?

Castle, Disney's Magic Kingdom
Image: Disney

With any voluntary poll, you always expect that there may be a bias in that those that care deeply about the subject will vote but I guess there is no getting away from that. In this case, I think most readers have found this topic quite unbelievable. For those who don’t see the value in these polls, head to our News Page or Features Page to check out our other articles.

So the results are in and this is what voters said: 

  • Yes – 53%
  • No – 17%
  • Maybe, it depends on the number of COVID-19 cases, measures in place and costs – 30%

So, there you have it, out of the voters that took part, it looks like good news for Disney, with 53% planning a trip for 2021. A further 30% are in the maybe camp, which is understandable as no one currently knows how the COVID-19 pandemic will continue into next year and beyond. 

Your Comments and Thoughts

Mask wearing, Disney
Image: Disney

We always love to hear your comments and views on our polls so I thought it would be a good idea to pick out a few to share with you in these results articles, I will always aim to get the best balance I can to show both sides of the debate:

“I’ll be there for a scaled-back version of what I had planned for the 50th anniversary. We’ll be making it a weekend trip instead of a 10-day trip. We’ll save that for after Corona.”

“As soon as all the restrictions are lifted I will renew my annual passes.”

“ABSOLUTELY! We are planning 2 trips to WDW in 2021. We just got back three days ago after being at WDW for 10 days, and had a BLAST!!!! We stayed in a villa at OKW. Wearing masks was nothing, and both my daughter and I have severe asthma. WDW felt safer than being here at home, and that is no joke.”

“Possibility yes, we really do miss Disney and the theme parks! But if we can’t do the theme parks then we will do an outdoor adventure as a family, we as individuals forget sometimes about the beautiful thing of nature that was created all around us. So if it hinders is from going to a theme park then we as a family will do an outdoors adventure together.”

“Not next year, no. Universal is on our radar for 2021. Maybe 2022, we want the the construction done. We felt like rats in a maze with all the walls up at Epcot this year.”

“I’ll give it a year for them to get back on their feet once all this is over. I’ll see how things are going over time next year!!”

“As soon as the mask restrictions are lifted I will visit again.”

Mask wearing, Walt Disney World
Image: Disney

“I’d like to. But my decision will be based on whether or not all shows, attractions, entertainment will be back. I’m not willing to pay full price for only half the experience.”

Click on one of our top two articles from the pop up below or head to page 2 for more comments, a round up on this big debate, a link to our next debate as well as a list of all our most recent featured articles…

Your Comments and Thoughts Continued…

Mask wearing cast members, Disney
Image: Disney

“The only true answer to this is if there is a vaccination or not.”

“Depends no parades no character meals no fireworks then no. I want the magic not the bare basic package.”

“They should lower ticket prices since they have reduced hours and cancelled shows, fireworks and character meet and greets.”

“They’ve priced me out of contention. Yes I know they have all kinds of offers, but it would take me two years to save for a vacation there. Sad.”

“I’ll probably wait awhile. I’m anxious about traveling and then bringing the virus into my workplace / having to be off work and away from co-workers I enjoy being with for a long time. I think Disney is doing a great job of keeping guests safe, it’s more of the traveling from Texas to Florida and back that I’m anxious about. I think all would be fine, but instead of really enjoying my trip, I would also feel anxious the whole time. And even though I’m so thankful for all the precautions, I don’t want to pay a lot for a limited experience, or wear a mask for a long time in the heat. So it depends what’s going on in 2021.”

“Unfortunately no. I would love to go, can’t wait to go again…but I must wait. (1) Needs to be much safer at Disney World / Central Florida / in general, (2) Needs to be the FULL experience of Disney World (which it is NOT today).
Thus until there is an effective treatment for or a working vaccine against COVID I won’t be going.”

“No, mainly because the border is still closed for good reasons, so rather not plan. Plus a lot of the things I was looking forward to (ex. Ratatouille) have been delayed. Also, the reason I love Disney are the shows. It just wouldn’t be the same without them.”

“We are hoping that by Nov 2021, things will be closer to normal in travel as well as a vaccine. If there isn’t a vaccine we probably won’t go.”

“Probably not, if masks are required. I’d rather wait.”

“As soon as they start running some specials.”

“Nope. I’m personally not satisfied with the company’s response to COVID-19.”

“Been planning Niece and Nephew’s first trip for 2021 and the 50th anniversary. We’ve decided as an extended family that we will still go regardless of how scaled back it may be. The kids won’t know the difference and I’ve been waiting since 2017 for my next dose of Disney. For me just being there is enough.”

“Yes for sure! I’m at WDW right now! Precautions are in place. People are behaving. Lines are short! Next year, things will be better! Disney will govern themselves accordingly!”

Summary of the debate

Walt Disney World castle
Image: Disney

So, at this point I always summarise the main themes from the comments:

  • For a lot of people it will depend on the current COVID-19, for others they say that they feel safer at Disney than they do at home. 
  • Comments about construction and the amount of walls at Epcot may put people off from visiting in 2021.
  • Some people are waiting for a vaccination until they are happy to step foot again into a theme park.
  • A lot of people feel very annoyed by the fact that you have to pay full price for what they consider to be half the experience, with the cancelling of shows, parades, fireworks and character meet and greets. 
  • Some people think prices should be dropped and then they may consider visiting but many think they will in fact raise prices heading into 2021. Disney’s decision on pricing  will also inevitably directly affect peoples decision whether they choose to visit or not.
  • During these very difficult financial times, a lot of people say they would like to go but just can’t afford it at the moment.
  • Many have full vacations and trips planned for 2021 with some saying they are choosing to reduce the number of days next year as a balance in the current world climate.

I just wanted to say that I personally love all theme parks, that’s why my husband and I started Theme Park Tourist over 10 years ago. If you feel there is any bias in any of my articles I can only apologize, as this is definitely never intended.

Look out for our new poll which will be coming soon, you can read our latest Big Debate Results and Discussion articles by clicking on these links:

Fastpass+, Walt Disney World
Image: Disney

Don’t forget to leave us a comment below or on our Facebook Page. If you have any ideas for a poll just let me know on [email protected]