Home » 84% Of Our Readers “So Happy” Mask Mandate Removed Outside At Walt Disney World

84% Of Our Readers “So Happy” Mask Mandate Removed Outside At Walt Disney World

I started writing this article on Friday and woke up on Saturday morning ready to finish and post it. I reached for my phone and checked our news and I saw that due to the announcement from Orange County Mayor Jerry Demings’ that masks are no longer required outdoors in Orange County due to the county reaching a 50% vaccination rate among residents, Universal Orlando Resort and Walt Disney World Removes Mask Mandate for Outdoor Spaces.

What a massive step forward this is for theme park fans towards getting back to some sense of normality at the parks. Our poll this week asked, Should Disney Remove Mandatory Mask Wearing Outside This Summer at Walt Disney World? and unsurprisingly the majority of those that voted chose “Yes”. Interestingly though we did have a number of comments from people who have urged more on the side of caution regarding mask wearing which we will share in our ‘Your Thoughts and Comments’ section below.


So, of the readers that chose to vote here are the results of our latest Big Debate which asked you, Should Disney Remove Mandatory Mask Wearing Outside This Summer at Walt Disney World?:

Yes – 84%
No – 16%

Unsurprisingly, I predicted correctly expecting that anti-mask guests considerably outweigh those that are for mask wearing. Having said that, 16% of those that voted aren’t going to be happy about the news that Walt Disney World have removed Mask Mandate for outdoor spaces starting May 15, especially as this announcement has come just days after Walt Disney World officially reduces physical distancing in outdoor areas as well as inside queues and rides and also ends temperature checks at park gates. Walt Disney World has also increased theme park capacity so a lot more guests will be allowed to enter the parks each day.

Your Thoughts and Comments

So here are are selection of your comments regarding your thoughts on Disney removing the mask mandate in outdoor areas. Please note that these were written before Walt Disney World’s announcement:

“Disney is going to do what they feel is best in order to protect their employees and the public. It doesn’t matter what we think, or what we feel is the right or wrong thing to do. If they decide to keep the mask mandate in place, and you don’t like it, don’t go. If they decide to lift the mask mandates, and you don’t feel that’s the right thing to do, don’t go.
There’s nothing to debate. Disney parks are private property, and they can do what they want.”

“I’m surprised someone hasn’t died from wearing a mask in the heat yet. Get rid of them!!”

“It was so nice at Legoland. You only had to wear them inside. Our local amusement park just lifted the outdoor mask rule, too.”

“I don’t want to wear a mask, but they’ll still get my money if they don’t make my 2 year old wear one. That’s just asinine.”

“Make them optional, no one is saying you can’t still wear one, but some of us would actually like to breath again, especially outdoors.”

“Masks are not necessary outside….unless you’re in a crowd. Even with lower capacity, Disney is pretty crowded.”

“WDW should get rid of masks when the CDC says it’s safe, and not a second before that.”

“It needs to end now!!! Why are vaccinated people still wearing masks anyway?? We are taking our kids and grandkids-21 of us in October,so I hope it ends before then. The CDC sends out mixed messages!!”

“A little of a tangent….After riding a hyper coaster at six flags a few years ago, i think masks should always be worn on coasters. Every drop i was sprayed with spit from everyone ahead of me screaming. Front row for now on…”

“No. Not enough are vaccinated, people from all over, and too many that never took anything serious.”

“Really doesn’t matter to me. As long as Disney requires it, I will comply and go out and have as much fun as possible!
But HELL YEAH! They should NOT require guests to wear masks outdoors. Follow the science…”

In summary, you may question why when the results are so heavily weighted towards the get rid of the masks viewpoint that we have included quite a few comments from those you appear to be for keeping the mask mandate outside in the current climate. This is purely because there was a number of comments from those expressing opinions to stay cautious and keep the mask mandate outside.

I thought there was an interesting comment from one reader who said they didn’t want to wear a mask but would if they had to but they felt getting their 2 year old to wear a mask was not on. Our son has asthma and I certainly wouldn’t be happy with him having to wear a mask all day at Walt Disney World so I can definitely understand this point of view. With the new guideline in place where masks can now be removed in outdoor areas this makes it so much better. For those that have previously said they won’t consider going to the parks until masks have gone it will be interesting to see if they will be tempted now?

Magic Kingdom, Castle
Image: Disney

One reader also commented saying that they felt masks should always be worn on coasters, regardless of COVID-19 due to the amount of spit they felt from screaming riders when on a hypercoaster at a Six Flags park recently. I see the logic behind this comment but some might say this is a slightly extreme measure.

For majority of our readers the news that the mask mandate outdoors at Walt Disney World has been removed will be a breath of fresh air. We always love to hear your comments and if you haven’t had your say yet you can leave us a comment below or on our Facebook page. Be sure to look out for our new Big Debate which will be coming to Theme Park Tourist soon!