Home ยป How To Make Your Walt Disney World Weekend Getaway With Your Partner A “Dream Come True”!

    How To Make Your Walt Disney World Weekend Getaway With Your Partner A “Dream Come True”!

    Mears Transport, Mears

    If you come from a life with children, work stress, mental health issues and beyond, then I am confident you are aware of the impact all of this can have on your daily life, let alone your marriage. 

    My husband and I met 8 years ago, with no idea that we each had a secret obsession. Yup, you guessed it, Disney! Fast forward to today, a set of twins and our first house later, life has definitely caught up to us without even realizing it. We both decided that we needed to get away. We needed to reconnect with one another, and to let go of all the stress that had taken over our life. Where to go, you ask? Disney World of course!

    The truth is, we never had an actual honeymoon, unless you count the day after our wedding where we chose to go play bingo at the local casino. So, because of this, we wanted to make sure we did it right. We have 4 kids, so we knew we wouldn’t be able to go to long, and of course you have to account for how many days off from work you still have left for the year. Our trip consisted of 2 and a half days of Disney bliss. Yup, that’s it. Just 2 full days. So how did we make it our little Dream Come True Honeymoon, you ask? How did we fit everything we could in just 2 days to make us feel fulfilled, yet leave us still wanting more? Keep on reading to get some great tips and tricks on how to experience some of the best Disney World has to offer in a short time with your spouse.

    Mears Transportation

    Mears Transport, Mears
    Image: Mears

    Ok, so I will be the first to admit that I miss Disney’s Magical Express. It was part of the magic of Disney feeling all inclusive and one of the perks you got when staying on Disney property. However, those Magical Express lines at the airport were SO LONG! Also, I hate Uber and Lift, plus they are expensive to boot. It was very easy to book, all you need is your flight and hotel information, and it was affordable. Then, the best part, there was barely any line to get onto the bus from MCO.

    Disney skyline
    Image: Disney World Skyliner

    My husband and I love using the transportation on property, rather than renting a car, because of the convenience and cost savings alone. Not having to worry about driving yourself everywhere is the first step to making your trip magical. Being able to step onto another form of transportation the moment you get off the plane, starts releasing the stress right away. Let’s also not forget all of the other modes of transportation besides busses, throughout the WDW resort. The Skyliner and Monorail also help to get you from point A to point B throughout the resort, and act as a ride in itself. It is all about prospective. All of these modes of transportation are relaxing as well, which is a key component in making your Disney’s couples trip calm and peaceful. 

    Peaceful Resorts

    WDW French Quarter Resort
    Image: Port Orleans French Quarter

    Another key component and making the most out of your short couples Disney trip is the perfect resort. Now there are lots of resorts throughout the Disney World property, from Value all the way to Deluxe and DVC. However, I think the best couples resorts are what I like to call the “best kept secrets” or “hidden gems”. The ones that aren’t thought of as much or booked up as fast. It isn’t necessarily the cost that impacts this, although for this trip we were on a budget. 

    The Port Orleans resort at Walt Disney World is a resort that consists of two hotels. Yes, two. The Port Orleans Riverside, which is the larger of the two, and my personal favorite, Port Orleans French Quarter. Now neither of these are talked about as often as some of the other big name Moderate resorts, but Riverside is the more talked about of the two.

    However, French Quarter is such a hidden gem It is the smallest resort out of all of the Walt Disney World resorts, as well as the most quaint and charming. To make it even more of a dream resort for couples, although there are kids, there are not nearly as many as you would find say at Pop Century or Caribbean Beach. Also, there is Scat Cats Lounge, where you can go in the evening night to listen to some nice jazz music and have a drink to cap off the night. Can we also not forget about those delicious Mickey shaped beignets, which can be found here, at the Scat Cat Cafe (I’d like to personally recommend the original ones with a side of strawberry sauce).

    Mickey beignets at POFQ

    So whether you book your next couples trip at Port Orleans French Quarter, or another resort, keep in mind the kid crowd level, location, and activities on site. Don’t forget the transportation too. Port Orleans French Quarter has the boats that take you directly to Disney Springs. More on that next. 

