Home » The Big Debate RESULTS: Will YOU Be Sad To See Free MagicBands Phased Out?

The Big Debate RESULTS: Will YOU Be Sad To See Free MagicBands Phased Out?

Magic Bands, Disney

Welcome to our first ever The Big Debate RESULTS article. We are trialling having a results and discussion article for each debate, rather than including the results into the next new debate as we had been doing for the Coronavirus Polls. Let us know what you think about this structure by leaving your thoughts in our comments section below.

During the last three months our Poll has been titled Coronavirus Poll but as I said at the start of this debate, now that Universal Orlando, SeaWorld Orlando and Busch Gardens have now reopened and Walt Disney World’s reopening is only two weeks away we are changing the poll style article slightly and turning it into ‘The Big Debate’. 

Our first Big Debate has had a lot of response which is great to see. I really hope you enjoy taking part in it and can use them to share your views on the important topics that are going on in the theme park world.

RESULTS: Will You Be Sad To See Free MagicBands Phased Out?

Magic Bands, Disney
Image: Disney

For me, MagicBands will always signify fun and happiness as we absolutely loved using them when we visited in 2013. Having said that, everyone has a phone, right? so what not use an app rather than the MagicBands?

Here is what you voted in the debate, Will YOU Be Sad To See Free MagicBands Phased Out?:

  • Yes – 90% 
  • No – 10%

Well, there is certainly no question here as to what the majority of guests feel about this decision. As discussed in Free MagicBand Program to End in 2021 at Walt Disney World, Disney has said that they will continue to offer MagicBands for sale and Disney Resort hotel guests will be able to buy them at a discount when the free ones are phased out in 2021.

For those guests who don’t want to purchase a MagicBand (and haven’t got one from a previous visit which can be re-used) and don’t want to use the My Disney Experience App for any number of reasons (discussed below), you can still request a Key to the World card which is free, if that suits you better.

Magic Kingdom, entrance sign
Image: Theme Park Tourist

I don’t think anyone will argue that it seems likely that MagicBands will unfortunately disappear for good as more and more guests opt to use their mobile phone while visiting Walt Disney World when MagicBands are no longer being given out for free next year. 

Comments and Thoughts

Walt Disney World castle
Image: Theme Park Tourist

We piloted this section of the article in our Coronavirus Poll RESULTS – Universal Orlando Vs SeaWorld Orlando: Which DO YOU Think Has Had The Best Reopening? and we will use it again here. We always love to hear your comments and views on our Polls so I thought it would be a good idea to pick out a few to share with you in this results article, I will always aim to get the best balance I can to show both sides of the debate: 

“Then they better improve wifi and add charging stations. Just using the app to check maps & wait times, my reservations, and to get a few fast passes chewed through my battery. Plus, it was nice to see my teens NOT always with their phones in their hands. Give them an excuse and it’s a rabbit hole….”

“I loved the excitement of receiving my free magic band. It made the trip seem “real” and close. I don’t like to spend a lot of “extra” money in Disney, so not sure I would pay for one. My next trip is likely to be on a tight budget. I thought Disney was to be an escape from the world…now they want us on our cell the whole trip.”

“The magic bands were how my brother and sister-in-law surprised my nephews for their Disney trip. They handed them the bands at the airport and said they needed them for the trip. They got the paid ones with their favorite characters or movies on them, but still! I hope the rumor of taking them completely away isn’t true!”

“To be honest, I doubt the bands were ever really “free”. Disney just factored the cost into the package and attached it to get people used to them. Now people feel jilted that it’ll be an out of pocket, in-your-face add on because they’ve become accustomed to them as a perk.”

“I don’t care as much about not getting a free one… but if they phase out completely it will make me sad. I love the convenience of taking absolutely nothing with me to the pool or the parks… not even my phone…”

“Not sad, but I do think it’s just another way for them to generate revenue. They put the system in place, got the visitors hooked on using it, and now with this change it almost feels like another “upgrade” or “extra” for people who aren’t penny conscious.”

