Home » Big Debate – COVID-19 Vaccine Passports For Theme Parks, Yes or No?

Big Debate – COVID-19 Vaccine Passports For Theme Parks, Yes or No?

It is the big question that is being discussed across the world right now. As COVID-19 vaccination programmes continue to ramp up and for many countries there now appears to be some light at the end of the tunnel for life to return to some form of normality, are we going to see Vaccine Passports being used by businesses? Is it going to be legal? Is it morally and ethically right?

This has the potential to be a very contentious issue. The Miami Herald reported on April 2 that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has blocked businesses from requiring customers to provide COVID documentation. DeSantis rejected the idea of “vaccine passports” saying:

“People have certain freedoms and individual liberties to make decisions for themselves,”

Many people have concerns over what businesses could do with the information. While others welcome this as a means to ensure events can be as safe as possible and to reassure people wanting to return to those activities that they have felt haven’t been safe up until vaccinations have been so widely spread.

If I am honest, I haven’t quite made up my own mind on this just yet. I have received my first vaccination and am due to have my second at the beginning of June so if vaccination passports were needed I would qualify. 

Disney's Hollywood Studios, Disney
Image: Disney

Like majority of theme park fans, I am desperate to head back to the parks but have been dubious up until now due to COVID-19. Our son has been in the extremely vulnerable category which is why we have had to be even more careful this last year.

With cases decreasing and vaccinations steaming ahead, naturally that is a comfort. If our local theme park required vaccination passports to visit, would it make me feel safer? Probably yes, but is it morally and ethically right?, well that is the question.


Main Street, Disney
Image: Disney

So, here is it, right now it looks like Walt Disney World will not require Vaccine Passports due to Governor Ron DeSantis seeking to ban them but what do you think? Do you think theme parks should require COVID-19 Vaccine Passports, Yes or No?

  • Yes
  • No

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Walt Disney World, Disney
Image: Disney

We will chose a selection of these comments to include in our Big Debate RESULTS article which will be coming soon to Theme Park Tourist. Our previous Big Debate aimed to gauge opinion on MagicMobile and the results can be read here, Big Debate RESULTS – MagicBand Is The Vicor Against MagicMobile With 91% of Your Vote.