Home » 6 Things That New Disney Cast Members Learn on Their Very First Day

    6 Things That New Disney Cast Members Learn on Their Very First Day


    The Traditions training course is Disney’s version of orientation, but it is so much more than a normal company orientation.

    Like a secret society or a distinguished university, Traditions marks a new Cast Member’s entry into a brand-new world filled with its own legends and lore. It is also a playing field leveler, as every new hire, from the front lines to the management team, must take the class. Traditions is an eight-hour experience (four hours for College Program participants) you are not likely to forget. And where else can you get paid to play with new friends?

    Let’s take a look at what new Cast Members (of which I was once one myself) can expect when starting work at Walt Disney World!

    1. Company history


    The class is named Traditions because it is the company’s opportunity to pass its corporate traditions, many designed by Walt himself, down to its newest Cast Members. Therefore, company history is an important part of what you will learn. Although Disney always strives to evolve and innovate, the best way to move forward is to build on what has gone before. But don’t worry. Traditions is not a stuffy history lecture. You will learn through hands-on activities, group challenges, and other fun activities designed to keep everyone excited and engaged.

    2. The Four Keys

    Gift Shop Cast Member

    It is no secret that Disney’s Four Keys to Guest Service are Safety, Courtesy, Show, and Efficiency. How those standards are applied from day to day, however, is a delicate dance through real-world challenges and conflicting priorities. Through personal stories from your trainers and a narrated walk through the Magic Kingdom, you will learn what the Four Keys really mean and how to use them to guide your daily decisions as a cast member.

    3. Disney trivia

    Pet Cemetery

    Disney Cast Members are ambassadors of the company. With a passionate fan base that is familiar with even the most obscure Disney movies and fun facts, the company wants its Cast Members to be able to speak with authority on a variety of Disney-related topics. So an important part of Traditions is learning some trivia. There isn’t a test, and you’re not expected to become an instant expert, but through trivia games and activities, you will get familiar with fun Disney facts and learn how to converse easily about them.

    4. Team building

    Animal Kingdom Vet Hospital

    Walt Disney World Cast Members must work closely together to make the magic happen. Each ride, show, restaurant, and shop has numerous assigned positions, and if everyone doesn’t work together, the entire operation can grind to a halt. Traditions helps new Cast Members learn to work as a team by assigning group projects that can range from scavenger hunts to creating a list of animated Disney characters. There are generally prizes for the best team, and the challenges are so much fun that they never feel like real work.

    5. Backstage secrets

    False Front

    For Disney buffs, the most exciting part of Traditions doesn’t take place in the classroom at all. Disney wants you to see how the magic happens, so you will leave Disney University with your trainers for a guided tour through the Magic Kingdom. Wearing a headset, you will hear about park operations from the perspective of a Cast Member while weaving your way through groups of guests. You might even get to go on a ride or two. But at some point during your tour, you will follow your trainer through a mysterious Cast Members Only door, and find yourself inside the Utilidors.

    This elaborate tunnel system, located beneath the Magic Kingdom, is arguably the most mythical place on Walt Disney World property. Each trainer does things slightly differently, but you might have the opportunity to see the Entertainment Costuming department, where the face and fur characters get ready each day, visit the cast member cafeteria, or even see the Parade Control room, where one person manages the computer systems that guide the afternoon and evening parades.

    6. Making the magic


    The heart and soul of Traditions is learning how to make the magic for park guests. At its essence, Walt Disney World is a sort of bubble where the real world doesn’t exist. The characters are real, the princes and princesses live happily ever after, and each themed land is carefully crafted to tell an elaborate story. Disney takes a top-down approach to training, so after Traditions, you will spend a day exploring your assigned park in more depth, and then move on to learning exactly how your specific location and role fit into the bigger picture. But it all starts with Traditions. You will discover the overall story of Walt Disney World, the reason that employees are known as cast members, and some general ways that you are empowered to create individual magical moments for guests. Just as importantly, you will learn what not to say or do, to avoid breaking the illusion for guests.

    At the end of Traditions, the company will make magic for you by presenting you with your Cast Member ID card. That is your golden ticket into the world of the Disney Cast Member, with numerous benefits that include free admission to the theme parks. And perhaps the most magical of all is the fact that Disney encourages you to visit the parks as much as possible. After all, how can you talk about the parks with guests if you haven’t been to them yourself?

    Like anything else, Traditions is what you make of it. New Cast Members who get involved, ask and answer questions, and soak up as much as possible tend to have the best time and get the most out of their experience. Disney expects you to be outgoing and social with guests, so if you are a bit shy, this is an excellent chance to get used to talking to new people.