    Friendship Boats

    Friendship Boat to Disney Springs
    Image: Friendship Boat to Disney Springs

    This had to have been one of the highlights from our trip for my husband and I. I can’t even begin to describe how relaxing, and beautiful and romantic this was. You can catch these boats from both Port Orleans resorts, and enjoy a 10-15 minute boat ride along the Sassagoula River both to and from Disney Springs. The boats play music based on where you are along the boat ride, and you even go by the treehouse villas as well as under a little bridge. Definitely a must do. 

    A Day At Disney Springs

    You cannot go to Disney World as a couple without doing a FULL day at Disney Springs. Yes, I said a FULL day. I think a lot of people don’t realize how much there is to really do in Disney Springs. From hidden photo opportunities, less talked about activities and restaurants, to hidden bars and lounges as well. Lets Dig into this a little bit deeper…

    Photo Opportunities

    Orange Bird Wall
    Image: Orange Bird Wall Disney Springs

    The parks aren’t the only place to take special pictures! Plus without a ton of kids around and less crowds, it definitely makes taking pictures a whole lot easier too. Not to mention you get lots of great memories together and by yourself that you may not necessarily have had the time or patience to get if you were with your children or other family and friends. 

    Lego Store Disney Springs
    Image: Lego Store at Disney Springs

    Treat Yourself

    Another highlight I want to touch upon when being at Disney Springs as a couple is that it gives you the chance to do things you wouldn’t normally do with a group. My husband had a premium barber service at the Art of Shaving, which is located at The Landing, over by Gideons, and is kind of tucked away a little bit. You have to reserve it ahead of time, but we were able to grab him an appointment a few days before we left for our trip with Benny, who was fantastic. My husband not only got a simple cut and shave, but a scalp and facial treatment along with a straight razor shave with oils. It was one of his favorite things from this trip by far, and something he never would have done had we had the kids or anyone else with us. 

    art of shaving Disney Springs
    Image: Art of Shaving Disney Springs

    While my husband treated himself, I took that time to walk the springs solo. Yes, for the first time, I was by myself in Disney. The world at my fingertips, and honestly you guys, all I wanted to do was take in the sights and sounds.

    Enjoying the view Disney Springs
    Image: Disney Springs

    I didn’t go shopping, or get a coffee or treat alone, I just enjoyed the peace and quiet. There are so many little hidden coves and side areas throughout the springs where you can just sit and enjoy the view. It was so nice to just allow myself to be still and take my time and allow the stress to leave my head and heart for an hour. I highly suggest this if you have the chance while you’re there. 

    Happy Hour

    Lava Lounge Disney Springs
    Image: Lava Lounge at Disney Springs

    I can’t write this article without mentioning a cocktail or two. There are so many good bars and lounges throughout Disney Springs it may be hard to pick and choose, but let me give you some advice. Pick one that isn’t popular. One that is out of the way from the crowds and come from a maybe less likely source.

    The Rainforest Cafe is definitely one of the more iconic and well known restaurants at the Springs, not only for its popularity but also for its fire breathing volcano. Yes, you heard that right. However, not only do they have an indoor bar area within the restaurant itself, but did you know they also have an outside lounge attached to the backside of it!? I only recently found out about this myself.

    The Lava Lounge entrance is tucked away off to the left of the restaurant, where you have to walk through a small cave-like entry to get to it. Once you make your way through it and to the back, you are met with some of the best views of the Lagoon that Disney Springs has to offer. It is outdoors, so on a picture perfect Florida day (like we had, sunny and 85), this can make for a really special treat. Oh, but don’t worry, if you have some rain in your forecast, there is an overhead covering so you won’t get wet. I suggest sitting at the bar to make it a little bit more personal for you and your spouse, but they also have lots of bar tables undercover as well, should you prefer that instead.

    Disney Springs tends to be a place where most people go to at night, or after a long day at the parks, but don’t underestimate its ability to suck you in for the day. Take your time and allow yourself to really just relax and enjoy it! Along with everything I mentioned above, there is also tons of shopping and places to eat, you honestly cannot go wrong, I promise…

    Romantic Eats

    Steak house 71
    Image: Steakhouse 71 at Contemporary Resort

    So let’s talk about food. If you are big foodies like my husband and I are, then this is the section for you. A lot of times I find myself trying to please everyone else that are with my husband and I during a Walt Disney World vacation. Whether it’s the kids or other family, our restaurant choices are usually depicted by picky eaters, immature palettes and a daughter with Celiac Disease. When its just you and your significant other, however, all bets are off and you get to choose some of the best places on property! No worrying about chicken tenders and pizza here.

