Home » 6 AMAZING Things You’ll Do as a Disney Cast Member in Training

    6 AMAZING Things You’ll Do as a Disney Cast Member in Training

    Traditions is a new Cast Member’s golden ticket into the behind the scenes magic of Walt Disney World. A four hour class for college program members, and a full eight hours for everyone else, it is considered the first official day of work. Traditions is technically an “orientation” class, but if that word conjures up memories of boring videos and confusing training, rest assured that Traditions is in a class of its own. I have personally been through Traditions several times over the years, because every rehire is required to take it again. From my experiences, here are 6 fun facts about Traditions.

    1. You must have the proper “Disney Look”

    When attending Traditions or any other training session, you must follow the guidelines for Disney non-costumed cast members. This means dressing professionally, ensuring that your hair, makeup, and fingernails are within acceptable parameters, removing piercings, and covering tattoos. Fortunately, the guidelines have been relaxed significantly over the years, making it relatively easy for anyone to follow the rules. Gone are the days of mandatory pantyhose and high heels, and somewhat more casual styles are now allowed. Stay away from jeans, leggings, sundresses, and other very casual clothes, make sure your shirt is tucked in unless specifically designed to be worn untucked, and don’t show up looking wrinkled or dirty, and you should be fine. Of course, you will have a copy of the Disney Look guidelines, so review them closely to make sure you are not missing anything.

    2. It’s a magical day

    Image (c) Disney Dispatch

    Many new cast members talk about how their jaws dropped when they first entered Disney University to begin their Traditions class. The day is packed with fun experiences and lots of surprises, and even the training videos are surprisingly engaging. Disney buffs will find all sorts of things to love, from their first introduction to the mythical Utilidors to the chance to win prizes for showing off their encyclopedic knowledge of animated characters. New cast members who have never been to Disney before tend to wander around in a slight daze as they realize everything they have been missing all their lives.

    3. You won’t believe you’re being paid for it

    Main Street USA

    A guided onstage and backstage tour of the Magic Kingdom? Disney trivia games? Legends and stories and personal experiences handed down by someone who looks like he or she lives and breathes all things Disney? Many fans would gladly pay good money for these experiences, yet those who are going through Traditions are being paid to be there! In my first Traditions class, I kept wanting to pinch myself to see if I was dreaming. At the end of the day, when you get your nametag and cast ID, it can actually be a little hard not to cry.

    4. It’s a carefully crafted experience

    Of course, like everything else at Disney, Traditions pulls out all the stops to push just the right emotional buttons, enhance learning and retention, and indoctrinate new cast members into the Disney way of life. From the perfectly sharpened pencils sitting at every place to the carefully chosen trainer who effortlessly embodies the Disney Look, no element of the experience is left to random chance. Breaks are taken at precisely the right moment, the walking tour is peppered with just the right number of rides, and every lesson is accompanied by the perfect on the job story to reflect its importance. If you happen to be interested in social engineering, try to pull back a little during Traditions to marvel at its effectiveness.

    5. You will learn a LOT

    Liberty Square

    Traditions is what it is because it works. The time tested, proven formula results in a tremendous amount of learning taking place in a remarkably short period of time. One of the best things about Traditions is that there are no tests, and you are not responsible for remembering the material in any usual manner. With the pressure off, you are free to bask in your experience moment by moment which, in turn, actually leads to most people retaining more of the information.

    My first Traditions was 20 years ago, and I still remember quite a bit of the day and the specifics that we covered. It might seem a little overwhelming in the moment, but take time to reflect in the coming days and you will be astonished by how much you remember. 

    6. It’s only the beginning

    Pixar Place

    Disney training takes a top down approach. Everyone, from custodial staff to upper management, goes through Traditions. This creates a unity and harmony that is difficult for other big companies to match. From there, Cast Members are split off according to work location for an overall orientation to their park or resort, and then again according to general job classification. Only after all this top level training will you learn the specifics of your particular assignment, such as Fantasyland attractions or Main Street Emporium. The idea is that in order to understand how you fit into the show, you first need to understand the show in a big picture way.

    If you love your Traditions class, you will be in awe of your further orientation and training sessions. Learning the secrets of your park or resort, understanding the purpose and positioning of your general job title, and then finally exploring the day to day tasks of your unique job creates a sense of wonder, excitement, and responsibility that is difficult to explain.

    Have you been through Traditions? What were your overall impressions of the class? Did I miss any highlights, or gloss over anything you didn’t like? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!