Home » US Residents- Get special rates when booking a Magic Your Way room and ticket package at Walt Disney World Resort Hotels in 2012

    US Residents- Get special rates when booking a Magic Your Way room and ticket package at Walt Disney World Resort Hotels in 2012

    Walt Disney World is offering special rates for guests when booking a Magic Your Way room and ticket package at Walt Disney World Resort Hotels available for stays most nights June 15 – August 14, 2012. To qualify for these special rates this offer must be booked by June 14, 2012.

    Sample prices based on a 6-night, 7-day room and ticket package for a family of four range from $69 (Disney’s All-Star Sports Resort) to $100 (Disney’s Saratoga Springs Resort). Prices quoted are per person, per day.

    For full details and to book visit the Official Walt Disney World website.