Home » 6 Horrible Things You’ve Probably Done at Epcot While Drinking Around the World

    6 Horrible Things You’ve Probably Done at Epcot While Drinking Around the World

    “Drinking around the world” is a popular Epcot game that involves imbibing alcoholic drinks in every country around the World Showcase. While it’s generally safe, harmless fun (provided you use Disney transportation to get back to your hotel!), players are pretty easy to spot. Alcohol does have an effect on everyone, and no matter how hard you tried to hide it, odds are pretty good that you have done at least one thing on this list.

    1. Gotten loud

    This is often the easiest way to tell that someone has been drinking around the world. For some reason, their volume invariably goes up. I have even overheard groups that seemed to be having a loud argument, only to step a little closer and realize they were just having a loud, drunken good time. This doesn’t do any real harm by itself, but alcohol also lowers inhibitions. If you don’t keep it under control, there’s a good chance you’ll end up telling everyone within earshot a terribly embarrassing story.

    2. Spoken obnoxiously

    Some people who would never dream of uttering an insult or a curse word while sober begin to sound more and more like sailors as the alcohol starts to flow. Whether you accidentally shouted (see above) a mean comment about another guest’s shoes or cursed out a cast member, it’s pretty likely that you said something obnoxious to or about someone else.

    3. Been in the way

    When people are drinking heavily, they have a hard enough time staying upright and walking in a reasonably straight line. Throw in large crowds, distracting sights, and lots of noise, and it can be nearly impossible to maintain good pedestrian traffic flow. You might normally be the type of good guest who always steps into a quiet corner to check the map or make FastPass Plus reservations, but if you’ve ever gone drinking around the world, I can almost guarantee that you got in someone’s way. Incidentally, if you don’t remember how you got a scrape or bruise on your leg, it was probably from getting in the way of a stroller or ECV.

    4. Tripped over something

    Did you know minor injuries like cuts and abrasions are extraordinarily common at the theme parks? People on vacation have a bad habit of getting lost in their surroundings and not paying attention to what is right in front of them. Throw alcohol into the mix, and it’s a sure-fire recipe for banging into things. Curbs and queue rails seem to be the most common, but drunk people have a knack for running headlong into set pieces, thorny bushes, and other guests, as well as tripping over tiny sidewalk cracks and even their own two feet.

    5. Passed out

    I know, I know. You would never drink heavily enough at Walt Disney World, or anywhere else, to pass out. You’ve certainly never woken up in a gutter (well, that one time on Bourbon Street doesn’t count). But at some point during your drinking around the world game, you just felt an overwhelming compulsion to take in the American Adventure…and a cast member had to wake you up and tell you to leave when it was over. If you’re not the napping type, yet you suddenly had the irrepressible urge to close your eyes for a few minutes, it just might have been from the alcohol.

    6. Had a protein spill

    Granted, not everyone who drinks around the world ends up leaving an unfortunate mess behind. But it is more common than you would think. Central Florida has a well-earned reputation for unbearable heat and humidity, especially during the summer months. Alcohol is dehydrating, making it much more likely for drinkers to fall victim to heat exhaustion. All the elements are in place for losing your lunch, especially if you get a sudden surge of liquid courage and decide to take on the Orange side of Mission: Space.

    Keeping Your Cool

    Maybe you never tried drinking around the world, but you think it sounds like fun. Or perhaps you’ve experienced some or all of these horrible moments, but you want to try again. Maybe you only made it halfway around and you’re eager to finish the mission. Here are some things  that can help. But remember…only you know your alcohol tolerance and the condition of your liver. Providing these tips does *not* constitute assurance that you won’t succumb to alcohol poisoning along the way. Drink at your own risk.

    – A full stomach

    Don’t even think about drinking around the world on an empty stomach. Have a healthy, filling meal with plenty of protein, fat, and complex carbs before you begin. Heavy imbibing plus hunger is a recipe for disaster.

    – Lots of water

    As every frequent drinker knows, water can help you avoid a hangover. But when you are drinking a lot in the heat and humidity, water can also help you avoid some of the nastier public effects of your consumption. As a general rule, have a glass of water after every drink. If you feel thirsty, drink more water, not alcohol.

    – Salty snacks

    Salty snacks help replenish your electrolytes, which are depleted by both heavy drinking and sweating. Grab a bag of pretzels or some popcorn after every couple of drinks.

    – Sharing drinks

    There are 11 countries in the World Showcase (don’t even try to drink around the world during Food and Wine, when the number of options more than doubles), and 11 drinks is a lot for even the most seasoned drinker. Drinking is always more fun with a friend or two, so take turns choosing the drink and split them all. You won’t get nearly as wasted, and if you also take turns paying, you’ll save a great deal of money as well.

    – Taking breaks

    The World Showcase is open, on average, 10 hours per day (11am till 9pm). The body metabolizes, on average, one drink per hour. You’re not in the local dive bar, slamming back shots, you’re in one of the most highly themed places on Earth. Slow down, sip rather than guzzle, and take the time to look around. Plan to spend the entire day on your quest, and you might even discover some hidden gems.