    Cheese board WBG
    Image: Cheese Board at Wine Bar George

    My suggestion to you would be to pick a place that not a lot of people flock to, especially those with kids in tow. You really want your couples weekend trip to be as peaceful as possible, especially when you are not in the parks. You should choose a restaurant that is a little less known, and appeals to both of your appetites. 

    My husband and I chose Steakhouse 71 and Wine Bar George. Although Steakhouse 71 is still quite popular right now, it’s more of an adult focused restaurant, and is located inside the Contemporary Resort rather than in one of the four parks. Wine Bar George is much less well known, located at Disney Springs, and although talked about quite a lot within the Disney community, for some reason it doesn’t get much traffic, and you usually can find a reservation for it on the My Disney Experience app. It has much more of a date night vibe, serving lots of different cocktails, wines and beer, as well as small plates and appetizers. 

    short rib WBG
    Image: Short Rib Dinner at Wine Bar George

    Wine Bar George was our absolute favorite. Hands down some of the best food we have ever had on property, and that is saying a lot as my husband and I have been going to Disney since we were in Diapers. If you ever get a chance to go here on your next couples trip, please do yourself a favor and try this place out, and get yourself the Cheese Board and Short Ribs, because both are to die for!

    Resort Hopping

    Polynesian resort
    Image: Disney’s Polynesian Resort

    A huge part of doing a couples only vacation, not just at Disney, but anywhere really, is the relaxation. Now we all know Disney isn’t necessarily the go to vacation choice for beaches, hammocks and a serene escape, by any means. Disney has its own unique charm and allure of why it draws people in of all ages. There are ways, however, to create moments of calm and serenity while at the most magical place on earth.

    One of those ways is the resorts. With over thirty resorts to pick from within the Walt Disney World bubble, and the current price tag of a Disney vacation, it’s probably unlikely many will get to experience every single one. Yet, that is the beauty, and magic, of Disney though. With all of the different transportation methods included in your stay, the ability to at least visit and explore the resorts is very doable. With most guests at the parks during the day, if you can make time for a little resort hopping, I would highly suggest doing that. Now in a short trip, you won’t be able to get to all of them, however you can pick one or two to get a taste of while you’re away, and to stay away from all the hustle and bustle of the parks and Disney Springs.

    Pick resorts that are on your dream stay list, or ones that are known to have less traffic with families. Maybe there is a resort you’d like to see for its views or unique dining experiences? Whatever the reason, pick them, again, based on your combined loves. My husband and I decided to hop to the Polynesian resort for breakfast at Ohana and to walk the grounds before heading home on our last day. We enjoyed the Disney transportation in order to get to the resort, and gave ourselves ample of time to eat, explore and travel back to our resort that we were staying at. 

    Ohana had been a place him and I have wanted to try for some time. Plus, the Polynesian is a dream stay of ours, along with the Riviera and the Boardwalk. We were able to get an early breakfast reservation and the resort was beautiful. The views from the restaurant overlooking seven seas lagoon was gorgeous, and we could see the castle from our table. Although our breakfast left us feeling short, the company was perfect, the views were beautiful and the cast members were spectacular. After eating we explored the gift shops, and then walked out back and toured the pool, walkways and the beach that overlooked the lagoon. I have to say, that was probably where I felt the most “at peace” the entire trip. The gorgeous music they played, and taking that time to just relax and reflect on our weekend together in our favorite place in the world. The most magical place in the world, Walt Disney World. 

    Polynesian grounds
    Image: Disney’s Polynesian Resort

    Don’t let this opportunity pass you by the next time you take a couples trip to Walt Disney World. You will not regret it.

