Home » The 10 Weirdest Theme Parks in the World

    The 10 Weirdest Theme Parks in the World

    Republic of the Children

    Most theme parks fall into neatly-defined categories. There are many that attempt to copy Disneyland, boasting multiple themed lands based around westerns or fairytales. Others dispense with the theming and simply host a range of steel contraptions hastily dumped on a slab of concrete.

    Some parks, though, opt to break the mould. Featuring crazy attractions and off-the-wall themes, they stand out among the crowd (though not always in a good way). Bored of Six Flags, Universal and Disney? Head to one of the bizarre theme parks below.

    10. Republic of the Children (La Plata, Argentina)

    Republic of the Children

    Image: Patricio Lorente, Wikipedia

    Opened by the Eva Perón Foundation in 1951, Republic of the Children actually predates Disneyland itself – leading to rumors among the local population that Walt Disney based his park upon it. That’s a bit unlikely, with the park being aimed primarily at educating children about democratic society. It features recreations of parliament and government buildings, a theater, an airport and even a complete city. The parliament building even hosts its own government, elected from groups of local students.

    9. Holy Land Experience (Orlando, Florida)

    Holy Land Experience

    Image: David Joyce, Wikipedia

    Located right in the theme park capital of the world, the Holy Land experience is nevertheless ignored by most Orlando visitors. Aimed entirely at Christian guests, it recreates 1st centry Israel. Highlights include a street market, a “Judean Village” and a version of the caves where the Dead Sea scrolls were found.

    8. Išgyvenimo Drama (Nemencine, Lithuania)

    Išgyvenimo Drama

    Image: Išgyvenimo Drama

    Ever wanted to live in Communist-era Lithuania? This is the theme park for you! Housed in an ex-Soviet Bunker, Išgyvenimo Drama lets guests learn the Soviet anthem, don gas masks and be put through an interrogation.

    7. World Chocolate Wonderland (Beijing, China)

    World Chocolate Wonderland

    Image: Yuxuan Wang, Flickr

    Few theme parks suffer from the operational issues of World Chocolate Wonderland, where the attractions melt if it gets too warm. As a result, the “chocolate theme park” is closed from May through December. The displays include a model of the Great Wall of China, plus a stunning recreation of the Terracotta army. You’ll put on weight just looking at them.

    6. Tierra Santa (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

    Tierra Santa

    Image: Roberto Ettore, Wikipedia

    Take a stroll thorugh the streets of biblical Jerusalem at Tierra Santa, which recreates key events in Jesus’s life. Sitting awkwardly alongside this are belly dancing performances in the town square, all overlooked by a 40-feet-tall plastic Jesus that rises from behind a rock every hour.

    5. Robot Land (Incheon, South Korea)

    Robot Land

    Originally due to open in 2013, Robot Land is now on course for a 2015/16 debut. Costing a huge $700 million to construct, it will show off the best of South Korea’s robotics industry. Famous characters from movies such as The Matrix, I-Robot and Minority Report are set to feature in some of its rides and shows, but the real highlights will be the educational exhibits…including an aquarium housing robot fish, and an arena for boxing robots.

    4. Diggerland (multiple locations, England)


    Image: nutmeg66, Flickr

    The Diggerland concept has really taken off in the UK, with sites in Kent, Devon, County Durham and West Yorkshire. There, kids can live out their construction-worker dreams by sitting in a variety of JCBs and other contraptions. Don’t miss the stunt shows, starring the “Dancing Diggers”.

    3. World Joyland (Changzhou, China)

    World Joyland

    Image: Nuomifan.net, Flickr

    Known by most as the “World of Warcraft theme park”, World Joyland’s primary theme appears to be copyright infringement. The “Terrain of Magic” bears a striking resemblance to Blizzard’s smash-hit game, while “Universe of Starship” appears to pay homage to Starcraft. Even more brazen is the “Disney Store” at the park’s entrance.

    2. Wunderland Kalkar (Dusseldorf, Germany)

    Wunderland Kalkar

    It’s a fairly standard amusement park, but Wunderland Kalkar’s location ensures that it stands out from the crowd. It’s situated in a disused nuclear ower plant – with one of the cooling towers now housing a climbing wall and swing ride.

    1. Suối Tiên Cultural Amusement Park (Hồ Chí Minh City, Vietnam)

    Suối Tiên Cultural Amusement Park

    Image: Ghengiskhanviet, Wikipedia

    It’s home to an impressive selection of roller coasters and water rides, but the Suối Tiên Cultural Amusement Park also doubles as a Buddhist religious exhibition. The major attractions include Heaven Palace (which depicts the afterlife) and a boat ride through the 12 torments of hell. As if that wasn’t enough, the park’s zoo hosts more than 1,500 crocodiles.