Home » Follow Friday: Who to Follow on Twitter for Theme Park Fans (May 24, 2013)

    Follow Friday: Who to Follow on Twitter for Theme Park Fans (May 24, 2013)

    Twitter has evolved into an essential platform for those hoping to keep up with the latest news and developments from theme parks all over the world. Every week, we pick out five great Twitter accounts that all theme park fans should follow. Don’t forget, you can follow Theme Park Tourist via @ThemeParkNews and @ThemeParkOffers.

    @PointBuzz (@PointBuzz)

    Cedar Point remains one of the leading theme parks in the US, with a stunning line-up of roller coasters in particular. PointBuzz does a great job of keeping fans up-to-date on the latest news from the park, as well as hosting a thriving community.

    @InsideTheMagic (Inside the Magic)

    As well as producing an excellent weekly podcast, Inside the Magic‘s Ricky Brigante frequently offers up oustanding photo and video updates from Florida parks.

    @TowersNerd (TowersNerd)

    Alton Towers fans should keep a close eye on TowersNerd, which posts regular, detailed updates from inside the park.

    @laughing_place (The Laughing Place)

    The Laughing Place is a long-running resource for Disney fans, covering the chain’s parks all over the world. It collates news from multiple sources, so its Twitter feed is well worth keeping an eye on.

    @StitchKingdom (Stitch Kingdom)

    Another outstanding Disney site is Stitch Kingdom, which does a superb job of tracking Disney news, product developments and even updates to Disney-related mobile apps. The planning tools on the site itself are excellent, too.

    Look out for more Twitter recommendations for theme park fans next week!