    Park To Park Memories

    Cinderella Castle MK
    Image: Cinderella’s Castle at Magic Kingdom

    Let’s admit it, we go to Disney for the parks, am I right? There is just something about seeing Cinderella’s castle at the end of Main Street, riding your favorite ride with the ones you love, taking pictures with your favorite characters, hearing the hustle and bustle of Hollywood Studios, eating and drinking away during the festivals at Epcot, and watching those iconic Disney fireworks after a long park day, that keep us coming back for more. However, trying to make all of these amazingly special moments remain peaceful with one child complaining about the heat and another whining about being hungry and tired every fifteen minutes can sometimes take away from the magic. 

    So rather wishing we could take all of that away and do it all again without them, my advice here is to pick some of your favorites that you would like to create new memories with, with just your spouse. Also, maybe do something new that neither one of you have ever done and do them for the first time together. These new experiences will change the way you view Walt Disney World entirely. Plus, doing it with your significant other just makes it all the more special. So now instead of saying at the end of your trip, I never want to do Walt Disney World again with my kids, you will find yourself wanting both, because both experiences will be their own. 

    My husband and I only had one day for the parks. Yes, one day to do three out of the four parks. Are we crazy? Yes, probably. Can we do it? You bet. 

    We had to knock one park out because being able to do all four parks during an Epcot festival would be close to impossible for us just because I knew I didn’t want to be rushing all day. Since my husband isn’t the biggest Disney’s Animal Kingdom fan, and I only can do a couple of choice rides, we decided to let that one go and focus on Magic Kingdom, Disney’s Hollywood Studios and Epcot. Next time, my take away would be to only do two parks to focus on, or make your trip three full days instead of two. 

    My husband and I both love Pirates, and he loves Space Mountain and I love Winnie the Pooh. So we took our shared love, and each of our own loves, and combined them to add up to our Magic Kingdom portion of the day.

    Combining the things we both loved individually, and together, then taking into account the wait times at those specific rides, is probably the best advice I could ever give anyone (ie. we both love Haunted Mansion too, but the wait time was way to long to fit into a big park hopping day). Then we took a snack we both loved, along with one we never tried, and did those too. It curated some of the absolute best memories I have inside of Magic Kingdom. I could have stayed all day doing more of that together, but you only get so much time in a weekend, so that is the best advice I can give. Throw in an epic couples picture in front of the castle and you got the worlds best three hour trip to Magic Kingdom, hands down. 

    Catch An EPCOT Festival

    Panda Pallete booth Epcot FARTS
    Image: Chicken Shumai at Festival of Arts in Epcot

    My last tip for your perfect Disney couples getaway is, if you are visiting during an EPCOT Festival (which is pretty likely since there is one of four going on at some point during the year), go! This is a perfect way to enjoy EPCOT without the hustle and bustle of rides and waiting in lines. Each festival has so many different foods and drinks you can try around World Showcase, combined with festive specific merchandise you can purchase, it just makes for a really fun time together. I highly suggest going during either Festival of the Arts or Festival of the Holidays, if you can, because not only is there fun food and drinks and merchandise, but the Art festival has special art booths by different artists that you can purchase their art form, and the Holiday Festival has unique storytellers throughout the showcase telling stories and sharing traditions. 

    Research the festival booths before your trip, so you and your husband can pick your favorites. For a one day experience, I would suggest keeping it to no more than five booths. The lines can get long and it takes a while to walk the showcase as well, and the key to a couples only trip is to not feel rushed. After enjoying drinking and eating around the world, don’t forget to cap off the night by seeing the new lights show at EPCOT over Spaceship Earth. 

    spaceship earth Epcot
    Image: Spaceship Earth at Epcot

    And that is it. Our quick, weekend only Disney Couples trip, was a huge success. By focusing on relaxation and combining our favorites with the desire to do a few new things together, made for the perfect Disney getaway for two. No trip is perfect (like our ONE park day being cold and rainy), but by focusing on each other and the highlights you take away from it, I guarantee you will want to go back again and again, with just each other.

    So, what exactly makes a couples only Disney weekend getaway a dream come true? Each other. Disney is a magical vacation that can be experienced in so many different ways. However, when your’e on a time crunch and don’t want to be stressed, take these tips and tricks into account and I promise your next Disney World weekend vacation with your significant other will be much more relaxing, romantic and feel like, well, a dream come true.