Home ยป Big Debate – After Nearly A Year, Have You Surrendered To The Mandatory Mask Wearing Rule At Walt Disney World?

Big Debate – After Nearly A Year, Have You Surrendered To The Mandatory Mask Wearing Rule At Walt Disney World?

Okay, perhaps this question is somewhat misleading? As we all know, mandatory mask wearing at Walt Disney World is expected to be in place through the end of 2021. You either surrender to it and wear one or you don’t and stay at home. But this debate aims to understand whether from when this measure was first introduced, you have changed your opinion, whether because of advice or personal experience or simply through your sheer desire to get a glimpse of some much needed Disney magic you have accepted the mask rule and have chosen to surrender to it to visit ‘the happiest place on earth’?

Not only do we know that mandatory mask wearing is expected to continue until the end of 2021, we have heard the news this week that Disney Quietly Tightens Mask Rules Again at Walt Disney World in preparation for expected increased capacity caps and higher crowds during Spring break.

It is important to point out that the change in ruling comes when guests are dining and now requires masks to be worn while guests are sitting, ordering, and waiting for food and masks can only be removed when actively eating or drinking. This replaces the previous rule where masks could be removed as soon as guests had been seated at their own table and could continue throughout the duration of their dining experience.

This has led me to ask the question, with mask rules tightening even further, have you given up the fight? Are you tired out and have given in to masks and accepted that if you want to go to Disney in 2021 you will have to suck it up and wear a mask? Or, are you adamant that you will not wear a mask and it will likely be 2022 at the earliest that you will return to Walt Disney World?

We know that mandatory mask wearing has been a very contentious issue since it was first introduced at Walt Disney World due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We have run two previous debates on this subject and it is interesting to see the results side by side. 

Back in May 2020 we asked you, Do You Think Mask Wearing Should Be MANDATORY At Theme Parks? The results were Yes 39% and No 61%. The majority of votes appeared to be towards the No argument.

Mask wearing Walt Disney World
Image: Disney

Our second debate was in November 2020 and asked, Has Disney Chosen Right To Keep Mandatory Mask Wearing? To which the results were, Yes 52% and No 48%. The gap tightened and more people appeared to be in favor and accepting of mask wearing.

In our new debate for this week we ask After Nearly A Year, Have You Surrendered To The Mandatory Mask Wearing Rule At Walt Disney World?


Disney's Magic Kingdom, Disney

Many people may question the reliability of debates in that usually it will encourage those people who feel strongly about the subject to vote which can create bias results. This is after all a voluntary debate so that is a valid point but this debate aims to gauge whether people’s opinions have changed on masks since the ruling was first introduced nearly a year ago. 

We know that they aren’t going anywhere until at least the end of the year so, Have You Surrendered To Mask Wearing At Walt Disney World? Usually we try to keep the choices as simple as possible but have added an extra option here:

  • Yes – always thought it was sensible
  • No – will not go to Walt Disney World until the mask rule is abolished
  • Have surrendered to mask wearing – I want to go, so accept I will have to wear a mask

CLICK HERE to vote now and don’t forget to share this with your friends and family. At a time when we are restricted in so many ways, it is very important to be able to have your say on issues so please leave us a comment below or on our Facebook page.

Disney rides and tasks, Disney
Image: Disney

We have heard from some readers that they are fed up with mask debates and I hope for those people you aren’t therefore reading this as our intention is never to frustrate anyone but give those that want it the opportunity to air their views.

Having said that please can you be respectful when replying to comments. We will delete abusive comments as well as those that use inappropriate language. Everyone has the right to their own opinion but it is not okay to be abusive or belittle other readers. We are very proud of our community on Theme Park Tourist and thank you for your comments. As usual we will include a number of these in our Big Debate RESULTS article which will be published on Theme Park Tourist soon.

We did a recent Big Debate on the cancelling of Disney’s Magical Express in 2022 and a reader commented saying that it would be helpful to do an article about the other options that guests will have from 2022 to get from the airport to Walt Disney World which was a very valid point and here it is, Bursting the “Disney Bubble”: The End of Magical Express and How You’ll Get to the Resort After It’s Gone.

Disney's Magical Express, Disney
Image: Disney

If you have a good idea for a Big Debate, let me know by emailing me at [email protected]