Home » 9 Universal Truths about Walt Disney World No One Can Argue About

9 Universal Truths about Walt Disney World No One Can Argue About

During my time at Theme Park Tourist, I’ve touched on many taboo subjects, including ones likely to cause arguments among Disney fans. I want to take a different approach today. I’ve assembled a list of topics that unite us, ones that the overwhelming majority of people believe to be true. Here are nine universal truths about Walt Disney World.

The wafting fragrances from Main Street Bakery are the best smells in the world

Image: DisneyTo many people, Magic Kingdom is where every Disney vacation starts, and the entrance leads directly to Main Street, U.S.A. It’s not a coincidence. Park planners want to set the tone for a day at Disney. One of their strategies is Main Street Bakery, located on the first corner of Main Street, U.S.A. Your nose will notice this place long before you reach it and remember it long after you’re gone. It’s a treat for the (olfactory) senses.

Watching children meet their favorite Disney characters is pure joy

Everyone who has visited a Disney theme park has a favorite memory along these lines. Hearing the laughter of a child is one of the best things in life. No place on Earth features as much raucous laughter as a Disney theme park. The sight of Mickey Mouse, a Disney Princess, or some other giant costumed character brings delight into the hearts of children, and the sight of it reminds adults of their childhood trips to Disney.

You’ll always start planning your Disney trip the instant you finish the current one…

Image: DisneyAnd sometimes even before then. The worst part of a Disney vacation’s end is that you literally must leave the Happiest Place on Earth. Who wants to do that? It’s like getting kicked out of paradise. The only solace that theme park tourists find as they prepare to board Tragical Express is the thought of a return. Naturally, everyone starts to plan their next trip before they have even returned home from their current one.

Boarding the Magical Express is the greatest feeling on the planet

Image: DisneyThe inverse of this rule happens at the start of the trip. Guests staying at official Disney resorts receive free transportation from Orlando International Airport. The service is called Magical Express, and it’s aptly named. Nothing else can match the joy of departing your plane and then walking with purpose toward the check-in desk for Magical Express. You know that you’re only a short bus ride away from Walt Disney World. And the bus shows videos that will get you in the mood for your trip! Getting on the Magical Express provokes an almost Pavlovian response.

You can’t help but wave back to anyone wearing giant Mickey Hands

Image: DisneyAt certain times of the day, generally as a park’s closing approaches, cast members liven up the mood in an odd way. They put on oversized novelty Mickey Hands and wave goodbye to you as you exit the park. The goofy nature of the situation causes an almost reflexive response. When someone wearing Mickey Hands waves to you, you just HAVE to wave back. And it’s an oddly mood-altering turn of events. You’ll think more fondly of your theme park visit due to this silly good-bye.

Nothing puts Animal Kingdom in perspective like a great ride on Kilimanjaro Safaris

Image: DisneyDisney’s achievement in building Animal Kingdom is among their greatest feats. They built a natural habitat wherein dozens of animal species can live…and some of them are natural predators/prey. Oh yes, there’s a bunch of E-ticket amusement park rides here, too. Still, the zoo aspect is the marvel of Animal Kingdom, and the attraction that sells the premise is Kilimanjaro Safaris. It’s a Jeep ride through the wilderness. It’s also the best place to watch the residents of Animal Kingdom frolic in their homes. You’ll feel at one with nature here while also appreciating the sustained brilliance of the park.

We all owe Disney an apology about Pandora. We were wrong, and they were right.

Image: DisneyYeah, so, lots of critics lambasted Disney for its decision to construct Pandora – The World of Avatar. The standard arguments involved the lack of cultural impact of the movie, Avatar, which remains the number one global box office champion in history. They pointed out that Disney was just trying to copy the success of Universal Studios with the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, too. Alas, Disney had a plan, one which they pulled off perfectly. Pandora is now the most immersive themed land on the planet and proof that Disney always deserves the benefit of the doubt.

Out of all the rides at Walt Disney World, tired people are most grateful for the PeopleMover

Image: DisneyNow that Stitch’s Great Escape! is gone, all of the rides at Walt Disney World fall in the range of very good to exceptional. When you’re exhausted and want to sit down for a bit, one attraction towers above the rest, though. The Tomorrowland Transit Authority PeopleMover is that glorious 10-minute respite that awaits you in Magic Kingdom. It’s the proverbial oasis in the desert, a welcoming friend that lets you crash on the couch when you need a place to stay. The PeopleMover isn’t the best ride at Magic Kingdom, but it’s the one that you’ll appreciate the most when you need an escape from the chaotic nature of a day at the most popular theme park on the planet.

Even after many price increases, a Disney visit remains worth the cost of admission

Image: DisneyLook, we all gripe about the (more than) annual price increases at Disney theme parks. A bottle of water should cost less than a dollar, but it really, really doesn’t. You’ll pay more than $20 for a cheeseburger at quite a few places. And a t-shirt with 75 cents’ worth of fabric is priced with the kind of mark-up generally reserved for Abu Dhabi, Las Vegas, and Rodeo Drive.

Disney runs a business, and business is extremely good because the company knows that its product justifies the price of admission. While we would rather pay less, we also know that we’re getting our money’s worth each visit. Nothing beats a trip to Disney, and every theme park tourist is fundamentally aware of this fact.