Home ยป Coronavirus Poll – Universal Orlando Vs SeaWorld Orlando: Which Do YOU Think Has Had The Best Reopening? June 17, 2020 Poll 22

Coronavirus Poll – Universal Orlando Vs SeaWorld Orlando: Which Do YOU Think Has Had The Best Reopening? June 17, 2020 Poll 22

It is really exciting times for a lot of theme park fans in Orlando as we see theme parks slowly reopening their gates after nearly three months of closure due to COVID-19. With numerous new Health & Safety guidelines and protocols in place, to try to keep employees and guests as safe as possible in a time when COVID-19 is still present across the world, I ask in my latest Poll, Universal Orlando Vs SeaWorld Orlando: Which do YOU think has had the best reopening? 

Universal Orlando Resort surprised many of us when it announced a June 5 reopening and SeaWorld Orlando was hot on its heels with a June 11 reopening, along with Busch Gardens Tampa.

While many theme park fans will be extremely happy Universal Orlando Resort, SeaWorld Orlando and Busch Gardens are now open, many guests have been put off visiting by the mandatory mask wearing and restrictions that have been put into place. Others fear with the reopening of theme parks will come the increase in COVID-19 cases and this is something that is having to be monitored. Many fans are simply staying at home as they feel it is currently still too risky.

Everyone has their own personal reasons for either visiting or choosing not to visit these reopened parks. Even for those that haven’t taken the plunge yet, with all the media coverage on Universal Orlando and SeaWorld Orlando’s reopening you should be able to hopefully have a go at voting on which one you think has done the best job. I will discuss this further later on.

Universal Citywalk
Image: Theme Park Tourist

Firstly, our last poll asked, Do YOU think Universal Orlando has had a successful reopening? It makes sense to look at those results before introducing our new poll, so here goes:

Poll 21 Results – Do YOU think Universal Orlando has had a successful reopening?

Universal Orlando Resort has now been open for two weeks and although attendance has been reported as being low, we are expecting that this is to do with the capacity cap. But does this also show that guests just aren’t wanting to head back right now? Well, our Poll asked whether you thought their reopening had been successful and here are the results:

  • Yes – 69%
  • No – 15%
  • Changes need to be made – 17%

So from these results, 69% of voters have chosen ‘yes’ and this has got to be surely taken as a massive positive considering they were the first large Orlando theme park to reopen. Walt Disney World have still got another 5 weeks before they are hopefully to reopen their gates, giving them a lot of extra time to make sure all procedures and protocols are in place and can be implemented successfully. I am guessing that they have also been paying very close attention to how Universal Orlando has managed and will prevent making the same mistakes as they may have made.

Inside Universal park
Image: Theme Park Tourist

Poll 22 –  Universal Orlando Vs SeaWorld Orlando: Which Do YOU Think Has Had The Best Reopening?

Two of the major Orlando theme parks are now reopen and I thought it would be interesting to see how well you think they have done. Don’t get me wrong, I take my hat off to all the theme park operators who have had to create intensive reopening plans and try to get that balance between ensuring they are following essential government health and safety guidelines as well as trying to create the best user experience that they can. That has surely been a massive mountain to climb and I wish that they all succeed during this very difficult time and come out the other end flourishing.

You will I am sure already have your mind made up as to which park has had the best reopening but to help you with your decision we have published the following articles which may help you on your way:

Like I already mentioned, people have had different experiences from visiting Universal Orlando Resort and SeaWorld Orlando over the last couple of weeks. Some have reported short wait times, social distancing being enforced, virtual queue implementation working well and others have had the opposite experience.

Mandatory mask wearing has been a contentious issue since it was first mentioned. The enforcing of this measure has also created disagreement amongst theme park fans with some saying that employees aren’t the police and are therefore not responsible for enforcing this. Other people think it is the responsibility of the park to enforce in order for health and safety measures to be properly implemented.

Manta, SeaWorld Orlando
Image: Theme Park Tourist

We know with anything that is new, a few teething problems are bound to be prevalent and I am confident that Universal and SeaWorld will work hard to ensure any issues are ironed out as quickly as possible. These early reports however are very important as they inform other guests who are currently on the fence as to whether to head back. Is it worth a trip? Will I feel safe? Is social distancing happening across the park and in queue areas? Are rides being wiped down? Are the top rides reliably open? What are the wait times like?

So here is your chance, Universal Orlando Vs SeaWorld Orlando: Which do YOU think has had the best reopening?

  • Universal Orlando Resort
  • SeaWorld Orlando

Simply CLICK HERE to cast your vote and don’t forget to share this with your friends and family. I will discuss these results in my next poll.

Mask selling, Universal Orlando
Image: Theme Park Tourist

I am guessing most people feel the same, I really hope all theme parks come to flourish again as quickly as possible and hope that in the future when the threat of COVID-19 reduces and when theme parks fully recover and can get back to doing what they do best, that we will be left with many positives measures that will enhance guest safety and experience when visiting their favorite theme parks. Look out for my next poll which will be coming soon.

Poll 20 Results – Walt Disney World Is Reopening July 11, Are You Planning To Go To The Parks?

With the further restrictions announced, I left this poll open to give others time to vote and to find out if ‘yes’ would decrease any further. Here are the final results:

  • Yes – 41%
  • No – 46%
  • Not until a vaccine – 13% 

We still see 41% of voters looking forward to going as soon as they can, the remaining 59% will wait. I suppose this is an understandable split, although I must say I thought the percentage may be slightly higher in favor of returning than 41%. From what has been reported and from the hundreds of comments I have read it seems like a lot of people have been put off due to the mandatory mask wearing and also the cancelling of parades, fireworks, meet and greets etc. Will it still have that Disney magic when it reopens, we will have to wait and see? 

As well as the recent reopening of Universal Orlando Resort and SeaWorld, Busch Gardens Tampa also reopened on June 11. There doesn’t seem to have been as much coverage regarding this one but if you have visited we would love to hear your experiences in the comments below. I will include these in my next poll when rounding up and explaining the results.

Spaceship Earth
Image: Theme Park Tourist

Check out our News Page and Facebook Page daily to keep up to date with all the latest announcements from Universal Orlando Resort and SeaWorld as well as Walt Disney World, Busch Gardens Tampa Bay, Disneyland and all the other parks from the US, UK and around the world.

During a time when your favourite theme park isn’t quite reopen yet or at a time when you feel unable to visit for any number of reasons, if you fancy a chilled few minutes be sure to read one of our many new featured articles below:

Magic Kingdom, entrance sign
Image: Theme Park Tourist

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