Home » Cedar Point To Become Cashless In 2022

Cedar Point To Become Cashless In 2022

It has been officially announced that Cedar Point will become cashless in 2022. It joins other Cedar Fair parks like Kings Island and Carowinds that have already made the switch to being cashless, beginning back in July 2021.

Starting in the 2022 season, guests will no longer be able to use cash to purchase beverages, food or merchandise anywhere in the park. Instead guests will have to use credit cards, debit cards, Google Play or Apple Pay.

Cedar Point Beach
Image: Cedar Point

For those guests who would prefer not to use one of these methods of payment, they can take advantage of a number of Cash-to-Card Kiosks, where you can convert your cash ($1-$500) onto a prepaid debit card that can be used anywhere, not just inside the park, with no fees. The cards can be used anywhere Visa is accepted in the United States.

It has currently not been announced how many of these Cash-to-Card Kiosks there will be and where they will be located but we are guessing they will be clearly shown on the park map.

Gary Rhodes, a spokesperson for Cedar Fair said, “There are plenty of benefits, both for guests and our parks. Cashless transactions are faster, safer and more secure. Guests can spend less time in the check-out waiting on change and more time hitting up their favorite rides or other attractions”.

Millennium Force
Image: Cedar Point

With Kings Island and Carowinds having already gone cashless since July it was only a matter of time for other Cedar Fair parks to follow. When talking about Kings Island, Rhodes said, “Overall, our park guests have responded very favorably to going cashless. It’s been pretty much a non-event for most.” 

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began there has been a national trend of moving away from cash payments towards favoring the use of cards and smart devices. With many large establishments making the move, we are likely to see more theme parks following suit in the near future.

Cedar Point no longer requires reservation when visiting the park. Check out one of our latest articles on Cedar Point, 10 Reasons Cedar Point is a Great Alternative to Disney World.

Image: Cedar Point

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