Home » The 4 Best and Worst Places to Meet Your Party at Walt Disney World

    The 4 Best and Worst Places to Meet Your Party at Walt Disney World

    Magic Kingdom at night

    If you’re traveling to Walt Disney World with a large party, it’s almost inevitable that you’ll want to split up at some point during your trip so everyone can see their favorite attractions.

    Thanks to cell phones, meeting back up with your party isn’t as challenging as it used to be. However, it’s still handy to know the best spots to gather the gang. And please, do not use these popular “worsts” for finding others in your party.

    1. Magic Kingdom

    Magic Kingdom at night

    Image: Disney 

    Worst: Cinderella Castle

    Meeting in front of Cinderella Castle is one of the worst things you can try to do. Not only is the circle in front of the castle incredibly large, it’s also a popular gathering spot for watching the stage shows, fireworks, parades, and the street party. You can spend 20 minutes on your cell phones circling the area looking for the other members of your party, or you can opt for a smarter spot.

    Best: Cinderella’s Wishing Well

    If you’re facing Cinderella Castle, the wishing well is on the path to the right (and thus, on the left if you’re coming at it from Fantasyland). The wishing well is usually deserted, making it a great spot for meeting. This is also a smart choice because of its proximity to the large, iconic castle. If you’re not familiar with the park, distinguishing Frontierland from Adventureland can be difficult, but the castle is central to the park and always easy to find.

    2. Epcot

    Epcot World Showcase

    Worst: Spaceship Earth (AKA the Giant Golf Ball)

    If you’re meeting your party at Spaceship Earth, you probably don’t even call it Spaceship Earth because this plan is a sure sign that you’re not too familiar with the park. Spaceship Earth, though iconic, is also huge. It’s easy to linger on one side while your party is standing on the other. Don’t bother meeting by the bathrooms next to Spaceship Earth either – they’re on both sides as well.

    Best: Between the Gift Shops at the Entrance to World Showcase

    Keep going past that giant golf ball and you’ll head straight back to World Showcase. To the right is Canada, and to the left is Mexico. Don’t turn toward either but keep heading right for the water. There’s a small space between the two gift shops at the head of World Showcase here that’s central to the park but rarely utilized as a gathering place. It’s small enough that you’ll all end up in the same place, but big enough to offer a comfortable meeting space for everyone to hang out.

    3. Disney’s Animal Kingdom

    Tree of Life

    Image: Disney

    Worst: The Tree of Life

    As an icon, the Tree of Life is sure to get its share of parties planning to meet under it. Only problem is that it’s gigantic and there’s no one single spot where you can easily gather underneath it. The closest you’ll get is It’s Tough to be a Bug, but this is a busy attraction where you’ll battle a lot of foot traffic while you’re waiting.

    Best: The Exterior Pizzafari Restroom Alcove

    Pizzafari is on Discovery Island, which means it’s in the center of the park and relatively close to the icon. However, this is an easily identifiable spot your whole party should be able to find. Just beyond the entrance to the restaurant is a set of restrooms. The area is set back from the main path a bit so there’s not a lot of traffic, and as an added bonus you’ll find lots of benches here to wait on. If you’re having trouble finding these restrooms, go into the restaurant and just walk right through the bathrooms you find inside. This will lead you to the exterior doors and your handy meeting space.

    4. Disney Springs

    Worst: World of Disney

    World of Disney is the biggest shop at Downtown Disney, so it will be easy for your whole party to find it, right? If you’ve learned anything by now, you’re surely scoffing. This gift shop has doors on all sides and its central location makes the streets outside pretty busy. Skip this seemingly obvious choice and head somewhere else instead.

    Best: The Disney Springs Town Center fountain

    At the exit of the Lime parking garage there is a large fountain surrounded by benches. It’s impossible to miss, and there is plenty of seating for your party to wait!

    Though the largest and most iconic spots seem like the easiest to find, they’re disasters for parties trying to find one another. Next to the icons, the biggest name attractions make poor choices as well. Head instead for lesser-known spots where you can avoid heavy foot traffic to meet your party hassle-free.