Home » California Theme Parks May Now Allow Out of State Visitors With Proof of Vaccine

    California Theme Parks May Now Allow Out of State Visitors With Proof of Vaccine

    Right now, several California theme parks, including SeaWorld San Diego, Universal Studios Hollywood, and of course Disneyland Resort are all in the process of reopening and welcoming guests back to experience their favorite entertainment and attractions. And while most of them have been restricting admission to California residents. 

    However, earlier this week SeaWorld San Diego announced that it would begin welcoming out-of-state visitors who could prove they have been vaccinated due to a change in reopening guidelines, from the California Department of Public Health. And while this sounds like a good idea, it looks like as of right now SeaWorld San Diego is the only park that has confirmed that they will be following this policy, with both Universal Studios Hollywood and Disneyland releasing statements saying that they will be continuing to limit attendance to in-state residents for the time being, and will be revisiting this policy at a later date. 

    This may be by design, as while allowing out-of-state visitors could boost attendance, it would also require theme park staff to check vaccination cards and/or passports, which could prove to be difficult in the current climate, with parks not wanting to dedicate staff to this task. 

    Either way, this loosening of restrictions at some locations is great news as it hopefully means that more guests will be able to visit these reopening theme parks very soon!