Home » 7 Easily-Overlooked Experiences You MUST Try in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Diagon Alley

7 Easily-Overlooked Experiences You MUST Try in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Diagon Alley

Stepping into the Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Diagon Alley at Universal Studios Florida is such an immersive experience that you’re likely to forget you’re in a theme park as soon as you make your way through the magical brick wall.

While it’s easy to get lost in the tangle of shops and restaurants here, there are a few experiences you must seek out for your day to truly be complete. Don’t miss these easily overlooked options.

1. Call the Ministry of Magic

Along the London street façade in front of Diagon Alley, you’ll find a bright red phone booth. This is more than just a cute place for a photo op. The phone booth gives you a direct line to the Ministry of Magic. Step inside and dial M-A-G-I-C, or 62442. Don’t worry if you forget the secret code – it’s printed right inside for easy reference. If you can slip into the phone booth more than once during the day, you may even want to call a couple times. The response isn’t always the same.

2. Interview a goblin

Bank Goblin

The Gringotts Money Exchange is best known for offering Wizarding money in exchange for cold hard US currency. However, there is another compelling reason to head into this store. Inside you’ll find a stunning goblin animatronic that does far more than cycle through a few boring lines. You can ask the goblin questions and he will respond accordingly. If you’re looking for some ideas, consider asking him about dragons, implying that he’s a house elf, or inquiring as to his age. He also responds to those who pull out a camera to snap a photo of him.

3. Mix your own potion

Potion Ingredients

Stop by Eternelle’s Elixir of Refreshment stand and mix your very own option using Gilly Water and the additive of your choice. Choose from Fire Protection Potion, Babbling Beverage, Elixir to Induce Euphoria, and Draught of Peace. While the potions don’t fizz or bubble as one might hope, they still offer a fun way to mix up a flavored beverage, and the tiny potion bottles make excellent souvenirs.

4. See Celestine Warbeck live

Diagon Alley regularly hosts live musical performances from Celestina Warbeck, one of Mrs. Weasley’s favorite singers. Catch Celestina herself and her banshee backup singers on stage several times throughout the day. You’ll notice her music has old school jazz flair with distinctly wizard-inspired lyrics.

5. Brush up on your wizarding lore

Tale of the Three Brothers

If you’re not familiar with some of the old bedtime stories commonly read to young wizard children, you can brush up a bit with the Tale of the Three Brothers. This story is told using stunning puppets and talented actors on the same stage where you’ll find Celestina. The tale is directed so artfully that it’s worth watching even if you do know the Three Brothers’ fates very well.

6. Cast some spells

Knockturn Alley

Both sides of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter have a new interactive element that allows you to practice some magic of your very own. Purchase an interactive wand and you can try out your spells throughout Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade. Interactive wands come with a map showing all the spots where you can cast spells, but you can also find them just by looking at the ground. Each area is marked with a clear medallion on the ground, indicating both the wand motion and the word needed to cast the particular spell.

The wand maps have a little something extra on them for wizards and witches who know where to look. Examine the map under a black light (or head to Knockturn Alley) to see hidden messages.

7. Meet the Knight Bus driver

Knight Bus

The Knight Bus is the only major nod to the Wizarding World that you’ll find outside of Diagon Alley. This purple double decker bus is parked next to the fountain along the London façade. Stop by and have a chat with the Knight Bus driver on duty and snag a picture. He and his shrunken head are happy to converse with muggle fans who drop by to say hello.

If you’re not up for waiting in long attraction queues, you can still experience a great deal of magic in the Wizarding World with these experiences.