Home » Disney Means Business When It Comes To Unruly Behaviour, Behave Correctly Or Get Out!

    Disney Means Business When It Comes To Unruly Behaviour, Behave Correctly Or Get Out!

    This year if seems as if we have seen news story after news story about fights, rude behaviour and guests generally acting impolitely whether it is through language, queue jumping or general rudeness to Cast Members and other guests.

    It has now become apparent on the Walt Disney World and Disneyland website that Disney are reiterating the rules and consequences if these are broken. Now, for most people, pointing out the obvious of behaving in a polite and kind nature seems unnecessary but it certainly needs to be pointed out to a number of guests.

    Magic Kingdom castle, Disney
    Image: Disney

    When visiting the Walt Disney World website you will now see under the heading Guest Courtesy and Attire Policies the following wording, “Please show common courtesy to fellow Guests and our Cast Members by not using profanity or engaging in unsafe, illegal, disruptive or offensive behaviour, jumping lines or saving places in line for others.”

    In the Know before you go section, under the Courtesy heading it clearly states “Be the magic you want to see in the world. You must always remember to treat others with respect, kindness and compassion. Those who can’t live up to this simple wish may be asked to leave Walt Disney World Resort.”

    Character Meet and Greet, Disney
    Image: Disney

    A similar update also appears on the Disneyland website. We are hoping that after the stresses and strains of COVID-19 restrictions which have slowly been lifted at the Disney parks during 2022 that guests can be more relaxed and the attitude of kindness and politeness can shine through in 2023.

    Is that wishful thinking? Perhaps but we certainly hope next year brings fewer news of fights and arguments than we have seen in 2022. Happy new year to you all!