Home » Universal Confirms Electric Shock Incident at Volcano Bay Occurred Last Weekend

Universal Confirms Electric Shock Incident at Volcano Bay Occurred Last Weekend

Accidents at theme parks unfortunately occur with some regularity, but when they happen, theme parks typically like to keep them as quiet as possible. One recent (but grisly) example was a guest who suffered a massive injury on E.T. Adventure at Universal Studios Florida after hanging their foot out of the ride vehicle in the attraction’s disembarkation area, which then became stuck between the vehicle and the loading platform. Though rumors flew across the park and online about a serious accident on the ride when this incident occurred (you can read more about it at the Orlando Sentinel), Universal offered a firm no comment on the incident until weeks later when an official injury and accident report was quietly filed. 

However, an incident occurred last weekend at Universal Orlando Resort‘s Volcano Bay that unfortunately couldn’t be kept under wraps, and has even prompted an official investigation into the matter. 

Guests feel electric shocks on several attractions throughout the day at Volcano Bay

Image: Universal

According to a report in the Orlando Sentinel, guests who visited Volcano Bay last Sunday began feeling small shocks in attraction areas as early as 9:30 AM, just after the park opened. In addition, guests continued reporting feeling some small discomfort throughout the day, and some lifeguards also began feeling electrical pulses. Though none of the shocks resulted in any physical injuries (major or minor), feeling any kind of shock in the water can be unnerving, especially for guests who know the history of Action Park, whic infamously had electrical issues around water rides that eventually led to one death, which you can read more about in the New York Times

Universal releases official statement about the incident

Though the park didn’t close down until 6:00 PM (almost nine hours after the first shock was felt), in an effort to perhaps calm online rumors and reassure future guests looking to visit this summer, Universal has put out a statement about the incident confirming a few facts:

  • Several guests reported feeling shocks throughout the day, but none required medical care for any injuries
  • Several employees went to the hospital, but all were found to be fine and released
  • Universal performed an internal investigation and has identified and fixed the electrical problem that was causing the shocks. 
  • Some attractions are closed while maintenance and testing are ongoing
  • Universal believes that the problem has been solved

You can read Universal’s full statement regarding this incident here

OSHA is now investigating this incident

Image: Universal

As with all other incidents of this kind, an OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) investigation has been launched to ensure proper protocol was followed in this instance. It has been confirmed that at least one official complaint was filed with the agency, and though few details are available right now about how long OSHA will be investigating, unless something major is found during this investigation, the process will likely be pretty short and it’s unlikely we’ll hear much more about it. 

Is it safe to go to Volcano Bay?

 Image: Universal

Universal has said that after their own internal investigations, they believe the problem that caused the electrical malfunction has been solved, and no guests have reported feeling any discomfort at the park since Sunday, which is definitely good news. Of course, OSHA’s investigation is still ongoing, but if there were an immediate threat, action would be taken immediately, so even though the park is still under scrutiny, officials insist that it is safe to go to. 

Though this unfortunate incident was definitely scary for guests to experience (and for those planning a visit to Universal’s Volcano Bay this summer!), it looks like whatever caused the problem has been permanently fixed and guests can continue to enjoy all that the Universal Orlando Resort’s water park has to offer this summer!