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    How to Save Time at Flamingo Land

    There’s a huge amount to do at Flamingo Land, particularly when the park’s zoo is taken into account. Seeing everything that you want to in a single day is a challenge – so much so, that we recommend splitting your visit across two days if at all possible.

    If not, you can maximise your enjoyment of the park (and minimise the amount of time you spend waiting in queues) by following the simple tips below.

    Visit on the quietest day possible

    If you can, avoid visiting Flamingo Land during the school holidays and on Saturdays. Obviously, this isn’t always possible – and you can have a great time on any day by following the rest of our tips.

    Arrive early

    Aim to get to Flamingo Land in time to enter the park when it opens at 9.30am. While the rides don’t open until 10am, you can get in line for Mumbo Jumbo (which suffers from a lack of capacity, but is very popular) and then Velocity right away. This will save you a lot of time later in the day.

    Start at the back of the park

    On entering the park, race to the popular Mumbo Jumbo roller coaster located right at the back, in the Lost Kingdom Reserve area. Queues for the rides at the front of the park, such as the Wave Swinger, tend to die down during the afternoon.

    Avoid peak meal times

    Restaurants at Flamingo Land are very busy between 11am and 1pm. If you can eat either side of this window, then do – you’ll find that queues will be slightly shorter for the most popular rides, with other guests tied up eating. You should still do this even if you’ve brought a packed lunch.

    Hit the popular rides early or late

    Flamingo Land’s most popular attractions, particularly Mumbo Jumbo and Velocity, can build up large queues from mid-morning onwards. Don’t despair, though – the queues start to die down towards the end of the day, and you can spend the busy afternoon period taking a look around the impressive zoo.

    Turn to the dark side and use “Q-Buster”

    We hate it when theme parks charge extra for queue-jumping options, which leave everyone else in the park feeling like second-class citizens. But if you must, or you’re desperate, you can buy Q-Buster tickets which enable you to avoid the lines for some of Flamingo Land’s most popular attractions (from £2 per person, per ride to £25 per person for unlimited access all day).

    Whereas the cost can be justified at some parks (LEGOLAND Windsor, for instance), we don’t really think that’s the case with Flamingo Land. Even during August, by arriving early you should be able to avoid really long waits for most attractions.