“Honestly Magic Bands are nasty in the summer. I hated the sweaty wrists.
In addition, unless you’re staying on site the only thing the bands are good for are entry and Fastpass return.
Passholders have never had the luxury of being able to connect their credit card or gift card and use it as non contact payment as resort guests do. That’s always been a deal breaker for me.”

“Magic bands are contactless. It should be encouraged.”

Main Street, Walt Disney World
Image: Theme Park Tourist

Click on one of our top two articles from the pop up below or head to page 2 for more comments, a round up on this big debate, a link to our next debate as well as a list of all our most recent featured articles…

Comments and Thoughts Cont…

Big Thunder Mountain, Walt Disney World
Image: Disney

“The batteries in your existing Magic Bands last a long time. At least a couple years, if not more. So if you have freebie Magic Bands from 2019-2020, you should be able to go at least another 1-3 years before having to purchase a new set.”

“Phasing them out is understandable, but would be nice if you can add them to a package when booking. For international visitors if you have to use your phone it can significantly increase cost of a trip. And whose phone is even alive at the end of the day? I’d hate to have my room key on my phone, get to my room, pull it out and …. it dies as you open the app.”

“It’s a perk I enjoy and would miss. A shame but, $30 added to my bill for one won’t hurt either. Then again using the mobile devices could be really good if they keep hackers away and maintain a much better wireless connection over all the Walt Disney World Resort area.”

“Hate to say it but there are generations that dont use cell phones much. I typically plan the entire family’s trip. Getting some to grasp the magic band was hard enough. Trying to picture my dad without me using his cell phone to pay or check in. Yikes.”

“I see the decrease in magic bands causing a decrease of spending while in the parks!! It was SO easy to swipe that band. If I have to go to my husband and get the debit card every single time, he will eventually just tell me no!!!”

“No magic bands at the pools or water parks will be a real pain”

Thanks to everyone for your comments, it is always such an interesting read.

Summary of the debate

Magic Kingdom castle, Disney
Image: Disney

There have been so many valid comments, a number of people are worried about the wi-fi coverage, with many commenting on spotty and unreliable experiences when it comes to wi-fi in the past at Walt Disney World. As a positive perhaps this will force Disney to make this better as they become more heavily reliant on it for the My Disney Experience App.

Battery life on your phone seems to be another very valid worry, especially with older smartphones, particularly considering if you are using it for entry to your hotel room. I know in this day and age it seems ridiculous to say but some people don’t actually own a smartphone, my Mother-in-law for one, to be able to access the app. For them, unless they are willing to purchase a MagicBand, they will have to resort back to using the free Key to the World card.

The excitement of receiving your MagicBand through the post or upon arrival was talked about a lot in the comments section. Some feel this will mean a loss of a part of the Disney magic they have grown to love in the last 10 years.

Added to this, if you are having to keep your cell with you, it forces you to have to keep more in the real world rather than being able to properly switch off on vacation and forget it all. Many teenagers and some adults alike, don’t need much excuse to keep their heads buried in their phone, this isn’t going to help to drag them out of the habit to focus on the escapism Disney is supposed to bring.

Animal Kingdom entrance
Image: Theme Park Tourist

A very interesting point is that it is so easy to spend when using the MagicBand, (especially for children as well as adults) perhaps spending per person will go down. I am sure Disney has thought this through though, there will be a way, there is always a way with Disney.

Water parks are mentioned, many people have commented that they wouldn’t want to take their cell to a water park. On a positive note for the phasing out of Magicbands some readers have said it is a positive move as they found MagicBands uncomfortable to wear.

In summary, the majority of people appear happy to pay for a MagicBand (many choose to do so now so as to get favorite characters or colors) but the worry is that as they are phasing out the free MagicBand program that Disney will phase the whole system out entirely in favor of the app. There is no other information on this as of now, only time will tell.

I just wanted to say that I personally love all theme parks, that’s why my husband and I started Theme Park Tourist over 10 years ago. If you feel there is any bias in any of my articles I can only apologize, as this is definitely never intended.

Here is our new Big Debate for you to read and vote on:

Don’t forget to share it with your friends and family.

Spaceship Earth
Image: Theme Park Tourist

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Don’t forget to leave us a comment below or on our Facebook page. If you have any ideas for The Big Debate, just let me know on [email protected].