Home » Disney Advises Guests Who Can’t Wear Masks to “Reschedule” Their Visit

Disney Advises Guests Who Can’t Wear Masks to “Reschedule” Their Visit

Though face masks have been a requirement for visiting Walt Disney World’s theme parks since their reopening back in July, in recent weeks Disney has been ramping up efforts to make sure that all guests are aware that violating this policy will result in serious consequences for guests. Last week, Disney posted signs around the theme parks advising guests that those not wearing masks will be removed from the park, and an audio recording reinforcing this policy now plays periodically throughout the parks. 

And now in a further effort to make the resort’s strict mask policy as clear as possible Walt Disney World has added new text to their Know Before You Go page asking guests to reschedule their visit if they are unable to wear an acceptable face covering at all times except in designated areas.

Though Disney has had a few outlying but well-publicized incidents regarding guests disgruntled with mask policy, overall the guests have complied with the mask orders without issue, but as local restrictions loosen in Florida, it looks like Disney is being proactive when it comes to making sure that guests know that despite masks not being mandated in the state, they are still required for guests who want to visit Walt Disney World for the foreseeable future. 

As in the past, Disney has been using a special social distancing team who carry signage that reminds guests to “wear a face covering unless stopped to eat or drink” in an effort to help gently enforce Disney’s newest mask rules, which state that guests can not walk around with their masks off while eating and drinking around the parks