Home » Full Horror Show At Universal Studios Florida Is Finally Back

    Full Horror Show At Universal Studios Florida Is Finally Back

    It seems like a very long time ago now since the theme park shut downs in March 2020 due to COVID-19. However, one iconic show has only just recently returned to its full glory.

    The Horror Make Up Show located in the Hollywood area at Universal Studios Florida has been an iconic show since it opened and the highlight for many guests would often be seeing a volunteer being chosen from the audience and then their arm being cut off (not literally of course) and the thrill of whether you would get covered by the insides of a heart.

    Universal Horror Show, Universal
    Image: Universal

    Well, these two popular features of the Horror Make Up Show are now back as the show fully returns to what it once was before COVID-19 closures.

    The Horror Make Up Show gives guests the chance to see how Universal uses make-up to create your favorite monsters and special effects as well as how to make fake blood.

    Universal Horror Show, Universal
    Image: Universal

    Before the show you can also explore the props from the legendary Universal horror movies in the lobby area.

    Universal Horror Show, Universal
    Image: Universal

    Are you pleased the Horror Make Up show now uses volunteers once again? Let us know your thoughts on this iconic show by leaving us a comment below or on our Facebook page.