Home » 6 Things Theme Park Ride Operators Do Every Day (That YOU Won’t See)

    6 Things Theme Park Ride Operators Do Every Day (That YOU Won’t See)

    Costumed Team Members

    If you are like most people, a day at a theme park means arriving early and making a mad dash to your favorite attraction. As you skid to a stop, happy to have beaten the crowd, you are welcomed by a chipper employee. You might stand in a short queue before being admitted to the preshow room. Then you take your ride and are on to the next thing before the later-arriving crowd even makes it through the front gates.

    Have you ever taken a moment to analyze your experience? How was everything so clean and nice? How did the staff know the ride was ready to go for the day? Why were the employees so chipper, when you were still bleary-eyed and trying to finish your coffee as you ran to the entrance? While every attraction has its own daily opening procedures, in most cases, the employees arrived long before you did. They might be halfway to lunch before they ever open the doors. Here is a look at how Universal Orlando did it on my attractions, Kongfrontation and Earthquake. The order of the steps varies by attraction and daily operational needs, but the basics remain largely the same wherever you go.

    1. Dressing and clocking in

    Costumed Team Members

    It all began in the massive wardrobe room. After parking the car and having my ID and bag checked by security, I always headed straight for wardrobe. Universal has changed their procedures several times over the years, so depending on the time period, I might have to check out a uniform at the counter, or I might already have a clean one hanging in my locker. The cavernous locker rooms are like mazes, and you could always spot the new employees by their confused effort to retrace their steps and find their recently-assigned locker!

    Whatever time I was scheduled in was the time I had to physically clock in at my attraction, and I was chronically cutting it close, especially on early morning shifts. We got paid for 15 minutes of “walk time,” to cover the time it took to change clothes, but it was accounted for at the end, not the beginning, of the day. After hightailing it out of the locker room and to the time clock, I usually had a few minutes to finish getting myself together.

    2. Grabbing the tools of the trade

    Jaws Headset

    At the attraction, we were responsible for locating and taking possession of the various items we would need. For example, at Earthquake, those in spieling rotation (discussed below) used handheld microphones. Whoever was responsible for the “dummy drop,” when an audience volunteer appeared to fall from a high overhead ledge, was required to wear a safety harness.

    At Kongfrontation, those in spieling rotations had headset microphones. For both attractions, the Greeter position carried a radio, while those responsible for dispatching ride vehicles needed other specific items. Many items were traded out from person to person throughout the day, but the person opening a position was responsible for taking out whatever was needed, while the person closing that position was responsible for turning it in.

    3. Going through cycles

    Earthquake Ride Vehicle

    In general, the more technically complex an attraction is, the more cycles need to be completed before it opens for the day. This is modified by how prone it is to breaking down, as well as any repairs, tweaks or changes that might have been performed by the maintenance crew and technicians overnight. Kongfrontation was a highly complex ride with a record of frequent breakdowns, and trams were always going on and offline for repairs. So the morning crew typically came in two or more hours before park opening for a ritual known as cycling trams.

    As you might suspect, cycling trams involved repeatedly putting the ride through its paces. Since every tram required a driver onboard, and dispatching and monitoring them required input from the control tower, we had a skeleton crew locked to those trams each morning, riding around and around and around in circles. Technicians were usually on hand as well, to troubleshoot any problems that arose.

    Sometimes we focused just on the trams, riding around with the lights on and the animation off. Other times, the animatronics and special effects were running, but the lights were still on. Sometimes everything was running except for the animatronic Kongs. Occasionally we got to practice putting the trams in manual mode, which meant that the tram drivers actually controlled every movement from forward and reverse to pitch and yaw, and even lower them to the show scene floors and raise them up again. When everything was working as it was supposed to, though, we mostly just hung out, riding in twos or threes while eating breakfast, listening to the radio, and chatting about the weekend.

    Although Earthquake was also a highly technical ride, I got there shortly before it closed down. By that point it was a reliable old workhorse with a great record. However, the spieling part of the attraction required precision timing between the various spielers, especially when we were on five-minute cycles. At that speed, there was a spieler in every room trying to pace each other to avoid disruptions in the guest experience. Consequently, much of our time was spent working on pacing details. Unless there were unusual circumstances, we only needed to dispatch the ride once, with a team member on board to look for anything out of the ordinary. That was a fun job, as it gave me time to take in the details without a bunch of people around.

    4. Cleaning and prepping

    Earthquake Express Queue

    For both attractions, the majority of cleaning was done at night. If there was time after cycling, however, the team lead would walk through the attraction and see what needed a bit of polishing. We typically hit those areas in teams of two, focusing more on a quick shine than a truly deep cleaning.

    We also had to set up the queue, arranging the lines to minimize walking for the early arrivals while putting everything in place to quickly open up new sections as the queue began to fill. We made sure props were placed where they belonged, tested microphones and other interactive items, and checked the sets for anything that didn’t belong, such as our water bottles or jackets.

    5. Rotations and details

    Mummy Greeter

    Depending on the attraction and the day, we often had a quick opening meeting. If we were overstaffed, team members might be offered Early Releases, or ERs. That allowed us to go home early without accumulating attendance points but, of course, it also meant not getting paid for the rest of the workday. We also discussed operational details for the day, such as projected attendance, any unusual factors at our attraction (such as a special effect that wasn’t working right) and, most importantly, our rotations for the day.

    A rotation is a series of positions that a team member moves through in a regular sequence throughout the shift. At Earthquake, we were divided into spiel rotation and non-spiel rotation. The non-spiel rotation was responsible for all the strictly operational positions such as Greeter, Express, and the various platform positions involved with loading, dispatching and unloading the subway cars. There was also a very small control tower rotation, but the majority of employees were never involved in that one. The spieling rotation stayed inside the building all day, and was responsible for delivering the spiels in each room. The team members who interacted directly with the volunteers in the final show room were also part of the spieling rotation.

    At Kongfrontation, every rotation was a spieling rotation. New employees who were not yet authorized to spiel were typically “frozen” at a single position, with someone coming along to give them breaks on a regular basis. If we got a small influx of new team members, we would sometimes create a non-spiel rotation for them. In general, however, each rotation included one outside position (such as Greeter), one inside position (such as Preboard) and one assigned tram. Unlike Earthquake, where rotations sometimes got long, Kong rotations almost always involved 15 minutes at each of three positions followed by a 15 minute paid break. If everyone in the rotation decided to go to lunch at the same time, then it would be 30 minutes at each position followed by a 30 minute unpaid lunch.

    6. Putting it all together

    Kongfrontation Entrance

    About 15 minutes before the attraction opened, we would wrap up our meeting and move to our assigned locations. We took care of any last-minute details, such as putting on the Earthquake safety harness or plugging in the headset microphone on our assigned tram, and then waited patiently for guests to arrive. By this time, we were warmed up, fully awake, and ready to give the best possible experience to our guests.