Home » TikTok Video Could Show Disney Is Clamping Down On Inaccurate Annual Pass Photos

    TikTok Video Could Show Disney Is Clamping Down On Inaccurate Annual Pass Photos

    It is no secret that annual passes at Disneyland and Walt Disney World have a photo connected to them to ensure only the owner of the annual pass is using it. This week there has been a video on TikTok claiming one annual pass holder was stopped at the entrance turnstile at Disney California Adventure because her current hair color didn’t accurately match with the photo linked to the annual pass.

    Now, some readers may be thinking why is this news? Others may be thinking well how do we know it is true? Well, the only evidence is the video itself which is why we are saying that this is a rumor. But if Disney is indeed clamping down on annual passholders and making sure the photo linked to the annual pass matches completely accurately including hair color and style then this could no doubt become an issue for a number of annual passholders at Disneyland and Walt Disney World.

    Disneyland, Disney
    Image: Disney

    We have not embedded the video from TikTok as it does include swearing at the end but if you wish to watch it then click here.

    Do not be alarmed, the guest did eventually get into Disney California Adventure but in the video it says that she had to wait and get a new photo done for her annual pass and had to show her ID in order to verify it was her before being allowed to enter. 

    California Adventure, Disney
    Image: Disney

    The guest said she was particularly shocked as she has owned a Disneyland Resort annual pass for eight to ten years and is often changing her hair color and has never been stopped before. It does make us wonder if she will be stopped again the next time she tries to use her annual pass at Disneyland Park or Disney California Adventure if she has once again changed her hair color from rainbow as it currently is to something completely different. 

    Disneyland Castle, Disney
    Image: Theme Park Tourist

    Was this a one off or is Disney clamping down on annual pass photos to ensure they are only being used by the correct people? Is Disney taking this too far? Have you had a similar experience at either Disneyland or Walt Disney World?

    If Disney is now beginning to clamp down on the detailed accuracy of the photo on annual passes including hair color then annual passholders may find themselves getting stopped at the entrance turnstiles in the future at Disneyland and Walt Disney World. Hopefully this was just a one off or a hoax and we won’t hear anything more about it.

    Walt Disney World 50th, Disney
    Image: Disney

    We definitely hope this doesn’t turn into the next TikTok craze. Let us know what you think by leaving a comment below or on our Facebook page.